1.3.1b Patch Notes

How come so many whiners are wondering why they nerf FB now. Perhaps because of the race season incoming and the fact that EVERYONE played flameblast templar last season? -_-
Last edited by GilgameshNL#4850 on Feb 13, 2015, 12:50:48 AM
Verminoth wrote:
Way to nerf my build in some secondary patch notes mid season when I put in 8 days and 21 hours into my level 88 flameblaster.

You couldn't have waited until the expansion comes out or after this league?


And yet it'll still be ridiculously good. Still one-shotting 76/77 bosses.


NoLifeNiffler wrote:
Enjoy some oneshots:


There's your proof.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Feb 13, 2015, 12:54:54 AM
Wiki wrote:
Version history

Reduced the damage of Flameblast by 20%.


We have reduced the critical strike chance from 6% to 5%. We have reduced the damage by 15% at all levels.


Fixed a problem where Flameblast was accidentally buffed heavily in 1.1.0. Based on feedback on the insane version, we then buffed the pre-1.1.0 version by 48% on purpose in this patch.


Flameblast has been added to the game.

Since it's introduction Flameblast has had a number of changes to damage. If we take all of them into account and consider the damage it had when it was introduced we get almost the same value we had then (more specifically a buff of 0.64%). At the time things like this were still possible.

Considering how much people pronounce each and every thing dead every time a change occurs GGG should add a new Doom Prophet class. It's bound to be popular.
FB is not nerfed :)

what nerfs FB is 'cannot ignite'. sadly GGG will never do that. as long as FB can ignite it will be absolutely crazy. even with 50% of current damage

still waiting for QoL - hastily promised after that reddit coming-out but as many things in the past - dropped soon after
rip flameblast gtfo now.
2.0 ain't no melee patch.
pfff all this boys are crying like little girls from kindergarden for real, U ARE IN THE FKING WRAECLAST! better man up and show that even nerfed u still can do stuff, instead of facerolling in mainstream only builds cos its x2-x3 stronger than any random regular ability
Am I the only one not happy with flask changes?

Chill and shock immunity make perfect sense but bleeding and freeze? Please, that's just fucking pvp balance and removes even more reaction based gameplay in pve. Gameplay in PoE is the most lacking thing already, 90% of all builds are left-click to move, right-click to kill.
Seriously, what is this.

Also burn immunity? Why does that not exist? There's your proof it's pvp balance, would be too much of a hard counter vs RF builds.

Nice 'pvp balance won't affect pve' once again.
What the fuck.

Tornado Shot 2x as OP as Flameblast, yet Flameblast gets nerfed ?
Neon, shitty balancer.
Lol.... i cant tell the difference on my Flameblaster. Works like before the patch. Cant even reconise any clear speed loss xD
RagnarokX wrote:
What the fuck.

Tornado Shot 2x as OP as Flameblast, yet Flameblast gets nerfed ?
Neon, shitty balancer.

There are at least 10x more TS players than FB players for a reason. And it's not because they are looking for a challenging fun build.

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