Bloodlines vs Torment... Cross-league events

edit: WE DID IT! The solution below is going to be implemented :D

Torment and Bloodlines will now fight in the same event as of Season2. This is wrong for a multitude of reasons that I would like to explain here. However please note this decision does not seem possible to revert, so I will also include a solution that compromises and will hopefully satisfy both leagues and GGG. Let's begin with the problems:

-League Mods:
Torment has tormented spirits which can give extra and rarer loot from monsters. This has an impact in the quantity and quality of items in general play, but especially in boss farming. If you are specifically farming normal difficulty's piety or dominus for LLD gear, you will encounter plenty of spirits over your weeks of farming, thus giving you more loot.

-Difficulty Differences
In hardcore leagues, you run the risk of dieing. The cost of losing a character's gear is quite heavy. It requires buying new gear for a new character, but also costs you time where you could of otherwise been farming. If from Day 1 of the challenge leagues, a player starts in Torment with a goal of farming currency and gear for LLD, he can do it risk free and never have to worry about funding additional ripped chars. Furthermore, because you cannot die, this allows you farm harder content faster. For example, you can choose to get rich by farming Atziri or even Uber Atziri where you have 6 portals to attempt it and dieing will not have any negative impact.

-Gear Differences
Some items will be exclusively achievable by Torment. For example, Brutus Sprinkler is a build enabling LLD unique that does not drop in Bloodlines, but is very common in Torment. Also, The Uber Atziri items will have a signficant impact for HLD. A torment character can have the Uber Atziri Axe (which i am told is extremely powerful in HLD) but Bloodlines characters will most likely not have it. edit: Someone recently mentioned that Scold's bridle with Cast When Dmg Taken is very strong in TMT HLD, a unique unavailable to Bloodlines.

-Punishing Late Announcement
This announcement is done 1 week away from the pvp season start. This means all those who started bloodlines and who play it exclusively OR have invested a lot of time in bloodlines, are now screwed and its too late to fix this. Starting torment for the first time now is much too late. Some people play only Bloodlines and others even have made their pvp characters in BOTH leagues in hope that they would partake in both events. Now one of their characters is useless, as they must now choose the best one instead.

The Fair Solution:
Put torment and bloodlines characters in the same events and rankings, but reward players based on leagues. To explain this, look at how Racing works. There is 1 ranking for all race characters, regardless of their class. THis means there can be 10 Witches in top 10. However, the rewards (demigods) are given to the top of each class, to be as fair as possible. If we applied this to pvp, this means that the first place torment player gets a demi and the first place bloodlines gets a demi. Below is an example of a racer ranking that applies this and a pvp ranking that applies this:

Example in Racing:
1. Witch *
2. Witch
3. Witch
4. Duelist *
5. Templar *

The '*' represents the player that wins a demi. Although the templar finished 5th in the race, he is the first templar so he wins a demi. Now let's apply this to PVP:

Example in PVP:
1. Torment *
2. Torment
3. Bloodline *
4. Bloodline
5. Torment

The bloodline character did not finish first in the ranking but he is the highest ranked bloodline player. Note that this does not stop at demigods (Victors) but also season points/ladders. This works for racing and it will work for pvp. I hope this solution is satisfactory to everyone. GGG has agreed to discuss this solution in a meeting tomorrow so please show your support for this solution, and this will hopefully swayed them in the right direction.
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Feb 11, 2015, 12:26:49 AM

I support. Thanks for getting my idea out there, I am happy that people are supportive of this possible fix.

Last edited by mimivirus#7960 on Feb 10, 2015, 12:35:23 AM
I wholeheartedly support this petition. It is much easier to gear up a PVP character in torment than it is in bloodlines. Much larger player base, much more loot, easier to obtain loot, etc. The fact that characters from each league are held in the same standard for pvp is ridiculous. Also, for this announcement to come with just 5 days before the season is starting ruins a lot of people who have been gearing up in bloodlines.
i was heavily affected by this

8/8 Overachiever
+1 ---
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines
#1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill
Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013)
Wow I'm sick of +1'ing this suggestion. This is the last time, no more posts about it plz! :P

Also TIL GD is a prolific typer
Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Feb 10, 2015, 12:31:36 AM

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