What is the point of PvP?

Some people play PvP for the fun of kicking people's faces in.

I prefer to play PvP for Leo hideout decorations. Not a very good reason, given that he has less than 20 different decorations at level 8. Everything about Leo, really, is fairly unrewarding.

GGG has damned PvP by faint effort. They didn't want to stress the PvP paradigm or force anyone to play it, so they didn't really offer any reason to play it apart from its latent appeal to PvPers.

Unfortunately, their lack of given incentive means nobody plays it. I'm sure GGG already knows that their community is going to backlash at them no matter what they do. They may as well have made PvP another viable gameplay path with the initial release (then returned to building Act 4) rather than giving us this slow release of PvP (e.g: Seasons are released slowly and tailored to select audiences so they can gather feedback about PvP).

But that's just a difference in philosophy, I suppose.

Though I will say I wish they'd fix up their matching system. The way it is right now, it's too difficult for people of similar ranks to move up/down. You have to fight the same people hundreds of times and win or lose consecutively in order to actually get anywhere.

They should make the ranking changes less conservative (aka they change more) at the higher levels so people actually get more diverse matchups based on the available PvP pool at any given time (avg players in queue and therefore available for fights).
IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...)
Simple short answer: PVP is a lot of fun
wild_captain wrote:
Another whining skyforth thread.

So as you said in a lot of your previous "quality" threads/posts in the past you began pvp only after it was announced that a pvp season with rewards will exist. So we know why you are playing, and thats plain wrong.

PvP is all about the fights and the thrill of the kill, too see if you can win another human character with what you created. Doesnt matter if its still unbalanced cause those who played pvp before know that, and still pvp cause it offers something different than the core pve game. Human competitive interaction.

P.S. : Calamity couldnt stand more of your negativity and ridiculous/offensive/whining posts?

Not whining, I don't have much of an opinion lol. I can't participate past season 2 like season 1 since I'm off to uni. Although rewards were a nice part, there was frankly nothing else to do while i waited for Act 4 so i spent a tiny amount of exalts on a LLD build.

It's just simply a question.

P.S : I am the guild leader of my own guild.
I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Feb 8, 2015, 12:29:16 AM
Some old players can remmember D2 time , we dont have any of prizes or arenas at all , but after 10500 BAAL run we come to act1 zones for fun fights or do rule duels. So Poe is not a PVE, or PVP, or Trade game only , its complex(i like to see HEGE twich, this is how anyone need to play this game, wanna HC run it , wanna pvp run it, wanna be trader, go for trades).If u boring(like i am)quit for a week or month, play some games. Its complex gema and pvp is an H End of this game (tommy tell this).IMHO(sry for my english)
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
The only real hunt is the hunt of man.
ddub3987 wrote:
The only real hunt is the hunt of man.

And that man is certainly not you
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Why does ppl played pvp for 10 years in games like diablo 2?

Whats the reward ? None, no items, gold etc.

Only one thing : Pride. Or maybe two : fun and pride.

And this is even more important than any item.

Trying to get better and be the best should be the real point of the game.

Pvp is fun on POE (well i played 1 years ago but it was already fun and the mechanic is not far from d2) but it's still not as fun and challengin as in d2 (few guys will understand my words but what ever).

GGG should work out on the d2 pvp mechanics in my opinion since games are kinda similar :

-Dynamic gameplay : namelocking, chainlocking system, fast mobility, offensive and defensive phases etc... (1 round could last 10 mins with really skilled players)

- Balanced characters/builds : Not only depend on items, the only reason why you win a duel should be the way you are playing (obviously with decent items), obviously building is way more important in POE.

- Maps : I fond them too small, you could have differents way of playing in a map like snipers, tanks, dodgers etc... maps should be larger i think :)

and some more

The guys above are totaly right especialy MullaXul and MyEnemy

Pvp in diablo 2 was made by players themselves: rules (banned items etc), leagues, clans, etc.

Maybe thats missing i don't know.

Just my opinion.


Last edited by DHA#6800 on Feb 9, 2015, 9:02:14 AM
MyEnemy wrote:
You keep talking about rando pub kids and clans like it means shit. No character you ever had would beat my liberator or my bva and probably not my rabies/fury either. Apparently you never even tried to gm melee either probably because you were too poor.
I'm sure you were top tier in your little pub world with your little kid clans though, nice.

How come everything you write further solidifies the fact you were just a druid grove lurker whiner pvper? The melees I'd beat so bad with my melee or casters that would fake afk in town til I left or just flat out save and exit when I joined. You can't tell me you honestly weren't because I've played the game as long or longer then you and there wasn't a scrub 1h nor 2h rabies druid, liberatorpally, non ww barb nor kicker/claw sin that did anything to me but die or leave. If you don't know these clans you aren't high level pvping, fact.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 9, 2015, 10:46:46 AM
@Mulla & MyEnemy,

English please.
IGN: KevShienZ

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Oh, and Kai.. Here(beef between these two d2 buns) we have a perfect example of why people PvP, plainly because it's a primal instinct to beat others and establish superiority. The alpha feeling of dominance from kills is incentive enough, materialistic rewards are just a plus. Think CS:Go, which got u hooked on for a bit, but with guns and gear u could farm and customize/upgrade, but in an ARPG setting = PoE.
IGN: KevShienZ

#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212
#1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212
#1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212

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