Does anyone feel like bows are overpowered this season?

I've been playing bow on torment, and the only thing thats competitive about it is traps. They're nerfing nado, when I can't even kill a 2h user with no block with my vuln on hit nado. I'm confused highly with that nerf. Not a single bow character won a swiss last season, did they? Then why the nerf?

Bump split arrow up, bump poison arrow, idc, make other stuff viable.

Just don't make the only viable bow skill useless, because it's gonna be a melee domination again this season. For the interest of diversity at least, geez, let other stuff be competitive.
Pretty much every other bow skill is garbage aside from nado / puncture because most people will always be moving. Nado with lmp shoots arrows everywhere so it can potentially hit moving targets but all the other skills are so underwhelming. The times you land hits, most likely blocked. Projectiles that leave the actual attacker will be pretty bad in pvp unless you are super close in which case melee will wreck you.

You basically have to use nado if you want a chance and combine that with puncture trap to fight decent melee people. If you don't 1-2 shot, have fun stalling each round.

I've tried a lot of bow setups and they all pretty much suck aside from nado / puncture.

Barrage = might as well be melee, you'll only win against some bowers.

The only other strat is to spam offscreen with lmp for max potential hits.

I wish mechanics would be addressed instead of just damage.
Last edited by terrex#7466 on Jan 29, 2015, 6:31:07 PM
Yeah I think bows will be completely rekt in the patch. If the nerfs really are going to be direct damage nerfs to trap and TS its going to be horrible.

TS does literally no damage at the moment. 4link puncture auto attack is often better than 6link TS at the moment already.

We will not see a single bower who could fight the best melees next patch.. Have fun shooting only puncture autoattacks! -.-
don't freak out before you find out how much the skills will be nerfed by
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
Tornado shot is extremely strong
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terrex wrote:
Pretty much every other bow skill is garbage aside from nado / puncture because most people will always be moving. Nado with lmp shoots arrows everywhere so it can potentially hit moving targets but all the other skills are so underwhelming. The times you land hits, most likely blocked. Projectiles that leave the actual attacker will be pretty bad in pvp unless you are super close in which case melee will wreck you.

You basically have to use nado if you want a chance and combine that with puncture trap to fight decent melee people. If you don't 1-2 shot, have fun stalling each round.

I've tried a lot of bow setups and they all pretty much suck aside from nado / puncture.

Barrage = might as well be melee, you'll only win against some bowers.

The only other strat is to spam offscreen with lmp for max potential hits.

I wish mechanics would be addressed instead of just damage.

Tornado shot isn't usable as is, it's the best bow skill besides puncture, yes. But it's still not even a deterrent against melee. The only thing that works about tornado shot is stun, if your opponent is stun immune or close to it with leo's helm mod, you're just wasting your time by firing arrows. Drop traps, run, and pray, it's the only way to beat anyone as a bow build right now.
Bow users might not have the same dps but they sure as hell have a shit ton more mobility.
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Skyforth wrote:
Bow users might not have the same dps but they sure as hell have a shit ton more mobility.

Sure, they have blink arrow and smoke mine.

......And melee builds have flicker, whirling blades, and smoke mine. And flicker covers the distance of 90% of the screen, can be linked to melee splash to break traps on landing, and whirling blades breaks 75+% of traps without taking any damage.

I played melee for a long time, and all you need is a shield, whirling blades, and flicker to catch a guy with a bow pretty consistently. Only time I've ever been dissuaded from rushing a guy with a bow is CC puncture traps with vuln on hit.
jcostello1 wrote:
Skyforth wrote:
Bow users might not have the same dps but they sure as hell have a shit ton more mobility.

Sure, they have blink arrow and smoke mine.

......And melee builds have flicker, whirling blades, and smoke mine. And flicker covers the distance of 90% of the screen, can be linked to melee splash to break traps on landing, and whirling blades breaks 75+% of traps without taking any damage.

I played melee for a long time, and all you need is a shield, whirling blades, and flicker to catch a guy with a bow pretty consistently. Only time I've ever been dissuaded from rushing a guy with a bow is CC puncture traps with vuln on hit.

Ofcourse bow shouldnt have the same dps wtf, they are ranged..They dont need to be in your face to attack, they can stand back running around
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:

Ofcourse bow shouldnt have the same dps wtf, they are ranged..They dont need to be in your face to attack, they can stand back running around

Nobody thinks they should have the same dps as melee. Were you responding to me?

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