HLD Cyclone nerfed?
" How much experience of HLD do you have? I have never seen anyone complain about cyclone being op in HLD(read, not LLD). I can give you a few tips since I guess you have no experience whatsoever if you find it op. Can be used by anyone Bear trap fucks cyclone Frostwall fucks cyclone, but a good player can work around it Smokemine if you got timing fucks cyclone Casters Cwdt/cws setups Molten shell It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" Ha beating on shitty scrubs in lld that likely never pvped until now validates opness. Puncture,bear trap,range,chill, not standing like a dumbass all counters cyclone. I don't care what's nerfed I use many skills and adapt to every match. Its just funny, the things ppl write. I didn't see molten nor cyclone breaking lld invitationals either BTW. Like nerfing vengeance on facebreakers, one guy did anything with them and it looked legit. He played his ass off to even get past the stupidity that was traps/bow...which was actually dominating. Hope GGG keeps nerfing stuff based on things like beasting on scrubs with 0 experience or lack of effort to properly counter. So all that's left is lazy shit, bad players and bad players that think theyre good. So I can say I saw this coming years ago in my earliest PvP feedback. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jan 26, 2015, 10:43:32 AM
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" Tommie frostwall does nothing to cyclone. IGN: MullaXul
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" Wait, so.. I shouldn't be using cleave??? |
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" Mulla, terrex is topracer, so his experience is hugh in pvp due to him playing 1month of LLD and few events in HLD. Listen to him plz before bullshitting with your "1year pvp experience" It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" You don't need much pvp experience to spot when something is mechanically advantageous. |
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" Cyclone mechanically advantageous? Are you for real? It's due ot its mechanic its so easy to counter with frostwall, chill, bleed and also bear trap. Edit: Should mention, that if all my characters beats yours for an example(doesn't have to be you), does it mean all those skills are broken? " Pretty sure eeveryone shot you down, and since I tried both with top gear and cleave was superior, don't see your point. It's hard to remember what you have forgotten ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them Last edited by Tommie_Sjukskriven#7744 on Jan 26, 2015, 10:45:58 AM
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who is the man in the yellow suit from The Flash any knows?
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Ha 1year experience, Tommie I have over 20yrs exp pvping in these types of games. Not that its 100% relevant here but it is funny when ppl come from call of duty or racing pvm thinking they know shit haha. Its like anything semi related, if you're a fps player for years you carry that exp to other fps and it should show. If you're a clueless racer scrub that thinks mirrors and facetanking ppl instead of tree,smart item useage and movement = PvP...well it shows in the results too.
IGN: MullaXul
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" Note that i meant a bit, and by a bit that was destroying the gem since i knew it was going to be nerfed (along with molten) and made a build that didn't use either. Eitherway, the damage of Cyclone is too high FOR LLD WHICH IS THE FOCUS OF SEASON 1. I proved it, with actual evidence a few days into PvP season 1. ANYWAY Who the fuck cares about HLD? It's just a group of exalt filled circlejerkers who believe wealth plays a minimal role in PvP and that PvE changes (arguably the more important aspect of this game) that impact HLD (the arguably extreme minority) are a sin. As for "beasting scrubs with 0 experience", I held the #1 LLD HC Rating for the majority of the season, and i was unable to participate 75% of the season along with the invitationals due to being overseas. Nevertheless, in a 1v1 i beat most of the participants in HC and for softcore i beat Lapiz who was the winner. Nevertheless, the circlejerking from the HLD community doesn't reveal a welcoming nor inviting nature. Seems that some of said community show entitled prospects towards the balance changes when it's obvious HLD isn't the focus, nor do people actually care. Ironically, balance isn't even the issue since why the fuck would people HLD when it's obvious that "beasting on scrubs with 0 experience" reflect the core ideology of a full set a mirrored items shitting on someone with 20ex of gear. -_- I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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