[Guide] Hideout References

Now that you've finished your hideout it's the time to showcase it. Presentation is important! Poor presentation may lead people to not view your hideout at all. Spend a bit of time to present your hideout in a way that showcases the effort you've put into it.

One of the most common mistakes is not adding image/url BB code. Not many people will bother to highlight and paste the image link you've put in your post. Don't worry BB code is simple, simply add the image tags around the image url or highlight the image url in your post and click the "Image" button at the top.

The forums will automatically scale down your images to fit. If you'd like to display your images in higher resolution you can use an image host such as imgur.com and make an album. Don't forget to add the url code so people can click on it.

Do not add spoiler tags for each and every screenshot. Having to click on every spoiler tag serves no purpose other than annoying the viewer.

Another common mistake is taking screenshots with the game UI on. The game UI will both distract viewers and obscure things you may want to be seen. Below are two examples, one with the game UI on and one without.

There are various obstructions cause in the UI, most of them are avoidable through the options menu.
• Buffs
• Chat
• HP/MP numbers
• The bottom UI
• Highlighting
• Summons/Pets
• Auras
• Character Effects and Apparitions
• Mini HP bars
• Performance statistics
• Minimap/Overlay map
• Quest Tracker
• Friend Notifications
• Window Bar

Keep in mind you want to showcase your hideout, not your character.

This screenshot lacks any UI. The bottom UI was cropped off since there's no option to turn it off. You can crop using a program such as ShareX or just edit them afterwards. You don't have to crop it though.

When doing a video mute your mic unless you want to talk during the video. Ensure that you capture the game in the correct aspect ratio as well as leave out the window borders. OBS is a great video capturing program that allows customization of output files and is watermark free.

If you're doing a video and would like better camera movement consider lowering your movement speed. Making your character slower will give more time for the viewer to process the atmosphere and detail of your hideout.

To capture video without any UI using OBS:
• Increase the size of your game window. It will have to be extremely long to hide any UI.
• Right click your source, go to filters.
• Add a Crop/Pad filter.
• Uncheck Relative and set the width/height of the capture.
• Change the X/Y positioning until your character is centered.
• Record.


An example of video stitching. It stiches 9 different videos together.

By stitching video together you can create the illusion of zooming out past the normal distance. This technique, however, does have its limitations. Because PoE isn't a true isometric game and uses FoV any movement by the player will change perspective, and thus skew stitching. It is recommended to record around short objectives and those of natural, as opposed to artificial, backgrounds as these are more forgiving.

I start by recording the game at an extremely large resolution. You wont be able to see more by increasing the height of the video but increasing the width will show more, albeit with more skewing. For this example I recorded at 3400x800 and scaled it down in the editor to a 1280x720 canvas. The bottom of the video is cropped to remove the UI and the top is also cropped with feathering to allow it to blend into the next video. I start from the bottom up as there's more space above the player than below as the UI obscures much of the bottom. I use Adobe Premiere to edit video but any decent video editor should have similar functions.

The next video gets the same treatment. I recorded all of the videos on the same Y axis so I'll only need to move each video on a single axis to stitch them. I'm looking for landmarks so I can correctly align them to each other.

Further in the process. The crop needed to have some weird angles in it as the outside edges are skewed more.

The completed stitch prior to blurring. As you can see the outsides show duplication and some clear stitching marks. The skewing makes it difficult which is why natural objects like trees are well suited for this technique.

The entire process is quite time consuming, especially if you want to have a clean edges.
Last edited by Sie_Sayoka#6666 on Apr 1, 2019, 11:30:45 PM
Patch 3.5.4 Changes

Flasks are now purple. They do not have the pseudo-light that they had previously. Unfortunately this means that one of the planets in my Observatory hideout is broken.

Oriath Lantern now has a blue green light comparable to the color of ghostflame. The radius is pretty good.

The canopy for Travel Wagon has changed from black to green. It is now identical to the Light Cargo Wagon.

Foothills grass now has 2 snow variants.
Last edited by Sie_Sayoka#6666 on Feb 23, 2019, 8:10:58 PM
Favor Farming Part 2

In the previous favor post I described how to farm favor sustainably. Meaning that you can continue indefinitely as the drops should be enough to cover the costs. In this post I'll list the ways of unsustainable farming. You'll bleed currency but the rate of favor per hour is higher. None of these methods focus on "playing" the game normally. Speed is the key to maximizing favor and as such it is recommended to build around it.

T1/T2 Rushing

I mainly used this method to farm atlas objectives but it is decent for favor as well. Maps that allow you to view the entire map and have a quick, fixed boss route are preferred. Maps such as Ramparts and Iceberg are excellent as you'll have to traverse the entirety of the map in order to reach the boss. Maps such as Atoll and Channel are not because of the multiple dead ends which can hide Zana and Niko. With a +250% movement speed build I was able to farm around 150k/hr which is comparable to quarry. The next update will raise the atlas objective chance but the majority of favor comes from random missions.

Sulphite Scarabs

Sulphite scarabs are one of the easier methods to farm favor. Assuming you only want favor, and not sulphite as well, you actually want the 1 node missions. Rusted is preferred because of the cost. This method can do around 650k/hr.

Split Bestiary Rota

This method requires a party of 5. Split bestiary scarabs require a large amount of teamwork and communication. Every mistake will lead to a drastic amount of reduction to efficiency. Here's the order of steps:

• Each player opens a high tier map with a bestiary scarab.
• They capture all beasts except for one.
• Players rotate to each hideout to capture the final beast.
• Repeat

Assuming no one dies and everyone clears on time it can net around 1 million favor an hour. This is both the least forgiving and most efficient way to farm favor.


• Low Tier Boss Rushing 150k/hr
• Sulphite Scarabs 650k/hr
• Split Bestiary Rota 1m/hr

Although these numbers do look enticing take into consideration the time needed to farm currency as well as the time required to purchase the maps and scarabs. As Betrayal is going core next league and the scarab supply will decrease it will both be more expensive and difficult to purchase scarabs.

Just want to note that favour farming while doing syndicate farming was a pretty decent way, for me, to net some good favour while farming ~300c/h.

Granted you need a fast character. My pathfinder went around 435% mvmt spd.

I found Foothills to be the best spot, which could spawn Niko, Einhar and Alva missions.

I haven't got any precise data on efficiency, but I'd estimate the favour/hour was around 150-200k.

Hope anyone can use this information =)
paps wrote:
Just want to note that favour farming while doing syndicate farming was a pretty decent way, for me, to net some good favour while farming ~300c/h.

Granted you need a fast character. My pathfinder went around 435% mvmt spd.

I found Foothills to be the best spot, which could spawn Niko, Einhar and Alva missions.

I haven't got any precise data on efficiency, but I'd estimate the favour/hour was around 150-200k.

Hope anyone can use this information =)

I haven't heard of foothills farming before. That does sound pretty decent. Are Alva's and Niko's spawn points in decent locations?
You have to adjust a little bit to the layout (which is pretty much the same everytime, so a few runs and you'll know how to sprint through the zone).

The masters spawns are decent, but still spread out. When you know your way, on the other hand, and the crooks and corners that a beast or an incursion might pop in, hightens your efficiency quite abit.

The waypoint in Foothills is quite center, which makes it possible for faster zoning than perhaps Harbour Bridge (I personally have an old pc so, it's preferable to me that I don't have to switch zones constantly).

My routine usually takes me from waypoint down close to the Vastiri Desert (I never use this for zoning, always go back to the waypont), then run back up the way towards Tunnel. I rarely have to use Tunnel to zone back, since waypoint usually is close enough by when a zone is finished.

But overall it takes around a ½-1 minute to clear a zone spawning the syndicate. Which gives you around 60+ zones per hour. I would guess that every 3rd to 5th of the zones have some kind of master mission. That's 20 zones * 6500 favour = 130k Favour.

Now you might get lucky and you might be abit unlucky with the spawn rate. But this wasn't meant at all as a straight up favour farm, rather a currency farm with that added bonus of having some decent favour coming in =)
That does sound good. I may have to look into it if syndicate farming stays the same. Your estimate of 33-20% is accurate for the lower estimate I believe. Me and Xoivi did some logs for spawn rates in quarry and got around 20%.

What's interesting is that Alva and Niko share the same spawn locations along with essence and shrines. I'm unsure if the later two have any effect on master spawns though and it'd be unpractical to try and test that theory.

The first post has been cleaned up and updated. All that remains is the updating of the rest of the content then I can start on new stuff.

I also made a new hideout.
There's a lot of new stuff added in 3.6.0. The old masters have some new decorations and there's Jun as well. For leveling Jun killing Syndicate members is shared throughout the party. I'll be testing optimal ways to level her in the coming days.

It seems that favor farming has gotten worse since safehouses are much rarer now. We'll have to see how it turns out.
Last edited by Sie_Sayoka#6666 on Mar 12, 2019, 3:41:15 AM
Jun Farming

Currently, farming the Syndicate to level Jun takes an extremely long time. Even though there's 3 encounters there's no way to directly farm like with scarabs. There are, however, a couple methods to level her although it will take some time and be gated behind RNG. The entire syndicate system is poorly implemented and extremely convoluted compared to other masters (even Alva!).

Patch 3.6.2


• Fixing a bug where Intervention encounters could not occur if you had already completed another Job in the same area.

• Areas prior to Maps will only spawn a single Betrayal encounter. Map areas will continue to spawn three encounters. While we understand that players have been able to somewhat deterministically find Betrayal encounters by repeatedly creating new instances of areas such as The Quarry or The Foothills, we don't want this to be the correct answer. It is both bad for server load and not exactly the intended avenue to gather Intelligence. We are adjusting Intelligence-gain values towards Safehouse unlocks and Mastermind unlocks which should give players quicker access to these without having to resort to creating the same area repeatedly.

With these changes a large portion of this post is now obsolete. I'm unsure how long it will take to get Jun to 7 but your only options now are to just run maps or use prophecies. No mention of them fixing the tooltip so be wary of that.

Quarry Farming

I recommend this method to farm her. Quarry is preferred because several instances can be checked for her in a very short time. Quarry also has a higher random mission chance for Jun than maps. Random missions within maps are 40% but split between 5 masters for a chance of 8% for Jun. We have gathered data for Quarry and found that Jun spawns at a rate of around 10%. This, combined with the fast refresh rate of instances and no costs, means that quarry is the best place to farm Jun.

It is recommended prior to starting that you try to get Rin from maps. When partying, Rin will be one of the rarer exiles. You should also gear up to be fast as well. With a full party that knows what they are doing (reading this post) it should take no more than 5 hours to fully level Jun. Starting out will be slow because you'll need to set up syndicate relationships.

Syndicate Rules:
• If a safehouse has full intelligence it can not spawn.
• Research is guaranteed.
• The possibility for Intervention is guaranteed.
• Intervention will be blocked if an encounter is done before it. Do intervention first.
• Intervention has a chance to spawn if the host is near a rare or unique monster.
• One encounter will always be either Transport or Fortification.
• An encounter is considered complete once all the members are defeated.
• You must decide the fate of all members in order to initiate the next encounter.
• A "turn" for the syndicate intelligence happens after deciding for a member of an encounter.
• The host must be near an encounter to start it, with the exception of research.
• If an encounter is started whilst another one is in effect, the new encounter will take precedence. The old encounter will be cancelled.
• More than one master cannot be in the same instance.

Leveling Rules:
• The information text is poorly implemented and the ranks required will change.
• Defeating refers to subduing them in a fight, not deciding their fate.
• Undefeated refers to members that you have not subdued yet.
• Jun's level progress is granted upon defeating members.
• Jun's level progress applies to party members in the instance.

Favor Rules:
• Once an encounter is complete favor is rewarded at 1/3 the value of an equivalent master mission.
• Safehouses do not grant favor.

Quarry Rules:
• Only Jun, Alva, and Niko can spawn here.
• Research shares the spawn locations as Alva/Niko/Essence/Shrines/Cavas.
• Additional areas will be created outside of the Quarry for fortifications.
• Transportation can spawn anywhere where packs are located.

The extent you need to explore per instance. The blue spawns are ones that will be visible upon entering through the waypoint. The red spawns are ones you need to explore.

The possible spawn locations of fortification. Percentages are just an estimate.

The order of operations should be this:
• Walk around in a circle around the waypoint.
• If there is Alva reset the instance.
• If there is no research reset the instance.
• If there is research, wait for all party members to enter the instance.
• Walk around to get intervention.
• Go back to research and clear it.
• Meanwhile other party members search for the fortification or transport.
• Clear fortification or transport.
• Repeat.

Loading Times

It is possible to tell if Jun has spawned by differentiating the loading times of the instance. Jun will always have a longer loading time followed by Alva. By using loading times you can bypass the need to walk in a circle increasing your instances per hour.

Investigation Manipulation

The objectives of manipulating the investigation is different than in Betrayal League.However, because of the requirements to level Jun you will want a high turn-over rate to ensure you defeat as many different syndicate members as possible. At level 6 it is ideal to write down which rank 3 members you have defeated as there is no way to know in-game.

• Create as many rivalries as possible to increase the amount of members per encounter.
• Do not choose the remove all rivalries option.
• Prioritize increasing the rank of members. An encounter with 3 members will always give you a rank up option for the first choice, with a possibility for a second choice.
• Do safehouses as soon as they are at full intelligence.
• Imprison as little as possible unless you need to access the safehouse leaders.
• Once you have defeated a rank 3 member try to remove them from the syndicate.
• Do not do Catarina/Mastermind.

Decoration Level Tooltip

This thing is broken. Don't trust it. I've spent 20 hours in quarry to get to lv7, half of this was because I trusted the tooltip. To illustrate my point please refer to these screenshots.

Safehouse and the members. Only Rin is rank 3.

Screenshot of two party member's level progress before and after the safehouse.

In this instance, Rin counted as two members. The party members have not completed Rin before so her rank 2 and 3 counted towards their progress. I assume it works similarly to Alva's where you are granted progress per unique room and all the tiers below it. I'm not sure exactly what the requirements are as it's difficult to test but this will only be an issue going from rank 6 to 7.

• Skip Alva.
• Ensure that Alva's temple isn't ready so you can see her and reset faster.
• Only the host should start the research encounter. This is to prevent two conflicting encounters.
• It might be beneficial to keep the transport safehouse with full intelligence as long as you do not need the members in it. This ensures that Fortification will always spawn and there's only 3 spawn points for it.
• You do not need Catarina to get lv7 Jun but you will need Rin.
• If you have the same party then everyone's progress will be the same and you can focus on specific masters that you'll need. This will cut down on the grind significantly.

A Master Seeks Help Prophecy

This prophecy is a faster way to level Jun. However I do not recommend it as the cost to max her will be extremely high. Depending on the amount of time it takes to trade it may be slower than Quarry. This is, however, a good way to get Rin in your syndicate.

The official trade site can search for Jun's prophecy but poe.trade does not have this mod yet. To search for Jun choose "Not" under mods and list all of the other masters in the mods. This will enable you to search for Jun through the process of elimination.

• Intervention not spawning if an encounter has been done.
• Having 2 encounters at the same time.
• Sometimes members will not spawn.
• Safehouse intelligence capping between turns resulting in members not spawning.


Although it took me 20 hours to get lv7 Jun most of this was from testing and figuring out the optimal strategies. It should only take a few hours to fully level her within a party. I think this is also the most optimal way to farm scarabs as well. I'm unsure of the profitability of safehouses compared to Betrayal league but because both intervention and research are guaranteed it may end up being comparable.

Overall I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed in the implementation of syndicate mechanics currently. As stated in the first paragraph it's too convoluted and the amount of bugs make progress difficult. I have no idea how people are supposed to get enough encounters to level Jun "normally" through maps. SSF also got screwed.
Last edited by Sie_Sayoka#6666 on Mar 21, 2019, 7:15:54 PM
Another great post! Thanks a lot for your effort!

As for this:
Random missions within maps are 33% but split between 5 masters for a chance of 6.6% for Jun. We have gathered data for Quarry and found that Jun spawns at a rate of around 11% or nearly twice the amount of maps.

I think we got exact numbers from GGG:
The chance for encountering a master has been increased, and the other masters will be as common as they were in 3.5.0. In maps, overall master encounters have been increased from a 33% to a 40% chance. The chance to encounter any individual master is equally weighted across all five masters.

Master spawn chance in areas is 10% if I remember correctly. Also
There is now a 20% chance (up from 16%) on completing a map to have an Atlas Objective appear.

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