Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

Hi all,

Im looking for a guild, to chat with folks about this great game.
Im 26y.o, native russian speaking but can chat in english.
Playing HC only, since 2015y ;)

Will be glad to join to a nice guild,

IGN - constantly changing as it's HC :)
Off and on player since closed beta. This is my first league back since they switched to 10 acts instead of going through normal, cruel, then merciless. I have a lot of game knowledge yet there is way more new stuff that I'm catching onto. I'd like to join a guild where I can both help newer players plus learn from those who have been in leagues I've missed. I'm in the US but I play at all times of the day with my crazy schedule.
Played Closed beta a long time ago and recently started playing again. Im level 82 looking for a casual guild. Im 33 and live in Canada and only speak English.
Last edited by Bwenz on Apr 8, 2019, 8:17:34 PM
Looking for a somewhat casual guild to laugh and enjoy one of my favorite games with while also avoid the toucans

I'm 20-ish and proficient in English, Spanish and Romanian.
I've played since the Harby league and familiar with all the game mechanics

this thread ingame appears to be dead?

looking for a guild with more than 1 active person ... with a focus on challenges and fun.
LF guild to teach my everything.

The guild recruitment channel is dead .
Last edited by lunatic8005 on Apr 16, 2019, 9:46:05 PM

Cherche une guilde FR pour jouer et apprendre plein de choses ! Ne chercher pas une guilde hardcore mais plutôt détente.

Voili voilou !
Hey there, I'm a fairly new player and looking for a friendly and active guild
Hello Guild Masters,
Casual soft-core player looking for a guild to play with.
Does this work?

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