Multiple Flicker Gems
As far as I can tell, using an extremely high damage 2-handed weapon like the unique maul and having 3+ flicker strike gems equipped is the strongest thing you can do at lvl 28 PvP. Its pretty impossible to run from or do anything to stop, because you can flicker while in bear trap too. The only way to deal with it is to be incredibly tanky and be able to outdps them while they flicker you over and over. This cuts the playable builds pretty drastically if you're trying to make a char that doesn't just auto lose to high damage, separate cooldown flicker strikes. You have to give up skill slots to take more flickers and thats the only downside, but flicker is the most consistent way to land an attack on a target anyway so why would you need anything else?
Other skills with a cooldown like cold snap/bear trap can be stacked to good results as well, but flicker is the most glaring one because you can use it to deal such high damage compared to the others, and running from someone with 2-3+ flickers is more or less impossible. It seems like the best fix is just to make the separate gems share a cooldown, because what is the point of a cooldown on the skill if you can just use 4 of them? |
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if you use 4 flicker you obvioslu... cant use other skill )
28 imba dmg 2h flicker can be stopped |
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I agree, this is the issue with alot of skills that has cooldown.
I'm sure the cooldown timer is there for a reason and it's so easy to bypass these timers by having several of the same gem. And you rarely need to have 8 skills at your disposal. Most players i face in both -28 pvp and merciless has at most two active skills for attack one totem or trap depending and some sort of escape or flicker and maybe a curse. Auras you can cast quickly at the beginning of a battle. The investment of using a multitude of gems to bypass cooldown timers is really too small to make it balanced. |
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" I know you didn't read the actual post because I addressed this in there, but the issue isn't that it's unbeatable. Overpowered =/= unstoppable. It's just straight up better than any other melee skill you can use to deal damage to an opponent, and its good vs melee too because you move out of the way of their attacks. Basically I'm saying that if you are playing a melee char who deals weapon damage and you aren't using 3+ flicker strikes you're doing it wrong, which is stupid. |
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I'm surprised this exploit hasnt been fixed yet.
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Im prety sure it will somehow be fixed, the only reason its not fixed is GGG is too busy with more important things atm.
That insane dps lvl 28 unique maul with 3 flickers (with blood magic) is almost unstopable. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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I've beaten such chars in 1v1 but I got the feeling it was because I was better geared then them. I had to use granite flasks to do it and I confirmed they weren't using anything to mitigate my damage (chaos from viper strike). I had temp chains on them, chill debuff, and vulnerability curse and it was still a close fight even using granites, and I feel like I have one of the best possible builds to fight such chars anyway.
The only reason I think it's a problem is because the nonstop flicker 2h thing just straight up autowins against 90%+ of the character builds you can make, which is reason enough to consider changing how the cooldowns work. It's also pretty boring/one-dimensional but obviously thats just my opinion. |
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This is an exploit. Cool down is meant for a reason. Three out of four ppl in lvl28 bracket are 3x flicker unique maul marauders. This build is unstoppable for any builds. I've talked to a few people in this bracket with decent gear and good skills, it's pretty much understood there is no way of beating beating this exploit. PVP in lvl28 bracket is basically spamming WERWERWER on your keyboard.
My advice, if you see a flicker marauder, just log out. IGN: gingerlala
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I am yet to see a build like this on HC, and I don't think they are unbeatable if you have proper defense and a reasonable DPS/utility skills.
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If you have extremely good gear, you can beat them, but if they have extremely good gear - no chance.
The only way I beat them is when they a) run out of mana, b) I am lucky to block at least one of three hits with shield c) they have crap defense But if marauder has some poison resists/good life regen + good mana pool/blood magic, then its death to everyone, especially when cursed with vulnaribility. So, scenario is very simple, marauder uses molten shell, then curses you with temporar chains/enfeeble or vulnaribility (if you do crap damage), then autoaimingly flickers to you basicly nonstop. Bear trap will not do much to them, viper strike too. On top of that, they can use extremely fast bow with faster projectiles + lmp to get frenzy charges, so that they can even flicker 6+ times in a row. If this unique maul would requere lvl 29 = problem solved. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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