Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

thank you for this
swaart wrote:

I made a few minor modifications to the build and this is the current setup I have:
- I have picked all gear to be armor based because from past experiences I don't really trust evasion or a mix between armor/evasion/ES
- swapped: Hypothermia support for Efficacy Support (I am not sure if this was the right thing to do)
- swapped: Cold snap for conductivity
- swapped: Mana leech for culling strike

It literally doesn't matter if you have 1k armor or 2k, the difference is negligible.
Hypothermia instead of efficacy gives you 19% MORE damage, it's a huge difference. But you need a source of cold damage (from abyss jewel, for example).
You swaped cold snap for conductivity, but you still has enfeeble(and elemental weakness). You actually losing damage and surviveability by doing that. You can't apply two curses (you need special talents or items to do that).
Mana leech is very good for mana sustain in hard fights, especially that you don't have mana leech watcher's yet. But it's up to you, culling strike is good too.
Btw, why you are not using two fragility jewels as recommended in the guide? You are losing all the reasons to use Ahn's shield without fragility jewels, might as well do dual wield dagger/sceptre at that point. But I highly recommend to use fragilities for permanent onslaught
Last edited by blg_RealiZe#1295 on Nov 13, 2018, 8:27:12 AM
blg_RealiZe wrote:
swaart wrote:

I made a few minor modifications to the build and this is the current setup I have:
- I have picked all gear to be armor based because from past experiences I don't really trust evasion or a mix between armor/evasion/ES
- swapped: Hypothermia support for Efficacy Support (I am not sure if this was the right thing to do)
- swapped: Cold snap for conductivity
- swapped: Mana leech for culling strike

It literally doesn't matter if you have 1k armor or 2k, the difference is negligible.
Hypothermia instead of efficacy gives you 19% MORE damage, it's a huge difference. But you need a source of cold damage (from abyss jewel, for example).
You swaped cold snap for conductivity, but you still has enfeeble(and elemental weakness). You actually losing damage and surviveability by doing that. You can't apply two curses (you need special talents or items to do that).
Mana leech is very good for mana sustain in hard fights, especially that you don't have mana leech watcher's yet. But it's up to you, culling strike is good too.
Btw, why you are not using two fragility jewels as recommended in the guide? You are losing all the reasons to use Ahn's shield without fragility jewels, might as well do dual wield dagger/sceptre at that point. But I highly recommend to use fragilities for permanent onslaught

omg... thanks, I am a retard, didn't notice the double curse impediment.
Will do a refinement asap
Hi Enki, really awed by how much effort you have put into your guide and I will be trying this build out to the best of my abilities in the new update. Hopefully, you will have updated this guide and I will have finally found my go-to build. Thanks!
I've played around a bit with the dualwield idea. The DPS gain can get pretty significant, WB however doesn't feel any faster and there's the loss of +3 maxres. I wouldn't completely rule out the idea tho for a future patch.

The Bubonic/Kaom's Roots switch would be pretty convenient, but that's about the only gain. Atleast with the current setup it would take near perfect gear to cap resistances, or giving up other DPS suffixes which will nullify the DPS gain from two jewels.

It actually was part of the setup at first, but i've eventually dropped it for its lack of life. May work together with the above 2sock Bubonic Trail idea tho.

In addition to the belt blg_RealiZe mentioned (although your current one is good), you could look out for a sceptre upgrade. There's a trade search link in the "How to look for & buy gear" miniguide.

You could farm some fossils for easier crafting, especially Metallic and Pristine will be helpful, and hope for some of the uniques to drop from the chests behind walls. Other than that, pretty much just what's already in the SSF progression miniguide. If you don't already, farm Prophecies until you get a Mind of the Council drop.

Can't see anything particularly wrong with your setup, it's probably just a matter of getting comfortable with the fights. Also fully upgrade your Pantheon if you haven't yet.

A Lv21 Arc would be the first step, you're also missing two Fragility jewels for Onslaught and your Arcane Surge is way too high leveled. After that is fixed, look out for a weapon upgrade.

Taming would be great if it had life on it. Without that, i'd rather focus on lots of res and life/mana on on ring and getting that DPS through other slots.

Your character tab is private so I can't check, but if you type "Strength" into the search bar in the PoB setup and compare with your current tree you'll be able to find out.

Basically just the same. It's obviously not the most foolproof setup, but it works well if you can handle the playstyle and know the risks.

Beacon of Ruin overrides the regular shocking rules, we always shock for 20% * (1 + shock effect) and with 150% shock effect we always reach the maximum 50%. Any shock effect beyond 150% is wasted.

I see you've finally killed Uber Elder, congrats to that! There are however good reasons why it was so difficult and took you so long. The biggest one is missing mana sustain, Mana Leech gem linked to Orb of Storms isn't reliable enough with all the dot effects and everything going on, a leech Watcher's Eye is a massive help to stay ranged while not running out of mana.

The other reason is your choice to dump the Alchemist cluster for some minor DPS nodes. Alchemist is not just a DPS boost, it also increases defenses and life recovery from your life flask, which together with a Catalysed Eternal Life Flask and ugpraded Arakaali + Ryslatha Pantheon makes a huge difference in sustain. The minor crit nodes on the way also help proccing Elemental Overload more reliably, which depending on your uptime is a huge boost to actual DPS output.

The rest i've already explained in prior replies.

i'd recommend sticking to the original tree, see the above reply why. Start with a Lv21 Arc for a huge damage boost. With a leech Watcher's Eye you don't need Mind of the Council, so you could switch that out for a DPS helmet. The mastercraft on your ring doesn't work with Arc, replace that with mana. Your flasks could also be rolled better, it's an integral part of the build. After all that you should look out for a new weapon, there'S a link in the "How to look for & buy gear" miniguide.

Aside from a new weapon there's nothing really to upgrade. Your Arcane Surge is also too high leveled and your flasks are missing quality.

Attack & Cast Speed stat gives us lots of value as it both increases our Shield Charge speed and raises our Arcs cast speed, instead of just doing one of those things. Cast Speed on its own is not as valuable, we do reach the 5 casts/sec goal pretty easily and after that it's just personal preference if you want to stack it higher or get other stats to improve overall clearspeed.

Elementalist + Slayer Ascendant should work, but you will lose quite some DPS. The minimum shock damage increases on Scion Elementalist is only 10% and realistically you'll only be able to scale it up to ~25%. Hypothermia also won't work due to missing minimum chill effect, and you'll have to give up one of the three DPS prefixes for leech on sceptre or stick with a Catalyst.

Just some minor changes in filter, mostly highlighting potentially useful items to identify for early gearing and some altered tier lists.

As for Watcher's Eye, i'd highly recommend getting one or alternatively, a Mind of the Council and then replace that once you can afford the Watcher's Eye.

I'd highly recommend to switch to this builds original tree first, check my reply to I_GameR why.

Clear Mind, DPS amulet & Stygian Vise + jewel should be within your budget, could also get a shaped helmet with some DPS stats and rebalance for Wise Oak that way. Boot and glove enchants can be easily farmed, no need to spend currency. Save for a leech Watcher's Eye after that and then a Lv21 Arc.

Start with getting a 5L Inpulsa so that you can throw fuses on your current one without constantly losing your damage. Incase you're actually using the Elemental Focus socketed inside, it's one of the worst choices since it disables Arc from both shocking and chilling. Technically you could still do both with Orb of Storms, but that's tedious and you will lose the huge clearspeed boost Inpulsa's provides.

Other than that, replace Quicksilver with Atziri's Promise, get 20% quality on all flasks (4x Baubles on white base) and then roll them properly. Next remove the mastercraft on helmet and boots and replace them with Mana (Catarina bench). Lightning Damage with Attacks doesn't apply to Arc so if you were specifically going for that stat, you could also replace all three items having this stat with something more beneficial, although that's not really urgent right now.

blg_RealiZe already covered almost everything, what I wanted to mention is that your flask setup is horrible. I get the use of Lavianga's, but it should only be a temporary choice until you get a leech Watcher's Eye. Vinktar's is currently in a horrible state, especially without Alchemist and flask duration on belt you barely get anything out of this flask during bossfights. Two Life Flasks is also not a good idea and Eternal Life is better for this build, replace the other with a Basalt Flask for physical damage reduction. About the passive tree, check my reply to I_GameR.

@everyone else: Thanks! I've put up a new reply schedule until next patch starts, this will help knowing when you can expect a reply, instead of having to check back every once in a while if i've popped up with a mass reply somewhere.
Hi Enki, thx so much for the feedback and the effort you take into reply'ing to everyone.

Dunnow why the Elemental Focus was in my chest piece, didn't even notice as it wasnt linked, probably screwed up with placing gems in alternate weapon slots for lvl'ing them.

I bought a 5L Inpulsa's now as suggested and now focusing on my flasks.
The Added Lightning damage to Attacks was another thing I wasn't aware of (my first char in poe, still looooots of stuff to learn :) ), so will look to replace them in the near future.

Is it worth running the Merc Lab for the enchants? I haven't unlocked all the trials for Eternal lab yet, don't know if the bigger enchants ranges are worth it?

Other than that, is there any gear that I def need to look into to upgrade? Or hold on to my currency and wait for the big investments (Watcher's Eye) as I'm on a tight budget right now (20C left after the 5L inpulsa)
Last edited by DukeNyxius#4659 on Nov 14, 2018, 1:13:52 AM
THX @Enki91, on russian poe wiki shock formula:

SHOCK = 5 * (DMG for HIT * (1+s / 100) / HP enemy) * (1 + Effective shock / 100)
s - SHOCK for previous strike = 20% thx BoR
HP Uber Elder = ~ 18 400 000
DMG for HIT = ok, 200 000
my Effective shock = 110%
SHOCK = 13,6% = 13%. but 13<20, then 20%.

but, we, on russian wiki, do not have info for this formula

RLY SHOCK = SHOCK * (1 + Effective shock / 100)

i have not words....
Hey Enki,

I thought I have to reply and thank you for great build guide. I am new player and I love how you structured it. "Leveling this build" section is excellent for noob like me and after I installed path of building I was very appreciative of you breaking out build by acts and later. It is so easy to follow passive tree now.

Really appreciate the work you've put into this and will want to follow your build when PS4 version releases with 3.5 patch. I play on HC but this build was really fine I died due to darkness in delve.

Do you have existing HC SSF build somewhere on this forum?

Last edited by Fresh2000#2758 on Nov 14, 2018, 7:29:34 AM
This is by far the best build I've ever seen. Especially the part for leveling where you describe exactly what to do in a fresh league. Never seen that in a guide. Always : buy tabula + goldrim + ... etc ...

Good Work !

But something troubles me though, I tried the build and even bought the watcher's eye for like 13 exalts, but do you think the build is elder viable without it ?

Cause to me, an elder killer build has no sense if you need the best rolled loot from the loot table of elder himself ^^. Ofc you didn't wrote in the title something like "12 hours into the league and this build kills uber elder" I'm just saying elder killer build cause it's the part of the build that got my interest in the first place.

What would you do to kill him without the W.E. ? I was thinking about larger mana pool and larger mana regen but it won't work like with pyromanic in an arc trap build right?

Thought about a ring with warlord's mark, but curses are really shitty on bosses iirc.

Tbh I didn't try uber elder with the build yet. But a simple yellow elder was a pain in the ass without the WE, was so sad after I finnally managed to kill him ^^

But yeah again, thanks for the guide, really nice one !
Do anybody knows why linked skill trees cant load and stucks on 99%?

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