Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

akchavdarov wrote:
hello guys i will be really glad if anyone tell me how to remove the 3th endurance chanrge i mean i try to read againa and again the discription but my math is over here
-1 from jewel
-1 from shield
-1? where or i'm wrong with something
sorry for dumb question <- new player here

we use two fragility jewels in this build

English is not my native language but hopefully you know what I meant to ask/say.

Thanks for the quide. I realy appreciate all the work you put into it.
I try to follow it as close I can but it is a challenge to get the resitances and the qear ;)

I am not sure how the endurance charges are triggered/build up.
I get the idea that the endurance charges would help my survivabilty
I quess I must get the fragilty jewels. But can you please explain the machanics of the endurance charges with this build? How are theu triggered... how can I build them up , e.g. 1 -10

I have the shield, a decent weapon, add cold damage on my ring
My single target damage feels not that great. I have difficulty to get through the last uber lab . Almost make it... needs practice I quess

I easily go through the maps T10-T12 (without elemental reflect that is)... group damge seems great, but with the bosses I must use my totem and kite a lot otherwise I don't survive.
Can you look at my profile for some improvements I could make?
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SnowVlok (SevenOfWitch)

Hi, thank you very much for a very good build. I never played a spell caster yet. Is it possible to get an advice what can I upgrade? I can't decide what would be more beneficial. Thanks!
SnowVlok wrote:
...I am not sure how the endurance charges are triggered/build up.

You don't need to worry about building up Endurance charges.

I get the idea that the endurance charges would help my survivabilty
I quess I must get the fragilty jewels. But can you please explain the machanics of the endurance charges with this build? How are theu triggered... how can I build them up , e.g. 1 -10

With Ahn's Heritage, the mechanic we are truly interested in is "You have onslaught with Maximum Endurance Charges" and "3% to all Maximum Resistances while you have No Endurance Charges."

By equipping two "Fragility" Crimson Jewels, each of them giving us "-1 to Maximum Endurance Charges" we end up with a total Maximum number of Endurance Charges we can have at "Zero."

Since our Maximum Endurance Charges are "0" because of those two Fragility Jewels, then we get both of the bonuses from Ahn's shield - +3% to our Maximum Resistances AND permanent, since we can't gain or lose Enurance charges, Onslaught.

What the build is doing with this mechanic is taking advantage of Fragility Jewels to force our Maximum Endurance charges to always be "0," so we can have both effects from Ahn's shield running at the same time without having to do anything at all other than to be sure to have both Fragility Jewels equipped in our Passive Tree.

I have the shield, a decent weapon, add cold damage on my ring
My single target damage feels not that great. I have difficulty to get through the last uber lab . Almost make it... needs practice I quess


Use a Vaal Orb on any Crimson Jewels you happen to pick up or are very inexpensive until you get two Fragility Jewels. (IF you can't find them for sale at a reasonable price.)

I easily go through the maps T10-T12 (without elemental reflect that is)... group damge seems great, but with the bosses I must use my totem and kite a lot otherwise I don't survive.

With Paragon of Calamity Ascendancy, which you should have picked up by now, you are immmune to Reflected Elemental Damage in Maps - Don't worry about Elemental Reflect because you have the Paragon of Calamity ascendancy.

Can you look at my profile for some improvements I could make?
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SnowVlok (SevenOfWitch)

Kaurui Ward necklace is not a good choice. I assume you're using that for the +Dexterity? Almost anything would be better. For the neck slot, you really need to focus on +elemental, +spell, +lightning damages and cast speed affixes. Virtually any necklace with the Dexterity you appear to be looking for would be better than that necklace, in my opinion.

The Hazardous Research Jewel is mostly wasted. You should be able to easily find a Jewel with + Elemental/Damage/Lightning/Spell that would have additional affixes that you could actually use. All you're getting from that Jewel is +12 Lightning Damage. You could spam a Cobalt Jewel or Hypnotic Eye Abyss Jewel with just Orbs of Alteration and get that as well as some additional affixes you could use. (Cast speed, +shock, life - Read Enki's Guide section "Jewels.")

In my opinion, Assasin's Haste is fine during leveling, but you can easily get a better Jewel for Cast Speed. Mana Regeneration shouldn't be an issue if you've got Orb of Storms linked with Mana Leech. AFTER you get your Watcher's Eye with Leech during Wrath, you can drop the Mana Leech gem for Orb of Storms. Besides, you'll get better mana regen from a decent ring/neck, anyway, until then. (In my opinion, you shouldn't run Essence Worm and Wrath until you get a Watcher's Eye.)

The Conquerer's Efficiency Jewel isn't doing much for you at all. In my opinion, those important Jewel slots need to be dedicated to Affixes we really need. Again, read Enki's section on "Jewels" and follow it.

Try to get an Abyss Belt with Life and Resists on it and enough room for a Tora Master Craft for either +Flash Duration. You can enchant it with +Run Speed from her if you find an Abyss Belt with +Flask Duration or have it on a Jewel.

By spending two points to get to "Nullification" in your Passives, you're really not gaining that much and it is not part of the build's suggested tree.

Geoffri's Crest is "OK" for leveling, but you're sacrificing life and higher tier resist possibility, there. Chaos Resistance is nice, but you don't need to focus on that too much. Most of the time, one gets lucky when one happens to find gear one can use that also has Chaos resist on it. Instead of Geoffri's, try to get a Shaped Helm. See Enki's Gear guide section for more suggestions, there.

You've got Culling Strike with Orb of Storms. Only run that as an option if you've got your Watcher's Eye or if you've made other arrangements for mana leech needs.

I don't think you'll get much use out of a CWDT Tempest Shield. Some people with other sorts of lightning builds do use it, but I think you should look towards improving your other gear and fine-tuning your gem links, gem level and Jewels before experimenting too much.

Why are you not running Clarity?

Note: Ahn's shield is usually pretty common and cheap. If you can, after you've improved your other gear, you can buy a few of them at a time and Vaal Orb them to see if you can get +Gem Level on one. Luckily, you can also get other affixes when corrupting them (through Vaal Orbs) that can make them good to sell, so it's not all wasted effort.
zaric1 wrote:
Hi, thank you very much for a very good build. I never played a spell caster yet. Is it possible to get an advice what can I upgrade? I can't decide what would be more beneficial. ..

Level 21+ Arc (Vaal'ed). Then, put the Empower gem with it in your six-link. (See Enki's note on that or some of the recent replies on using Empower.)

Get a few Ahn's and corrupt them until you get something interesting.

Get Elder boots and gloves for Cast&Attack Speed (For Shield Rush) and Duration support (for the CWDT setup), respectively. (Then, Dump Duration Support and work the Decoy Totem back in using the now extra slot. OR, rearrange your gems to take advantage of that.)

You should be able to work the Decoy Totem back in there, somewhere.

After that, maybe it's time to buy extra Inpulsa's and start working them up to a +gem level corruption? Or, save up for one?

Nice Opal Ring, btw. I've been trying to find one like that with doubled-up damage and resists. :) (XBox sucks in terms of item availability in the market.)

PS - All just my opinion. I haven't pushed my own character to the limits, yet, and am still learning all the finer points. (Or, what I consider to be the finer points, that is.)

PPS- :) Get Flash Duration on something. Easiest is your Abyssal Belt, either as an affix or Tora Mastercraft.
Last edited by Morkonan#5844 on Oct 13, 2018, 3:54:00 PM
Morkonan thank you for taking the time to answer my questions in such an eleborate way .
This will really help me progress in the game.

I was not using clarity because I was struggling to get it connected to a free key slot and in my setup I was not missing it much.

I am very new to the game so trying to find my way
Played a lot of Diablo 3 (Paragon 1000) and must say everytime I find a unique in POE I'm amazed how many are not usuable.
They often seem to have an uniguely bad mod ;) which seem to make a lot of uniques not usuable. In this game rares are usually needed to get your gear optimal.

But I like the game.
Seems however that the good stuff seems to drop in the higher tier maps.
Getting there is a challenge ;)

Last edited by SnowVlok#2235 on Oct 13, 2018, 4:17:25 PM
SnowVlok wrote:
Morkonan thank you for taking the time to answer my questions in such an eleborate way .
This will really help me progress in the game.

I've only been playing since Abyss League on XBox, which is since earlier this year.

I was not using clarity because I was struggling to get it connected to a free key slot and in my setup I was not missing it much.


I am very new to the game so trying to find my way
Played a lot of Diablo 3 (Paragon 1000) and must say everytime I find a unique in POE I'm amazed how many are not usuable.
They often seem to have an uniguely bad mod ;) which seem to make a lot of uniques not usuable. In this game rares are usually needed to get your gear optimal.

I came from Diablo III as well. Paragon... I have no idea. Bunches? :) I was running the Ladder Leagues, made top 10 US Barbarian, I think, when I stopped playing. A friend of mine and I were in the two-player rankings somewhere, too. I could have gone further that Season, I think, but I just got tired of running Bounties and full multiplayer Bounty groups were hard to come by unless you were in a guild/org. And, then there was the constant cheating. :/

But I like the game.
Seems however that the good stuff seems to drop in the higher tier maps.
Getting there is a challenge ;)

Uniques basically give you some special abilities. Think of them as bits of gear that add unique features to a build. For many builds, the really important gear is going to be several good rares. It all depends on the build, really. The more Unique pieces of gear the build has, the more important it is for the player to optimize the slots where they'll be using rares. PoE has several things the player must balance that unique gear doesn't always cover, like in Enkki's build - Dexterity requirements and Resists. (Resists are always an issue when the player gets to the late-game and starts the Atlas.)

Read over Enki's guide several times. There are many tips and important points in it. Also, read his Leveling Guide for this build and read his Atlas/Mapping guide in the pastebin link provided. (Plain text file) That has some well detailed important points, too.

Enki answers every basic question in his guide. Everything anyone would really need to know is already covered. The only things that aren't covered in his guide are questions a player might have when they want to deviate from Enki's listed build. :)

PS - If you worked on optimizing your Jewels, you'd be a lot better off. Read Enki's section on Jewels and follow it as close as you can.

PS - Diablo III is probably a better Multiplayer game and has a much better feel when it comes to "Competitive Play." (Ladders) But, PoE is a better Action Roleplaying Game, in my opinion. It's not as easy to play as Diablo III, though.

Morkonan wrote:
zaric1 wrote:
Hi, thank you very much for a very good build. I never played a spell caster yet. Is it possible to get an advice what can I upgrade? I can't decide what would be more beneficial. ..

Level 21+ Arc (Vaal'ed). Then, put the Empower gem with it in your six-link. (See Enki's note on that or some of the recent replies on using Empower.)

Get a few Ahn's and corrupt them until you get something interesting.

Get Elder boots and gloves for Cast&Attack Speed (For Shield Rush) and Duration support (for the CWDT setup), respectively. (Then, Dump Duration Support and work the Decoy Totem back in using the now extra slot. OR, rearrange your gems to take advantage of that.)

You should be able to work the Decoy Totem back in there, somewhere.

After that, maybe it's time to buy extra Inpulsa's and start working them up to a +gem level corruption? Or, save up for one?

Nice Opal Ring, btw. I've been trying to find one like that with doubled-up damage and resists. :) (XBox sucks in terms of item availability in the market.)

PS - All just my opinion. I haven't pushed my own character to the limits, yet, and am still learning all the finer points. (Or, what I consider to be the finer points, that is.)

PPS- :) Get Flash Duration on something. Easiest is your Abyssal Belt, either as an affix or Tora Mastercraft.

Thanks for you answer, I appreciate your help and time!
Hey Enki !

I just wanted to know why you recommend going Paragon of Calamity + Liege of the Primordial instead of going Mastermind of Discord ?

Is it just for the Ele reflect (which is hardly an issue now because the only source is the map mod that can be rerolled) ?
The conditional Elemental reduction is not that effective since you already run a +3% max res build, and the life Leech is easily found on a Ring slot (Berek, Valako), shaper amulet, Doryani, or even a weapon craft with Catarina...

Going the Herald route is a 40-50% MORE depending on your setup, I don't think it is worth to sacrifice that much damage for so few bonuses
[3.7] Scourge Arrow, Ignite Proliferation Elementalist. Melt T15 on a budget, All content viable.
[3.7] Shocking Elementalist, Lightning Tendrils Cast when Channeling Arc. Budget version included
hi at me shield charge skiil is not active...i put all the 4 gems on an item(shield charge,faster attacks support,fortify support and flame dash)...why in your video is skill active,i need an item for that or?

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