Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Hey Enki91,

I´m kinda new to poe and for my arc witch i use ur build as master plan.
However, as i read through the pages of this thread, i got to know that in ur build the ES/Armor/Evasion on the equipment doesnt matter. Just the max life is important. (Correct me if i´m wrong)
Then, isnt the equipment stat´s kinda wasted, if we won´t make use of it?
Couldnt we use it, for example, if we go for ES on equipment, some ES passives which synergize with intelligence?

Thanks for sharing ur build/knowledge with us.
@Capleton2: Ilvl doesn't affect a uniques roll, each unique of that type can roll within the full range.
Only thing where ilvl matters for uniques is sockets and corruptions.

@tsunny: Yes, and it wasn't worth it. With mana MoM we get about double the MoM pool, can still run all important auras and are much less gear restricted.

@Newbell: Orb of Storms can only be selfcasted, it says so on the gem.
For Kitava's Thirst you need a spell with atleast 100 mana cost per cast, 2x 50 won't work.

@Haggybal: We can't really invest enough into these forms of defense without neglecting something more important in the passive tree. Despite that, it's still recommended to go mainly with Energy Shield (=Intelligence)-based gear, or Hybrid ES gear to have an easier time with getting the right colors.
Just hit 44 earlier tonight, picked up a Kitava's Thirst and a Fevered Mind. This is a super satisfying build to play so far =) Thanks for posting it and keeping it up to date.
It probably doesn't change too much, but I just had an Agnerod West staff drop for me and thought I'd mention it's now +2 to lightning gems, up from +1.
What about using Innervate instead of Onslaught in Arc setup? Im quiet new so i prob. miss something?
Hi Enki!

Thanks for this build, I am having good fun with it.

3 questions:

1) You suggest using immortal call with CWDT from the end of act 4, however I cannot buy the gem at that point in the game as a witch in SSF. The wiki says, it is not available before act 6 for witches. Are there any other gems that I can use instead? Or am I just missing something?

2) Might be related to not having Immortal call:
The Avarius fight in act 5 was crazy difficult for me. Before that I died only twice (to Piety at end of act 4 and to Malachai after that). However, that fight took a grand total of 28 deaths and really tilted me. I had 1,5 k life and 50% (+27% from mana flask) resistances at that point, but the "ball-explosion and the death beam more or less instakilled me. I know about hiding behind the statues, but often didn't get there fast enough. Not sure what I did wrong. The kitava fight (which you describe as "a very dangerous fight") afterwards was a walk in the park in comparison (just died once due to stupidity).
Is there any trick to using flame dash properly? The cast time seems awfully long and it is very annoying to use, since it does not work at all if you misjudge the range of it.

3) I am now starting act 6 and have 4L on all items except the boots. As this is one of my highest charcaters, when can you expect to find 5L items? Or when is the point to start trying to craft them?

EDIT: I got Immortal Call from Lilly Roth now.
Last edited by Neodym119#4640 on Aug 22, 2017, 11:46:02 AM
Neodym119 wrote:

Is there any trick to using flame dash properly? The cast time seems awfully long and it is very annoying to use, since it does not work at all if you misjudge the range of it.

Most movement skills in this game are pretty awkward to use unless you do the 'numlock trick'. You can google it for more details, but the gist of it is:
1. Goto Input options and bind "Attack in Place" to a button on the number pad.
2. Hold down that button
3. While holding it down, press numlock
4. Now your character will always act as if the Attack in Place button has been pressed. When you flame dash, you will now always dash towards your mouse instead of trying to walk there first.

Neodym119 wrote:

I am now starting act 6 and have 4L on all items except the boots. As this is one of my highest charcaters, when can you expect to find 5L items? Or when is the point to start trying to craft them?

There's no reliable way to get 5L in SSF before maps. Once you do hit maps, keep running Jungle Valley map for The Flora's Gift divination card, which will give you a 5L staff. You can then alteration spam for +2 Lightning, which will set you up to push higher into map tiers.
Hi, already i have gems setup like that, but my arc costs only 80 mana, how can i boost it over 100 to get value from kitava's?
Can I swap orb of storms out for herald of thunder? I personally just think it looks cooler when I'm clearing areas, am I taking a huge hit by switching it out?
@skunk27: Indeed, my Agnerods in collection are still legacy values, will update if i ever divine them.

@Likeitis96: Innervate just gives flat damage now, Onslaught gives cast & movespeed which is much better for fast clearing and the overall feel of this build.

@Neodym119: IIRC i could buy CwDt in Act 4 after the quest, not sure anymore.
For Avarius you'd probably be better off with just using your Quicksilver, Flame Dash needs more cast speed to feel good.

@wiler121: You need a 6L Pledge of Hands, or Fevered Mind.

@copsinyourcomputer: For general mapping it should work if you don't use Essence Worm, but for bosses you should switch it to Ball Lightning for reliably proccing curses, unless you use the Kitava's Thirst setup.

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