Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
I don't have any cluster jewels and am doing fine, i still die every now and then, but i've beaten Sirus at a6, shaper and a few other end game bosses. IMO this is not the best build for boss killing and needs a lot of gear for the average player to excel at.
how long have you need playing the game for? what are your goals for this league? If you are really determined to get to level 96, make sure you are doing content that you can clear quickly and easily, if that means falling back to t14-t15 then thats what you should do. Pre-roll stacks maps at a time, put them in a stash tab and then use the search feature to make sure none have reflect mod etc edit: i consider myself an average player, but i have killed Uber Elder in past leagues you are welcome to these items if they are upgrades for you Last edited by dark_nebula#6267 on Nov 6, 2020, 1:14:48 PM
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If suffered from death a lot, posting a video about game play style will always be helpful to clarify.
Actually, even a screenshot at death will be helpful to show us some clues. ArionAthreides: I do have some guess, but only useful if you still accept suggestions. --- Also as an average player, I found learning other people's playstyle, especially on this build, quite valuable. These are things I learnt from WorderMostFoul's & Krutex90's recent videos: * Put Arcane Cloak on both Left click and middle click: this will make it convenient to auto trigger the skill when moving and quickly trigger when stationary. * Put Arc on a keyboard shortcut instead of right click: this will make sure attack doesn't delay movement and escape. --- About survivability of this build, I'm trying to figure out good way to improve it as well. Keeping mana full is one thing, keeping arcane cloak up is another key for survivability. For example, when fully upgraded, Arcane Cloak has roughly 8 seconds active time and 2 seconds cool down time, that 2 seconds are extremely vulnerable: we cannot safely face tank most damages as we do with it activated. I died several times due to such over-confidence. I'm trying 'Aspect of Cat' occasionally for the mitigation, but still not happy about the survivability and inconvenience. Will Dodge from Omeyocan help this? Bought one, and waiting for the lab enchant now. Last edited by billybob630#2960 on Nov 6, 2020, 2:55:54 PM
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I've sold a few Alteration Orbs and improved my Shield and Gloves. Now I'm in the 2.000.000 DPS range if I've set up PoB right. I'm still dubious going into Clusters due to the cost (only the Large will cut me out of 2 or more Exalted I don't have, and the Medium with both Liquid and Distilled are even more) but if nothing else my defenses could cover the loss a bit more (I'm still relying on the Cobalts to get them so is either Watcher Eyes or the Clusters).
My PoB builds, could you check I did all rightly? Thanks. https://pastebin.com/we4uqgkA Last edited by ArionAthreides#0856 on Nov 7, 2020, 5:27:05 PM
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Hey exiles, just wanna ask a noobie question about this build, we have the agnostic and MoM keystones, so do we need a lot of life regen or we can just ignore getting life regen mods on our items and focus solely on life, mana, and mana regen?
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" You can ignore life regen mods. Mostly life/mana/mana regen are priority. End game you have a lot of "x% of damage taken from mana before life" on a Watcher's Eye and your chest piece, so with that and Agnostic you don't need life regen. |
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" Yah, this game is rough. I rarely get to beat end games bosses most leagues. I rarely get beyond T10 maps most leagues. This league I have. I've only ever killed Sirius a few times and Elder once. My drops tend to suck. I get at most 2 exalt drops in a league. That is all I've had drop for me this league in Heist so far. By the time I find out the super OP exploit that people have been abusing to steam roll content and make tons of currency, it's been patched out. For the most part, most builds suck without currency investment of some sort or lucky drops. This one is OK for clearing maps, and not much else. Which is fine. This build, like my hexblast build, is literally meant to speed run T5 and lower maps for rares for the chaos recipe. That's about it. Don't worry about trying to scale this build, or any other super fast clearing builds beyond that to do bosses. It is prohibitively expensive. The leagues I've done the "end game content" and end game bosses I build a character like this to run low level maps to get chaos. I use that chaos to buy gear for a boss killer build instead. Usually that ends up as a minion build of some sort as that the only build category type I've been able to consistently do end game content with. Melee builds would be better, but those are FAR more expensive to setup for end game content. Melee builds scale better, but the gear required for them is far more expensive as well. Caster builds usually require less investment to scale initially, but most of them don't scale that hard either. The name of the company isn't GGG (aka GRINDING gear games) for a reason. This game is a free to play game that requires for most players to grind. If you can't dedicate 20 days of play time for a given league, you aren't likely to do end game content easily. Of course that assumes you don't get on the early bug abuse train like many players. For example that would be the forking shrapnel ballista build this league before it was patched. Every league has something added that busts the game. If you aren't looking for builds like that to abuse before the league goes live, then you are going to be in for grinding to get to do end game content most of the time. As for being able to finish Kitava and at least get to maps, I don't know what to tell you. Softcore means you can literally lemming the initial ACTS of the game to beat it. I have literally beat Kitava wearing NOTHING except a 4 link white robe just to see that I could. I can do that with any skill gem, and 3 supports of anything really. The ACTS are that easy with enough game knowledge of the fight. Don't get me wrong, trying stupid stuff like that means I will most likely die even against ACT 10 Kitava. I'll probably die a lot. I think one test like that took me 30 deaths. Who cares! It's softcore and I was testing shit. I had my 7 year old beat ACT 10 kitava with not much more invested on his character. Beating the storyline acts isn't the end game at all. It's the intro part of this game. Doing T10 and below maps is the mid game. Everything after that is the start of actual end game. Most builds that can do up to T16 maps require anywhere from 50 to 100 chaos to get going. If you literally run T1 to T5 maps, which is easier than beating Kitava in ACT10 over and over, you'll get about 100 chaos in about 2 hours from the chaos recipe alone. It's easy but it is a grind. At which point you should be able to upgrade whatever build you are on to at least get into doing red maps. Anything beyond that takes fine tuning and a lot more currency most of the time. There is the second way to make money. It is to use money to make money. Save up a few hundred chaos running low level maps with the chaos recipe. Convert most of those into fusings/jewellers orbs. Buy some high demand chest pieces that are always in demand but are cheap when not 6-linked. Examples would be Shavronne Wraps, Carcass Jack, Queen of the Forest, and a few other unique chests. Shouldn't cost you more than a few chaos to get a cruddy version of those chests. With a few hundred chaos you should be able to usually get 1000-2000 fusings no problem. Then go to town. If you are unlucky you'll waste a 1000 fusing on a single chest or so. As such you'll barely break even selling that chest for the chaos you'll make back. If you are lucky you'll get a 6-link chest with 100-300 fusings used. Which means if you are doing a 6-link currency making run you can get 2-4 chests 6-linked. Sell them for a lot more than the initial currency you started with. Do it again and again. My luck on using fusings is absolute dog-poo for some reason (always takes me 1500+ fusings to 6-link so it is never worth it for me), but I know several people that typically get 6-links consistently with 100-300 fusings. That's how they bank roll their end game gear for their builds. Last edited by Viscar#3519 on Nov 8, 2020, 4:48:31 PM
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" [Removed by Support] even worse is to read you talking shit about this build when it's actually the only build so far i've seen in this game that can do ANY content and that doesn't cost 100ex like all the other builds that the creators say it can do all stuff for less than 10ex which is a blatantly LIE. Let's see how amazing this build is: > You don't need a lot of DEX nor STR for the gems because of the amulet you need to use. > You don't need accuracy (DEX) because spells never miss. > You need just a bit of CRIT CHANCE to proc Elemental Overload because you attack so fast and you attack two times with Arc. > You don't need to invest in CRIT MULTIPLIER to do damage. > You attack from afar (ranged) so it lessens the danger by a lot. > You have high block chance which is the best defensive layer in this game full of one-hits and terrible "balance" made by GGG. > You have a ridiculously well written and detailed guide, from gear to flasks and specially to the leveling process. God, i've seen so many "guides" in this forum where the author just gives two lines and that's it, and then he calls a guide. > You need to remove status ailments? You have a passive in the tree that gives your mana flasks the ability to remove a random ailment, if you don't remove at the first time, just use the flask again. > You actually have great defensive layers with this build. You attack from afar, you have Mind over Matter and maybe +10% of damage to mana (depends on gear) and your mana pool can tank that damage, you have Arcane Cloak, you have block. Playing this game with squishy builds is TERRIBLE and it sours the experience. > You can ignore chaos resistance (which is a bad idea imo) with the high mana pool of the build. > The playstyle is simple and extremely enjoyable. The piano flasking for this build is very easy and half of the time i don't even pop my flasks because of how strong it is. You complain about getting gear, well, that's GGG for you, 99.8% of the gear you get in this ARPG (which is a pseudo-MMO that fails terribly at the core game/purpose of an ARPG, you know, getting gear by actually killing mobs) is GARBAGE, everyone knows that. 0.1% is stuff good for leveling and the other 0.1% is the actually good stuff that takes billions of hours of grind or extremely luck to find. The devs said already that this is a trading focused game. So, you need to complain to the devs and not to the author of this build. Last edited by Luke_GGG#0000 on Nov 9, 2020, 7:20:49 AM
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Hear, hear!
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awakened controlled destruction vs awaked chain?
CD does a TON more dmg than chain |
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[Removed by Support]
[Removed by Support] At least when I felt I become too confrontational I had the common decency to say it like here: " You did nothign but listing why this build is amazing (for you), none of what you said answer my problem with it. I've tested 3 builds so far a Templar one, a Duelist one and this. The Templar could do map that this build couldn't (he didn't had issue with reflection maps so glaring I had to take with me a gear piece specifically for it) but it was made useless with Heist balancing nerfs, The Duelist was not a pleasant experience so I dropped it before reaching act 2. Do you want me to say your build is amazing? Fair it is AMAZING. Still I have quite the issue with it since every time I spend money to upgrade it, it's not really an upgrade and I get stuck against a wall two minuts after. See my later post: " I've spent rougly around 5 Exalted to upgrade my gems, shield, and gloves (Basically all my belongins) and yet my survivability isn't so much improved, I still somewhat die out of nowhere. Just yesterday I did a monolith on a T14 map that I had cleare, boss included, and then suddednly DESPITE having Rumi on, Arcane Cloack, full mana, full healt and being reaonably away from my target I died. Just dead. I put the ring to protect me against Energy Reflection on, just in case and I went inside the room again and I died again, without even seeing the mobs who killed me. Again once more. At the fourth attempt, I managed to kill it but all my earned exp was gone. I assure you I don't complaying here just to rustled your jimmies and I do complaying to the devs too. In fact I do expect them to ban me sooner or rather for I'm much less forgiving and restrained to them than I am here. Last edited by Luke_GGG#0000 on Nov 9, 2020, 7:21:05 AM
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