Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

dark_nebula wrote:
How would i go about crafting something like that? and would 3-4 exalt cover it?

If you are talking about the mana recovery belt, you need:

* A stygian vise with 3 prefixes and 1 suffix. It has to be at least ilvl 75
* Redeemer's exalted orb
* 1 exalted orb to craft "Cannot roll attack modifiers" on the belt.

The craft option comes from the prophecy chain The Plaguemaw, so if you still don't have the craft you might need to ask people to craft for you. Alternatively, because Heists drop lots of prophecies, you can complete the prophecy first and get the recipe yourself.

Obviously, for the 3 prefixes and 1 suffix we want them to be as good as possible. You should aim for T1 life + T1 mana + T1 resistance of your choice, plus one additional prefix. With the "cannot roll attack modifiers" mod, there are 3 possible outcomes for redeemer's exalted orb:

(25%) T1 increase mana recovery rate
(25%) T2 increase mana recovery rate
(50%) Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask

Our goal is to hit one of the first two, preferably the first. You can apply 20 fertile catalysts on the belt before crafting to increase the chance slightly(note that the quality will be consumed). You can also just slam if you're confident with your luck. That's about it.

The total cost depends on the cost of the base belt, whether you buy redeemer's exalted or prepare it yourself, and of course if you succeed. But shouldn't cost more than 4ex per try even if you buy everything.
TarrasqueSorcerer wrote:
SB = Storm Brand, right?
Thanks, I'll try it out.

Yes, make sure to pair it with Conc Effect as well so that the chains don't target the other boss. I'm not sure how range works, but Armageddon Brand might be easier if it has a smaller AoE. The new lightning spell (Lancing Arc I think) could work as it makes a beam.
ArionAthreides wrote:
Good Morning.
I want to apologize to the people in this thread. I have not been a pleasant person, to say the least, and I acted like an unspoiled brat to everyone else here. For this, I beg for forgiveness.
But playing this build has been far from being the pleasant experience everyone is saying about, lately doing even a map that is over tier 9 has become practically impossible and I’ve spent more than 3 Exalted to gear me up which a considerable part of my belongings and I tried to follow the guide to upgrade my gears more but everything is out of my budgets, the only pair of boots better than the one I'm using are 12 exalted and I can't figure out how to upgrade my rings without messing up the whole build or that I can't find a recipe for Trigger a skill no matter how many veiled items I unveiled.
So, you can understand how frustrated someone can be when you are the only idiot unable to go further while everyone else is having fun.
And the things aren’t going to get better going forward.

Greetings. I understand that it can be very frustrating. When the build switch from elementalist to necromancer I also struggled for a while because of the radical change in gearing and play style.

Since I'm not sure what difficulties you experienced when doing T9+ maps, I can only give some rough idea based on the gear and tree:

* Trigger wand is important. I can craft it for you in game if you want.

* Clarity should be unlinked to reduce mana reservation.

* Get a shield with recover % maximum mana on block. Again stats on your current shield is pretty good so don't expect to upgrade to one that has similar stats. Getting %mana on block is a priority. Get one with less than 10c and see for yourself.

* If survivability is a problem, try to get either Cloak of Defiance or armour with 10% damage taken from mana before life. Those are not cheap so may take a while. With those you don't need a lot of HP to survive in T9+ maps. Without them you might want to remove Healthy mind to see if things improve.

* If mana sustain is a problem, you can reduce the link of arc to see if it helps. With Atziri's foible it shouldn't though. And try to replace the anointment with Mana flows for additional mana regeneration. Golden oil is 30c now. Kitava's teaching also helps and it's 5c. But you'll need trigger to automatically generate corpses first.

There are a few things that you must get going before doing incremental upgrades on life/mana/resistance. If you want to maintain the same level of life/mana/resistance as you have now during the upgrade, it's going to be expensive. Instead, try to get those key things going and see if it works for you first.

edit. The only thing you can upgrade on your boots is to get the enchantment from eternal labyrinth. Statwise it's literally better than every single pair of boots that I used during early mapping. Every stat is useful. That's why you'll struggle to find upgrades to it. There are only 16 enchantments for boots from eternal labyrinth, so with Twice Enchanted prophecy you should be able to get it. If you don't like to run labs then just buy a pair with the enchantment as a base and craft on it later on. Don't try to buy a pair of boots with the enchantment AND your current stats.
Last edited by Gimdornim#1712 on Oct 19, 2020, 3:11:02 PM
Gimdornim wrote:
Karathis wrote:

Yeah, it's very desirable to run RF once you have enough mana regen to sustain it. Damage buff is too powerful not to run it in a setup like ours that supports it really well (i.e. Agnostic, 4k> life, huge mana pool with a ton of regen).

Hey, Ive given up on my build. It just didnt feel feel fun even though im at the beginning stage. Couldnt even buy gear to cap my resists to begin with since trade is turbo dead. Dunno what to do now though. Would want to give it another chance but im not gonna make it without proper help.

If I were you I'll work on replacing the glove and belt. You don't really have best abyss jewels so Darkness Enthroned is not helping you. You can usually get Stygian Vise with good res and acceptable life under 3 chaos, most likely 1 chaos. As for the glove, you can probably pick up something better yourself. Your ring reduces the mana cost so is not good for archmage build. Try to replace that. Again with 1c there's lots of options. You should unlink clarity from other gems to minimize the mana reservation. Flesh offering should not be used since you can only have 1 offering active at a time, so it will cause conflict with bone offering. Finally, there's plenty of wands with mana > 120 for under 1c. Since you're over level 60, running a couple of chaos recipe should prepare the cost for you.[/quote]

Mind that this is what i had after levelling and ive tried buying 1c gear from kids but ive just wasted 2+ hours spamming and getting nothing. So ofcourse i still have darkness enthroned cause it was levelling item. i did a couple maps with it but god damn it felt so slow and clunky due to spell echo and i dont know how to work around it.

Im just so demotivated and down with everything and i dont know how to make this character better without spending lots of exalts.
Last edited by Karathis#0175 on Oct 19, 2020, 3:19:02 PM
Karathis wrote:
Gimdornim wrote:
Karathis wrote:

Yeah, it's very desirable to run RF once you have enough mana regen to sustain it. Damage buff is too powerful not to run it in a setup like ours that supports it really well (i.e. Agnostic, 4k> life, huge mana pool with a ton of regen).

Hey, Ive given up on my build. It just didnt feel feel fun even though im at the beginning stage. Couldnt even buy gear to cap my resists to begin with since trade is turbo dead. Dunno what to do now though. Would want to give it another chance but im not gonna make it without proper help.

If I were you I'll work on replacing the glove and belt. You don't really have best abyss jewels so Darkness Enthroned is not helping you. You can usually get Stygian Vise with good res and acceptable life under 3 chaos, most likely 1 chaos. As for the glove, you can probably pick up something better yourself. Your ring reduces the mana cost so is not good for archmage build. Try to replace that. Again with 1c there's lots of options. You should unlink clarity from other gems to minimize the mana reservation. Flesh offering should not be used since you can only have 1 offering active at a time, so it will cause conflict with bone offering. Finally, there's plenty of wands with mana > 120 for under 1c. Since you're over level 60, running a couple of chaos recipe should prepare the cost for you.

Mind that this is what i had after levelling and ive tried buying 1c gear from kids but ive just wasted 2+ hours spamming and getting nothing. So ofcourse i still have darkness enthroned cause it was levelling item. i did a couple maps with it but god damn it felt so slow and clunky due to spell echo and i dont know how to work around it[/quote]

I literally just bought this for 1c from some random guy for you. It has 81 res and T1 mana. If you want to buy it whisper Cwena in game.

You might feel frustrated right now, but what I'm saying is with several chaos it's not hard to transit to a smooth mapping experience, with correct focus on things vital to this build. But you do you.
ArionAthreides wrote:
Good Morning.
I want to apologize to the people in this thread. I have not been a pleasant person, to say the least, and I acted like an unspoiled brat to everyone else here. For this, I beg for forgiveness.
But playing this build has been far from being the pleasant experience everyone is saying about, lately doing even a map that is over tier 9 has become practically impossible and I’ve spent more than 3 Exalted to gear me up which a considerable part of my belongings and I tried to follow the guide to upgrade my gears more but everything is out of my budgets, the only pair of boots better than the one I'm using are 12 exalted and I can't figure out how to upgrade my rings without messing up the whole build or that I can't find a recipe for Trigger a skill no matter how many veiled items I unveiled.
So, you can understand how frustrated someone can be when you are the only idiot unable to go further while everyone else is having fun.
And the things aren’t going to get better going forward.

Hi friend, I'm new to this thread, have some context about previous discussion, but still want to reach out because this guide taught me a build I find most easy to level up, compared to the last 3 leagues I participated.

I still die sometimes in t11+ maps, but always due to carelessness. However you mentioned you find it hard to run t9 map, that is indeed concerning.

Enki suggested to craft "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill", but I feel it is better to buy one early on. That is really a life-changer in end-game. You can buy a cheap one from market to try out: https://poe.trade/search/urionomorauwio (just randomly buy one with 1 Chaos, put "Conductivity" + "Desecrate" + "Bone Offering" there and feel whether you like it. "Supported by Level # Spell Cascade", is a great bonus, I saw one with 5 chaos yesterday as well, and the good price is 5 ~ 20 chaos. So need to wait the market.

"Kitava's Teachings" is also useful for survivial, if you can keep Desecrate auto-casted with the trigger weapon, you can ignore the penalty. Also cheap to try out: https://poe.trade/search/arihiwoubaumen

"Cloak of Defiance" is also great for survival, the useful part is "10% of damage is taken from mana before life", even a 5-link is OK. I would recommend you buy a cheap 4-link one to replace your current 6-link, and if you feel good, upgrade it to 5-links (roughly 15 chaos) or 6-links (roughly 300 chaos).

If you can share a video about how you play the game, that can also be very helpful for people to make recommendation. Sometimes it is the play style that affects the result.
Last edited by billybob630#2960 on Oct 19, 2020, 3:25:24 PM
What issue I'm having?
I die more than I get experience. The last two Tier 12 maps I did I died so much I wa suanble to finish them. I can't defeat Drox Awakening 3 and even with the proper God and the Proper Ring as per the guide I couldn't do Atziri despite being level 90 and Basic Atziri barely being level 72?
I try to avoid all the modifiers in maps but I still get killed in a single shot despite being in full mana and full healt and having more than 4500 healt and 7000 mana.

Gimdornim wrote:

* Trigger wand is important. I can craft it for you in-game if you want.

I know, I made unveling items my priority but that recipe simply eludes me, and every attempt to get it crafted have been ... a failure.

Gimdornim wrote:

* Clarity should be unlinked to reduce mana reservation.

I'll try that.

Gimdornim wrote:

* Get a shield with recover % maximum mana on block. Again stats on your current shield is pretty good so don't expect to upgrade to one that has similar stats. Getting %mana on block is a priority. Get one with less than 10c and see for yourself.

I've spent 5 hours looking for that shield and no one in the shop is avaible for less than 10 chaos. To be more correct is either have the correct resistance setup or get that shield. A shield with the same resistence setup as the current one I'm wearing doesn't exist in my budget zone which is below 20 chaos.

Gimdornim wrote:

* If survivability is a problem, try to get either Cloak of Defiance or armour with 10% damage taken from mana before life. Those are not cheap so may take a while. With those you don't need a lot of HP to survive in T9+ maps. Without them you might want to remove Healthy mind to see if things improve.

Out of my budgets, I checked and a 6 link Cloack is 5 Ex and I see them used with a setup different by Enki build from which I've no idea on how rearrange my tree.

Gimdornim wrote:
With Atziri's foible it shouldn't though.

I've foile and yet Mana is a problem, since 7000 mana isn't enough apparently.

Gimdornim wrote:

Golden oil is 30c now.

A considerable price, one I'm not sure I can afford right now.

Gimdornim wrote:

Kitava's teaching also helps and it's 5c. But you'll need trigger to automatically generate corpses first.

I'm not confortable with Kitava teaching sicn eisn't in the PoeBuild unless I go for Cluster Jewels sicne I'm not pratical with Cluster Jewels. Are those really necessary?

Gimdornim wrote:

There are a few things that you must get going before doing incremental upgrades on life/mana/resistance. If you want to maintain the same level of life/mana/resistance as you have now during the upgrade, it's going to be expensive. Instead, try to get those key things going and see if it works for you first.

Sadly even a little change in my build right now mean a los of over 20 point in two differente defences. I don't hink that is an affordable choice and I don't have enough money to compeltely rebuidl my gears.

Gimdornim wrote:

Don't try to buy a pair of boots with the enchantment AND your current stats.

I barely manage to defeat Izarro after countless attempts. I'm not too eager to face him again as I am.

And I've no knowledge on how filming my game style nor how to share those.
Last edited by ArionAthreides#0856 on Oct 19, 2020, 3:30:32 PM
billybob630 wrote:

Enki suggested to craft "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill", but I feel it is better to buy one early on.

I tried buying it early on. When I managed to get 2 Exalt for the one sold at the time It was already sold. And right now the one sold are objectively worse than the one I'm using so I will get it but my already subpar damage will be ever lower.

billybob630 wrote:

"Kitava's Teachings" is also useful for survivial, if you can keep Desecrate auto-casted with the trigger weapon, you can ignore the penalty. Also cheap to try out: https://poe.trade/search/arihiwoubaumen

No slot for it in the standard build and i'm not knowdlege of the game enough to use the Cluster build. Can we stay vanilla?

billybob630 wrote:

"Cloak of Defiance" is also great for survival, the useful part is "10% of damage is taken from mana before life", even a 5-link is OK. I would recommend you buy a cheap 4-link one to replace your current 6-link, and if you feel good, upgrade it to 5-links (roughly 15 chaos) or 6-links (roughly 300 chaos).

Not in the standard build, I suspect Enki doesn't use it, the people using it don't even have chain on it so I think you are using a build different than mine with different skilltree.

billybob630 wrote:

If you can share a video about how you play the game, that can also be very helpful for people to make recommendation. Sometimes it is the play style that affects the result.

I've no idea on how to do that.
ArionAthreides wrote:
billybob630 wrote:

Enki suggested to craft "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill", but I feel it is better to buy one early on.

I tried buying it early on. When I managed to get 2 Exalt for the one sold at the time It was already sold. And right now the one sold are objectively worse than the one I'm using so I will get it but my already subpar damage will be ever lower.

billybob630 wrote:

"Kitava's Teachings" is also useful for survivial, if you can keep Desecrate auto-casted with the trigger weapon, you can ignore the penalty. Also cheap to try out: https://poe.trade/search/arihiwoubaumen

No slot for it in the standard build and i'm not knowdlege of the game enough to use the Cluster build. Can we stay vanilla?

billybob630 wrote:

"Cloak of Defiance" is also great for survival, the useful part is "10% of damage is taken from mana before life", even a 5-link is OK. I would recommend you buy a cheap 4-link one to replace your current 6-link, and if you feel good, upgrade it to 5-links (roughly 15 chaos) or 6-links (roughly 300 chaos).

Not in the standard build, I suspect Enki doesn't use it, the people using it don't even have chain on it so I think you are using a build different than mine with different skilltree.

billybob630 wrote:

If you can share a video about how you play the game, that can also be very helpful for people to make recommendation. Sometimes it is the play style that affects the result.

I've no idea on how to do that.

ArionAthreides: the Enki's build is to mostly help people to reach End game, and feel free to make some adjustment based on that.


I tried buying it early on. When I managed to get 2 Exalt for the one sold at the time It was already sold. And right now the one sold are objectively worse than the one I'm using so I will get it but my already subpar damage will be ever lower.

Try to buy a "worse" one with 1 chaos, believe me, you'll find it different. Even if the damage looks lower, the 'downgrade' on damage is beaten by the benefit from this triggering attribute.'

Not in the standard build, I suspect Enki doesn't use it, the people using it don't even have chain on it so I think you are using a build different than mine with different skilltree.

It is very common to make adjustment there, and if you check the active replies recently, most people use that cloak now. Believe me, take a try on 4-link, then try to upgrade only if you like it.

Last edited by billybob630#2960 on Oct 19, 2020, 3:45:46 PM
billybob630 wrote:

It is very common to make adjustment there, and if you check the active replies recently, most people use that cloak now. Believe me, take a try on 4-link, then try to upgrade only if you like it.

And what gem should put there? What skill use instead of mind? There is a PoeBuild of this new setup because clearly is not the standard one.

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