Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

exitwounds85 wrote:
WorderMostFoul wrote:
exitwounds85 wrote:
All this talk of crit made me look at my POB... I am currently running with 6% crit, so increasing that some may increase my DPS ya think? (Dunno if there is a way to assume EO uptime on POB?)

PoB assumes 100% EO uptime, so increasing your crit won't change your PoB DPS (but will increase your effective in-game DPS if you don't currently have 100% uptime).

Yeah POB had me at 1.2M DPS, but in-game I feel like I am hitting like a wet noodle against bosses.

With EO up I see your PoB @ 1.4M DPS

Without, it's only 1.0M DPS

Your crit chance is only 1%, so your EO is almost never proccing.
Evernothing wrote:

With EO up I see your PoB @ 1.4M DPS

Without, it's only 1.0M DPS

Your crit chance is only 1%, so your EO is almost never proccing.

Yeah I am going to try the following tonight:

-Get a new weapon, ideally with some crit on it
-Swap out clarity, mana regen really isn't an issue for me
Last edited by exitwounds85#3409 on Oct 1, 2020, 2:09:14 PM
WorderMostFoul wrote:
I was using Second Wind with Sigil at first to make it more tactically viable, but like Orb of Storms, it only lets you have one active at a time. As soon as you lay a second one, the first disappears (along with all the "stages" you've built up for it). But if you are able to utilize it effectively, then certainly continue to do so!

About Clarity--drop it for now if you don't need it, but don't throw it away; you'll eventually want to run RF for the insane damage boost, at which point you will almost certainly want to run it again.

Ahh you are right about it replacing the older Sigil. I still like the second wind as it let's you recast earlier if you need to move the placement.
Holy shit i'm a moron... just now noticed I tossed in an awakened gem on night recently, reducing my crit chance by 100% lol... seems like that will be the major fix...
I think you will have the same crit chance with regular Controlled Destruction.

Unless you go Chain like the updated build guide says.
Last edited by Evernothing#0584 on Oct 1, 2020, 2:32:29 PM
Evernothing wrote:
Lots of people run either of the following:

Orb of Storms / Hextouch / Conductivity / Culling Strike

Holy shit, this feels sooo good!

I just completely dropped Sigil and Vaal RF for now and I don't miss it since I was getting very little value out of it.
Sigil was limiting my positioning a lot I felt and the cast animation feels super clunky or gets interrupted so I was only using it for bosses. But tossing a quick Orb onto a tough rare is super fast and makes the entire gameplay way smoother and more flexible. Easy to burst anything down with Conductivity and more EO uptime (I have 6% crit with Chain).

Of course this is true just for my build at this point in time. Level 93, no extra crit, lower EO uptime otherwise, no other way to apply conductivity, not enough mana sustain or damage to stand in the sigil for several seconds and burst bosses down with Vaal RF, ...
I'll try the other setup in case I hit endgame gear but in the meantime this feels way better and anyone with similar problems should give it a shot!

Evernothing wrote:
WorderMostFoul wrote:

I agree with your points here, but with that second 4L you suggested, how are we fitting in both the Arcane Cloak and cwdt setups?

I personally am having trouble seeing a place for Sigil in this build unless it's in the cwdt setup or we're running an unset ring. It's legitimately strong for this build, but taking advantage of its buffs and debuffs requires some serious attention to positioning and I was just finding it limiting.

So I dropped Clarity, as I have no problem keeping up with regen and I wanted to take Supreme Ego for extra DPS.

Here are my gems:

Arc - Spell Echo - Archmage -Light Pen - Elem. Focus - Cont. Destruction

Sigil of Power - Vaal RF - Second Wind - Flame Dash
Orb of Storms - Conductivity - Hextouch - Culling Strike
Arcane Cloak - Arcane Surge - Increased Duration - Second Wind

Bone Offering - Spell Cascade - Desecrate
Wave of Conviction - Tempest Shield - CWDT

Wrath (Essence Worm)

Since Sigil of Power now gets 2 casts from Second Wind, I find it really easy to stay within its area when you overlap them like a venn diagram. I'm really only popping Sigil on bosses or Conquerors. The Orb set up allows, crits for EO, curse, and cull on bosses which is pretty good utility off 1 skill, imo.

Currently have a conductivity Ring, any suggestions for the replacement gems for the Orb of Storms setup? Is increased Critical Strikes worth using?
Evernothing wrote:
I think you will have the same crit chance with regular Controlled Destruction.

Unless you go Chain like the updated build guide says.

roger, probably mess with gems then
Last edited by exitwounds85#3409 on Oct 1, 2020, 6:11:03 PM
Tried to get the arcane cloak enchant on my helmet, got the conductivity increase duration, guess ill try it then, lol x)
It is only around 2m dps in Enki's PoB with all high-end gears and lv100 tree with cluster jewels. This is too low for me, so I made some changes on my character:

For tree, in exchange of all rare cluster jewels which could be very hard to craft this league, I take Whispers of Doom, Cursed Concoction, Arcane Swiftness, Written in Blood, Aqueous Accelerant, use an God-tier Unnatural Instinct next to Melding, and annoint Command of Steel. And I have the Frenzy Charge on Hit mod on my chest for damage and movement speed. Then I have managed to reach 5.5m dps according to PoB, and could go over 11m dps after min-max my gear and gems which could cost additional tens of exalted orbs. With those changes, one only lose 9% spell block chance for defense, so I guess that's very worthwhile.

It seems it is very hard to scale the damage of arc with some expensive investments. I used to play builds having like 15m dps with fewer cost of currency, so I feel disappointed. Besides, its map clearing ability becomes bad as the density of monsters goes up (because arc always hits only a fixed number of enemies per cast), and the character moves too slowly!

Therefore I decide not to upgrade this character any further, and just use it to do heists because it is very tanky.

This build is a solid league starter and its defence is quite decent which is crucial in hardcore and heist events. But I do not recommend anyone to spend too much currencies on min-maxing this build if one enjoys fast and off-screen clearing playstyles in end game.
Last edited by Nullstellensatz#0098 on Oct 2, 2020, 3:01:22 AM

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