Success in PvP is based only on wealth.
First off, this post is about PvP in general with my experiences to back my claims.
I have never PvPed prior to this patch, and was only interested because there was nothing else to do and wanted more alt arts. I am relatively wealthy and i could buy very good pieces of gear. After some initial testing on standard and a couple days practicing, i decided to make a character with near best possible gear on HC. I won't link it all but i have Stuff like this. Anyway, decided to do some PvP on HC LLD and it's been good so far. I managed to reach #1 US PvP LLD ratings at 2016 (in less than 1 day) before i lost 2 games in a row because i was afk (super long queue times). I was undefeated for the most part. US LLD Ratings This character is....... One day old Played it in some events today, got 2nd and 2nd (EU blitz LLD). With 1st being the only person who could beat me consistently as it was a hard counter. I'm only making this post because I don't believe PoE can ever have a good PvP system. It will be impossible for any balance across everyone, and the best will always have the best gear. At this point, skill does NOTHING for someone with 50ex gear and someone with 10ex gear. This also applies to HLD, but i couldn't be fucked as the top players spend 2000ex+ to get the #1 ranks. Now, this basically means that how good you will do is directly proportional to your wealth invested into your character. To follow onto this, the constant balance changes and patches/content dedicated towards PvP instead of PvE have shown it's toll. Many 1.3 tree changes were as a direct result of PvP, confirmed by GGG on reddit. Eitherway, if you want to have success in PvP, it's only possible from wealth (aka crazy gear). P.S My PvP character igns are: badatpvpcuzpvpsucks, PvPsucksinPoE, PvPstillsucks, PvPsucksinPoEinHCtoo You can deduce my opinion about PvP in PoE. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Dec 24, 2014, 7:15:19 PM
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I appreciate what a skilled player like yourself is trying to say. But I'm not as pessimistic about PvP, as I was a huge fan of Guild Wars 1 PvP and it was sensational partially because of the numerous balance changes (week to week).
PoE is a different game, I know that, but I feel with some time the PvP can become something just as great as Guild Wars 1 was. The first thing they can do is institute PvP Only Crafting. Let's say you find a nice base in PvE well you can give it to Leo and he will change it to PvP only, where you can craft it with a special cheap and easy to find PvP orb but only be able to use an item crafted this way in PvP. This way PvE wealth will have nothing to do with PvP ability just like in Guild Wars 1. Now let me say you should also have the option of using legit PvE gear in PvP WITHOUT making it PvP only, but then you'd have to use your PvE wealth and not be able to use the cheaper PvP crafting system. |
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Which is exactly why cutthroat is nothing more than an ambitious dream without extremely significant changes to the core item system of the game.
A 1-week cutthroat in the future? Don't make me laugh. Everybody will ragequit except for one elite group within the first 1 or 2 days. That group, of course, being the fastest and most organized one that can clear through content. It's going to be really fun to play for those that love pvp and want the challenge.... until they get pk'd 50 times after only managing to get a single decent rare by some guy fully clad in uniques and BiS rares. That's when people will start changing their minds. Though, the more realistic outlook is probably that a few groups will emerge due to avoiding each other and different time zones. But at some point they will wind up killing each other off until only one is left. I'd give it 3 days max. But yeah, pvp in this game is a joke. There is only the top tier. The middle and low tier are illusions. I know that this post is kind of more cutthroat-centric but it's the only way I can personally relate to pvp well. Last edited by DestroTheGod#5470 on Dec 24, 2014, 6:53:19 PM
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The participation tends to back up this theory.
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This thing is what I was most worried for PvP in PoE
To Do List: -Add Better Minion Supports -Add More Permanent Minions GoreFleshSummoner | Low Life Zombie n' Specter Summoner Summoner Gear: Last edited by Enzari#2462 on Dec 24, 2014, 6:57:58 PM
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@ Destro - I think Cutthroat can work!! They just have to limit the amount of players than can be in one zone. It's ridiculous to have 4-5 people in one area. They should limit it to 1:1 ratio depending on party size. So if you are in a party of 3, then you will only encounter enemy players who are also in parties of 3. IF you are solo,then you will only encounter solo players. That's what they need to do and cutthroat will work fine!!
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There is a reason why fighting games don't have skill trees and variable loot. Competitive PvP requires balance which is impossible to have with the number a variables in an ARPG. It's a waste of GGG's time to try to make PvP great because, in the end the PvP crowd still won't be happy and everyone who doesn't care about PvP will be pissed they wasted so much time on it.
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" I'm not a skilled player. Only doing PvP recently (start of events) and had absolutely no idea on PvP prior to this. I just have what people would call insane gear. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Dec 24, 2014, 7:16:08 PM
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That's the whole point... it gives farming and trading more meaning. No one should be expecting arpg pvp to be some pure skill competition.
At the ends of leagues this board and reddit are covered with whine posts about the leagues being dead. If more players stick around for pvp it will give more players for the people that only care about pve to interact with. Pvp's existence benefits pve even if you don't care about pvp at all. When I kill a man he stays dead.
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Hence why it's pointless to pvp :)
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right. |
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