When are we fixing broken cornercamping EA
As if molten wasn't a problem pre ladder hahahahahaha
Sit down! It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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5sec is too long for CC. You want to prevent instant destruction of traps so they have time to plant and work. Not dwell for so long it creates ppl like hege. 2-3sec CC would be the first tweak to CC imo. That literally stands in a corner with his dick in his hand and never moves. Only moves to periodically toss another trap out or at you. Same with casters, why is this game so heavily geared to being a lazymmoto that stands still and auto attacks for 1hit kill anti melee DMG. That's high level to you? These guys are the high Lvl PvP...are you fucking kidding me. Don't act like I dont go in packing a dozen options to push an offense past this lazy play style. Its just not rewarding, watch me PvP and youll see what high lvl should be.
Typing on this phone, so shit. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 24, 2014, 10:18:53 AM
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I know you've guys have experimented with a lot of different setups. Probably easily used over a 1000 regrets, multiple gear changes, builds, etc... but should people maybe gearing more for hybrid setups than specialized builds if they want to counter more people? I'm seeing that more in LLD as of late.
Example... Getting more generic phys and ele nodes rather than specialized weapon one's. Like; - Crit ele dagger/staff/sword with crit ele tornado shot on swap? It bypasses molten shell and immortal call, has status effects, helps against trapper campers, etc... You take a damage hit obviously but you're more versatile. You could have different general phys builds as well, similar to above. That's just one example. It might be shit and impractical, but would that train of thought (general passives and weapon swaps) be better perhaps? I like to think out of the box. Most are shit ideas but sometimes they work out. :) MullaXul... I know you've experimented with ele sword awhile back, and had puncture bow on swap. Making these things work is easier said than done. Formerly Firebrand _Thriller_ _Boomshakalaka_ Last edited by Dopamineloveaffair#4373 on Dec 24, 2014, 10:35:59 AM
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Just want to add, that masters of arena tournament or whatever. I quit after I beat ventor, 2 matches after that are 100% troll.
IGN: MullaXul
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Casters are balanced now, our biggest defense got dropped to ZERO.
From 75% Block to 15-20% block, what else are you people asking for lol ? Molten ? okay i agree but i really dont care about molten i dont even use it. . . Casters SHOULD deal higher damage then melee does, because you have the upper speed advantage, tremendously high attack speed ( cyclone,HS,flicker,whirling or anything ) with high damage, huge regen flasks, and the possibility to make use of dodge and armor. Where the only defense casters have is their energyshield. A good caster will not need molten shell to beat a melee opponent, it will make good use of LW and his spells and use his range to kill them, this is what i do. And Dont tell me i'm standing still lazy shit tanking everything, if you'd pvp me more you'd see that i move a shit ton and probably more than you do. Ever tried to aim fireball or even TRY to chase someone with fireball ? Fireball is probably the skill that requires the most aiming in the fucking game atm, is requires timed lightningwarps and enemy movement prediction to do well, it's probably the hardest skill to use in the game atm, it's far from an easy task to use. No casters dont need another nerf they finally came to a balanced point. Good geared casters should deal high damage, it's your job to find a counter to it because it's the only thing casters have now, HIGH DAMAGE. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:46:27 AM
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Think about EA, you can hard counter this skill. Nullifying EE, PoF and recursing will make EA super weak and very manageable. That's like using hotspurs+nokazon relic vs a fire ball sorc in D2. They have one offense and virtually nothing else notablethat can fuck with your once its gone. Rise of the phoenix in particular is by far the best anti element item we have in this game. It worms perfectly against EA and if you're low life its 100x better...I.e casters get perks (that's you Lil buddy). We need more items like RoF that aren't only for shield users, if we had them for other elements then penetratiin wouldn't be such a huge ordeal. Shotgun DMG is still absurd as are a few other things but penetration wouldn't need to be tweaked as far.
Now think about your run of the mill cookie cutter caster. That has block, 8k+ es, main skill,cwdt 20/20 spell,molten,tempest and even lightning warp that can do 1/4 of my 9k HP...so probably pretty much half of anyone else's. You have layer o top of layer of defenses that double as offenses. You can't successfully nullify them all and each one compliments the other. One ignites,one shocks,one chills+freezes, all can crit. It goes deeper then this but you have to get it by now. More effective "life" then anything in the came, top tier mobility, top tier damage output...IMO best melee range DMG in the entire game. Defenses for days...etc etc. 0 bad match ups. I'm not anti caster, I'm anti stupidity and bull shitters. Casters should be at their best when outside of melee range. Non shot gun DMG should be stronger, subsequently lowering shotgun DMG somehow. They should be moving and spacing themselves. They should not kill melee in melee range, faster then top melee can kill them. They shouldn't think its OK to just stand there and facetank ppl because one of their many 1-2hit kill attacks will make short work of the shit that stands in front of them. GGG needs to push movement,microing and spacing. More then who's the stand still button held warrior of poe. Richmightywitch is hands down the poster child for how a caster should and would be any other game. He has great movement, uses all his options including bear traps etc to limit your own. O my thing holding him back is the fact spells only had good ranged DMG BC of crit multi. Now they sort of suck anywhere but shotgun range and his ek can't shotgun. Lower molten shell DMG, add a cool down to it plus make it not do DMG until fully casted. Increase base DMG of spells again promoting more ranged attacking. Somehow reduce shotgun DMG, it'll only become stronger with a base buff. Rework penetration gems. Make cursing more important for damage. Or just slowly tweak different areas and see which presents the best balance. Either superb melee range DMG and enough ranged DMG to still handle non melee match ups. Or favor ranged vs melee DMG, or balance both equally. Right now casters win at all ranges easily. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 24, 2014, 1:19:28 PM
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" Fact this is how you see things pretty much cements everything I thought about you. Fb hard to aim? Casters have nothing but DMG? Pseudo masterful skill requirements and mind reading to land a hit? Damn bro didn't know caster was so hard for you to play...maybe you should go back to rf. Which you too said was hard to play......hahah. What isn't hard for you? What counters are there to 4+ forms of half life-full life killing auto DMG? Other then RNG block/dodge rolls and range? Life's hard for some ppl...its be ause they suck. Other ppl make life look easy because they are smart, made good choices or just flat out have experience. Poe doesn't currently provide the tools to properly deal with some imbalances. There's options, bad ones. What poe does provide is as many hand holding ass wiping mechanics it can for ppl that think ....caster is hard. Have a nice day IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 24, 2014, 12:50:47 PM
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" ok, so my caster build was troll? I didn't even use molten shell once. I didn't even have max block at that time. I threw that build together in one day. You got countered by immortal call buddy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8usAnmIe90 |
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" That's exactly my point. Thinking outside the box is great. Just having it be worth your while, not so much in certain situations.. Right now and ever since AoF was reintroduced into the game and IC became very accessible. Its best to be AoF 100% of the time as melee. Or utilize the new phys to lightning conversions. It has its drawbacks but in the grand scheme of things its the best counter meta to the current meta you can do. It cuts all this IC/molten shit out of the equation. IGN: MullaXul
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" (Removed by support). I was aof that entire tournament, IC did nothing. Troll as in "I" was trolling. You think you really beat me? Like I was legitimately sitting there casting ec and fucking off as part of a strategy? Or was really throwing bear traps at hege like it was going to win me matches? Hahahahahsvsvsvsvxbvjgnbcncnckv!!!!! IGN: MullaXul Last edited by Support#0000 on Dec 24, 2014, 1:32:14 PM
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