When are we fixing broken cornercamping EA

It's sad that they justifically nerfed RF but they did destroy it at the same time, it was quite fun to pown with =)
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Where do I sign ? Playing melee is so fun when the EA (ab)users are shooting walls, i like exploding with the bricks
funny thread. ppl complainin bout EA cuz its able to beat their 1million ex mirror gear 1xxxxxk life+liferegen builds and make them flee like lil girls :>
Last edited by LMSLMSLMS#3528 on Jan 16, 2015, 12:11:49 PM
Really constructive post lms
topic is alrdy bs, nothin constructive to say. ppl will keep whinin anyways till ea is useless and they can dominate ladder with their rmt gear :>
Last edited by LMSLMSLMS#3528 on Jan 16, 2015, 2:19:50 PM
funny thread. ppl complainin bout EA cuz its able to beat their 1million ex mirror gear 1xxxxxk life+liferegen builds and make them flee like lil girls :>

I can beat EA, that's not the point however. It's the mechanic of how it works that matters, which is total bullshit
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
topic is alrdy bs, nothin constructive to say. ppl will keep whinin anyways till ea is useless and they can dominate ladder with their rmt gear :>

Lol at people who complain about mirrored items in standard league. The league has been around for years if you don't have mirrored or mirror worthy gear by now maybe your not very good at the game?

If you never cared about pvp before the patch why expect to compete with people who have been buying/crafting gear for years?

lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
Lol at people who complain about mirrored items in standard league. The league has been around for years if you don't have mirrored or mirror worthy gear by now maybe your not very good at the game?

never complained bout mirror gear, nice comment
If you never cared about pvp before the patch why expect to compete with people who have been buying/crafting gear for years?

n/c lol

I can beat EA, that's not the point however. It's the mechanic of how it works that matters, which is total bullshit

so mechanic is broken cuz u cant brainless insta leap + cyclone kill them like almost every1 else? tsss...

Last edited by LMSLMSLMS#3528 on Jan 17, 2015, 6:42:16 AM
Please feel free to make a good and sucessful 2hander. Alot of people try(because they all think the same"Leapslam + cyclone") without sucess.
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
nice answere.
y gimme all ur BiS stuff and np. melee all bout gear+namelock (much skill) and most ppl fail cuz they cant afford mirror gear or dont wanna invest dat much, dats all.

-Please feel free to make a good and sucessful EAer. Alot of people try(because they all think the same"wallbang") without sucess. trollol ...

its ridiculous. ppl see a "counter"(sumthin they cant just faceroll) to their builds and keep whinin in forum till it gets nerfd to shit. ea alrdy got nerfd hard if u would play it u would know how hard it is to make it viable for top end pvp these days or u just have to be a retarded talented player like miesdol

and fuck "cornercamping" u dont win matches by dat.
Last edited by LMSLMSLMS#3528 on Jan 17, 2015, 6:45:05 AM

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