1.2.4e Patch Notes

Shrubsy wrote:
Barl wrote:
I'll just quote a redditer here: "Every last drop of fun must be sucked from this game as always"

Yeah, seeing that exp bar go up way faster than it should was all the fun that was left in the game.
Justified nerf is justified.

Exp was compared to map 77 or 78. Big deal indeed.
Keegmeister6969 wrote:
why have some of my stash tabs become remove only ??

The remove only tabs are from the now closed leagues. Once you empty them they will disappear.

These are in ADDITION to your EXISTING tabs.
stupid nerf nobody asked for...
Nice nerf :")
morvekkil wrote:
The paradise is tainted! :P
Keep up the great work GGG and don't listen to most of these complaints.

When I first unlocked Zana lvl 3 on my Duelist, the VERY FIRST Daily she gave me was Untainted Paradise. I didn't even know it was a Unique Map because I was still new to the game. In that one map (which wasn't even difficult) I gained about 3 levels, from ~ lvl 75-78.

If that's not OP and warrants a nerf, I don't know what balance is.
Like this was really necessary? They couldn't stand high level chars getting a nice free boost i'm guessing, always wanting everything to move at a microscopic pace...fml

And here I thought the "Paradise" was a "im sorry" for how slow you level past 90, guess it was just a "tease".
Last edited by justinmm1988#6504 on Nov 20, 2014, 4:44:10 PM
rip empower experience
A friend And I played a hell of a lot during the first 2 months of the league and Zana spawned the map twise. Between two people..
If experience is nerfed the chance of actually finding it should be raised imo.
Quick opinion without reading the posts. I don't see why untainted paradise had to be nerfed. At higher levels it was only really effective for gem xp, and for lower levels it was just a random treat to a quick level.

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