Season Nine, Event 86: One Hour Endless Ledge

Died 8 minutes into the race. Rerolled for the heck for it.
It was totally worth it

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brks wrote:
Guys, it was my first endless ledge race. Question about skills and items from first chest. Are its random or stable every time?
Always the same skills at start
Last edited by Hamallainen#4785 on Nov 13, 2014, 3:09:13 PM
what a great race...first time in top 20 in think in endlesss ledge

7min before the end i found this
Ign: The_Horus

My profile & builds @:
1st Templar, holy crap :D

Pillar dropped as well as this, almost shat myself thinking it was a Searing touch...
Abisslayer, the Tank of Blades! -
Abisswalds, the Flaskman!

All of my zones up to 30+ were zombies and skeletons, not even kidding. Shame no +1 to lightning, that cost me about 2-3 levels.
ProjectPT was right.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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