For the HLD folks

but if u don't have a Ferrari and u like to bet, than bet with baby cars.

Furthermore most people can bet with 1 Ferrari at the most, but can't afford to bet with a Lamborghini, an F1 etc. But they can afford many baby cars. Also if u find one baby car is not really your thing or does not drive as your thought, another baby car is an hour away.
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
missuse wrote:
but if u don't have a Ferrari and u like to bet, than bet with baby cars.

Furthermore most people can bet with 1 Ferrari at the most, but can't afford to bet with a Lamborghini, an F1 etc. But they can afford many baby cars. Also if u find one baby car is not really your thing or does not drive as your thought, another baby car is an hour away.

Fuck baby cars and exotics. If HLD characters are Ferrari's then LLD is MG midgets / VW bugs. I'll be a 69 Mach1 with a 428cj, not some pussy car.
IGN: MullaXul
in LLD who/what build is the equivalent of

tanky mara with dual decoy totems?
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Nov 12, 2014, 8:53:47 PM
andkamen wrote:
in LLD who/what build is the equivalent of

tanky mara with dual decoy totems?

Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
GreenDude wrote:
Okay so a lot HLDers were upset, evidently. We knew this would happen. So this is a thread where I explain stuff because I see a lot of sad assumptions.

-There was not enough time for both LLD and HLD because they were starting from nothing. They had to create new events, release events around a balanced meta and create uniques and crafting mods relevant to pvp. It was either they release LLD and events or no pvp at all. The truth is HLD is more time consuming to balance.

-There will be HLD events. They are not stressed as much because LLD has gone through a lot of balancing and will be released in a very balanced state. So it makes sense to advertise the more balanced events and the more accessible events. I don't think anyone can realistically deny that LLD is more accessible and balanced currently.

-I was not flown there to do HLD balancing. They know I do LLD and I even told them that. I took it upon myself to ask HLDers for help though so I can give input directly from the community. (i.e this is the community talking directly to Chris through my mouth). How I did this is I looked at feedback from HLD threads (i read all threads here) and I made a topic where I asked "what is one thing you could change about HLD if you had the power to do so" remember that thread? The only HLD feedback given to GGG came from you guys, not me. I just gave it to them because as you know they don't read pvp feedback section often.

-I care about HLD. I find it hard to get into and im personally too poor to invest in HLD because it is expensive and because i invest a lot in LLD (keep in mind im not a rich player so "a lot" is relative here). I knew the HLDers would be upset to not have events. This is why we discussed "what can we do for HLDers who want something now? The answer was to try to implement casual HLD events or competitive events that don't count for points. I am not sure at this time what the HLD events will be.

-HLD will get it's time! This time it was building the foundation for PVP and introducing LLD. next block of free time will be dedicated to HLD. It is not because HLD is unreleased now that it will be unreleased for ever. It just couldn't fit in this block of free time they had.

-I did my research. I gave them what I believe is non-bias feedback. I am talking about LLD here, however i want you guys to know that I went through topics and directly copy/pasted quotes from players. I worked on a build tier list, I gave my feedback as a tournament host about times for games, points per rounds, what worked, what didn't. They were working on events primarily and I am an event organizer. That's why I got sent there.

-This one is sad: Someone said I dont care about HLD and thats why I didnt finish uploading HLD vods to my youtube. The truth is my internet bandwidth is limited to 60 gigs a month. I'm in the middle of farms and have shitty internet. This means I must download twitch vods and upload youtube vids between Midnight and 6am when I have unlimited bandwidth. Furthermore, my download speed and upload speed is trash. I can barely stream 480p quality. Uploading a youtube video takes like 6 hours which means I can only upload 1 video a day if I had time to edit it. I have a life, i go to school, i work part time, i had to go to new zealand and I had to do work and tests to make up for lost school time. I had to prepare for new zealand and I had to play games because im not a zombie. So this left little to no time for me to finish uploading all of them. Please do not assume things about my life. I am not leaving a half empty playlist of HLD vods on my youtube because I don't like HLD. That is the stupidest thing i've ever heard.

- LLD balance does NOT affect HLD. We do the following "Gems at low level deal less damage and by level 18 the damage is the same". This is an example of how to nerf something at LLD only. You guys have seen similar patch notes before. They can nerf early level or high levels without affect the opposite one. Most LLD gems go up to level 8 max so by the time you are lvl 18 gems, the changes are non-existant.

I will be answering you guys below so if I forgot to say something above, please tell me!

I went on Hege's stream and allowed him to ask me questions because I knew he was upset about the lack of HLD news. Please listen to it, especially if you don't want to read the wall of txt above:

we are still waiting for hld work...
Poe Pvp experience

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