Cave Hideout [New Screenshots]

Badass looking ho, really awesome.
IGN: RichMightyWitch
My HideOut

Last edited by kingsam999 on Sep 26, 2014, 6:52:24 PM
Congrats to HotW! :)
"The one who dies with the most toys is still dead."
- Geth, keeper of the Vault.

Asi se prestehuju do tvojeho hideoutu :D
Cactus_CZ wrote:
changed stand lamps to torches.

Wich of the masters sells the torches? and at what level?
You're An Inspiration For Birth Control.
meerkatz13 wrote:
Congrats to HotW! :)

Thank you :)

Arutam wrote:
Wich of the masters sells the torches? and at what level?

Cata, dunno what lvl.

Diphal wrote:
Asi se prestehuju do tvojeho hideoutu :D

Heh, jsi vítán :p

wtf lol it look nice but the loading time to enter that seem to be impossible long haha.

I didnt notice any difference in loading times between my previous hideout and this one, and thanks for feedback.
1st Hideout of the week: view-thread/1059888
Gears & Builds history:
Congratz on the HotW vid. Your cave hideout looks very cool!
I love this hideout:>
Can you add the edit mode hideout?
Wow amazing, and I thought I spent a lot of time on my library lol
If you don't have anything nice to say, zip your lip!!!
GZ cactus, ked mi povedali, ze je to tvoj hideout myslel som si ze si zo mna niekto robi prdel :D

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