[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
Pvp24, if you were able to double you current block chance you would be at cap. Which would essentily cut your damage taken from physical damage in half. When I make a block build I cut my life down a bit to gain the block nodes. A lot of times your life leech rate can't keep up with the damage your receiving, it's just to slow. But if you blocking twice as many attacks it allows you leech rate to over heal your damage taken. There's also no downside to ondars guile which awesome because most keystones have a drawback. There is no reason not to have it as long as you have some evasion.
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" Pretty close, yes. Still one percent shy of perfect, but in the ballpark. 70%+ block seems pretty much subjectively all the same. If he adds a Crest of Perandus and a Stone of Lazhwar and a few regrets, I think he could do OK. |
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Agreed. If you happy with clear speed, I'd regret a couple damage nodes and go for some block. Even +10% block can make a difference.
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Well, once again, GGG has screwed me over with a desync hardcore murder of my pally, this time at lvl 32 in a Vaal side instance in Norm Act 3 slums...
Literally had no problem, capped resists, 60% block rate etc running claw/reave. Vaal construct was a joke. I was bashing the carrion queen Vaal boss and noticed that my health was dropping regardless of health pots, although I didn't actually seem to be being hit and all the exploders were already dead. I notice that while I'm flailing on the boss, I'm not doing dmg. Suddenly, I'm 15 feet away jammed in to a corner surrounded in exploders. I run away once (I'm gunshy of desyncs) and make it four rooms away, but HP are still dropping and I'm outta flasks. Get teleported back to the same spot. Run again, different direction this time. Third time, drop dead a couple of rooms away then get my corpse teleported back to the same spot. I had not used shield charge (the only fast movement ability I use which is prone to desync to close with the boss, and only used it the 3rd time I tried to escape. I had a clean connection, ping was fine etc... There is absolutely nothing wrong with this build straight up for hardcore, just a bit more attention to gearing for health/resists. In fact, I was overperforming the content faster than I could chew through it. I was pretty confident when I got past Vaal construct that I probably could have facetanked Piety right then and there. But this games netcode is so f#cking ratshit that if you experience desync at all, chances are that is what will kill your HC toon. In short, if you experience any desync, forget hardcore.. |
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" Amen to that. Pretty much all of the successful hardcore players have to rely on quickly exiting the game to survive these types of extended desync situations. There is usually enough warning though, to exit to character select and resume from there. Annoying, for sure. Sorry you lost another character, brother. Valiant try though. |
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Cruel perpetus, recovered from a desync in a bear trap while he was shoving EK's up my ass. No reason to try hardcore again after that. Everytime I open a strong box on ambush I'm dead before it he monsters even appear on my screen. Sticking to softcore here.
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If you're running an Eva-heavy gear setup like I did, this build suffers against Perpetus anyways unless you're running a Granite Flask of Iron Skin. I couldn't run any Ghetto maps because of it lol.
Though that was more of a problem with my gear than the build. Anyways, I'm running a Flame Totem Templar atm and am in a2cruel, but I'll probably pick up the Block build again after I've ran some maps and farmed some gear up for it. I'm all about having a diversity of playstyles, and the Flame Totem style of play (setting up 2 totems, cursing people, and drawing them into the Fire of Doom) is a welcome change of pace from a Reave Duelist, but Flame Totem will probably get boring after a while too. Last edited by K0rrupted#5191 on Apr 9, 2014, 6:44:05 PM
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" No problem killing Ghetto boss here. :D Just enfeeble him and whirling blades away if in trouble (not likely with anything like decent gear). |
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Just facetanked dom on mercy at lvl 69. Only one half way scary part I was at half life. The rest I was at full life lol.
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" That's great! You must have pretty good gear to do it at such a low level. Congrats! |
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