[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" Depending if you have intelligence enough, you could also level up reave, which is similar to ground slam in that it has a built-in AOE effect and somewhat of a cone behavior. Reave works with fast swords, daggers or claws. Cleave is an option, although double strike + melee splash is probably better now. Infernal Blow has an AOE on kill, and you can add AOE for the primary attacks as well with melee splash. Spectral throw is light on DPS in my testing but has the best range. Use with lesser multiple projectiles, faster attacks, added fire damage, Iron Grip, knockback. Then there is lighting strike -- LMP again, chain, faster attacks, multistrike, mana leech Cyclone is an AOE of sorts, a little more work perhaps. Don't use it with multistrike -- other damage related supports are fine (melee physical damage, added fire damage, faster attacks, mana leech support may be required.) Of course, the traditional options like heavy strike and glacial hammer can be AOE with melee splash support. Plenty of choices! |
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" Howdy Styrkor. That is a totally different build for sure -- I'd comment that high ES gear is much rarer than high life and armour gear, making the CI tank far more expensive to perfect. I suppose with an Aegis Aurora and a lot of ES, combined with Ghost Reaver + Vaal Pact, it would be pretty sturdy. I don't see a CI build having enough dex to use high level grace or faster attacks easily, which are nice to have. You cannot go CI from the get-go, it's pretty much a high level thing that you spec into, making the first half of your gaming experience rather tedious, or requiring regrets later on. Perhaps only doable for those that are very experienced with Path of Exile. I wanted to come up with a build that can be used by new players as well as experienced players, and does not require respec'ing or changing direction halfway along, or limping through the lower levels. We don't really have trouble with chaos damage as, for the most part, chaos damage is done by projectile in maps. We are strong vs. projectiles. So, more cons than pros, as far as I'm concerned. In any case, any tank build will surely benefit from maxing out his blocking. |
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" Yes, it is a good option. The individual hits are smaller than heavy strike so the damage effectiveness (armour penetration) and leeching are not as good. But it is fun to watch the crazy speed and will work just fine in the end game especially with at least a 5L, preferably 6L or Bringer of Rain. Some folks may prefer it if knockback bothers them. Great to have choices. |
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" As mentioned by prior poster, Lazhwar is my top recommended amulet and scales up to 47% chance to block spells at roughly lvl65. We also get a leg up on other builds with our resists as the tree has an extra 20% elemental resists for shield users. Of course, proper gear is required to max out elemental resistances, but that's the case with any build. Bottom line, spells don't hurt me at all typically. |
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" Strategy is required to defeat Dominus. Perhaps this thread would help. Ripped these tips from a random YouTube posting:
In his last form, the new boss punctures you telepathically. Looks like "internal bleeding" (when the rain is red).
TIPS: - Fight in place and life leech when you have internal bleeding (red rain). - When he uses his "dome shield", you take no "internal bleeding" damage if you stay inside that shield (that protect you from rain). - "Remove bleeding" flasks works (for about 1 second) and will reset the bleeding counter. Glad you found the guide useful. :) |
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" Probably about level 50. But Infernal Blow uses a lot of mana/life anyway -- you could try Heavy Strike instead as it's mana cost is far lower. Or, you could find a mana leech support gem and use that instead of the blood magic support. I do recommend moving on to mana leech as soon as possible, either on items for physical damage, or the support gem for elemental damage skills. Then it becomes a balance between your mana regen/leech and your skill's requirements and mana reserved by auras. Glad you liked the guide, Barrokin! :) |
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" The amulet is a level 5, which boss is the best one to farm it? |
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" Typically the answer is always Normal Merveil, however, I did find mine in Lunaris 3, Merciless. I believe the exact spot was when I reached the final ramp up to the level the large golden door is on. There is usually a large pack of monsters there waiting, and this pack has dropped a unique for me at least 3 times that I can recall. |
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" Farm piety a few more times then... I realized 40%+ block + all res 40%+ is pretty weak in Cruel. Maybe I need gain more armor before next step. |
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" Yes my friend, maxing out your resistances is pretty much required before proceeding to the next phase of the game, be it Cruel, Merciless, or Maps. We all march along the gearing path which is Exile. :) |
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