[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" 250+ DPS weapon is recommended around 70. :) |
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Is there a possibility to view my chance of evading projectiles?
In the defenses it is not shown. All i know is, that it is doubled. Or do i have to calculate it, and if so, how? Here is a nice little story, that happened yesterday. I am running 66 maps atm to gain exp. Every time i level up, i visit each vendor,looking for 6s and chromish items. Hagran in cruel offered me this : Couldn't believe my eyes!! A 5l from vendor. I never thought, that this could happen. But i can't get it running on my templar. I need 3 red sockets, and have spend about 40 chromes with no result. people make mistakes, but to get real chaos, you need a computer.
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" It appears I fat fingered calculating the dps for the axe. For an item with multiple damage mods.. Is the math... [(29 + 87 + 6 + 11 + 1 + 25) / 2] * 1.29 = 102.555? Really not sure where I went wrong my last attempt at it.. However my end question still is applicable. Would I be better suited with a higher dps weapon, or one with the higher physical mod for using heavy strike? Last edited by McCloude#1075 on Oct 31, 2013, 8:09:14 AM
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" I've wondered about this as well. Ultimately I think that a pure physical damage weapon that does 270DPS is better than a physical + elemental damage weapon that does 300DPS because a lot of monsters have "resist elemental damage", "resist cold/lightning/fire damage" etc. Sure the elemental damage weapon would do more damage to creatures without resist, but less to creatures with resist, whereas a good pure physical damage weapon would do good damage to both. I'm not sure, but I think the physical mod on weapons is already pre-calculated and shown on the "Physical Damage : " of the weapon. 1 Eternal = 2 Exalted (ex) 1 Exalted (ex) = 10 Gemcutter's Prism (GCP) = 22 Chaos = 220 Chromatic Last edited by KnightOfTheLost#5987 on Oct 31, 2013, 11:19:46 AM
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" From my understanding.. the top part of the tooltip does account for the mods down below. My questions was more focused on what part of the dps is most important. Weapon with a 1 attack speed (for simplicity) Is a weapon of physical of 50-100 : dps 75 total dps: 75 better than a physical of 50-75 : dps 62.5 elemental of 10-40 : dps 25 total dps : 87.5 ? The top has more physical dps, but less overall. |
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Ok, about the weapons, hope I got this right.
" So, the tree (the complete tree) has: 50% increased Melee Physical Damage 76% increased Melee Physical Damage when wielding 1 handed weapons. So assuming attack rate is 1: Physical 50-100 will become 50 + ((50*50%) + (50*76%)) to 100 + ((100*50%)+(100+76%)) = 50+25+38 to 100+50+76 = 113-229 (171 dps) Physical 50-75 will become 50 + ((50*50%) + (50*76%)) to 75 = ((75*50%)+(75*76%)) = 50+25+38 to 75+38+57 = 113-170 + elemental mods = 123-210 (166 dps) Assuming we are using Heavy Strike: level 20: 95% increased physical damage: Weapon 1: (113*95%) - (229*95%) = 220-449 (334 dps) Weapon 2: (113*95%) - (170*95%) = 220-331 (275 dps) + 25 dps from the elemental range = 300 dps with heavy strike Conclusion: physical base damage weapons will scale a lot better since, if you follow gearing suggestions, you will be getting +% and +melee damage from amulet, ring x2 and belt, whereas your elemental damage will not be multiplied. This, of course, only applies at the higher levels with more 'complete' setups and gear-sets and the incremental weapon upgrades along the way would have to be calculated individually :D HOWEVER - these numbers and things are hard, so don't rely on this till someone confirms. This is how I choose my weapons though, but considering that Im' still using the weapon below at level 61 says I can't be trusted :D Self Found: |
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" 1) You take your "chance to evade" when you have Grace running, and multiply by 2. 2) Very lucky find! If you look for and sell every b-r-g 3 linked item you find, the chromes will add up -- I have hundreds. It is low chance of getting many reds on a hybrid item, but possible since you only need 3. |
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" A fast physical damage weapon is what you want, unless a weapon with elemental damage mods is much higher DPS (say, at least 1.5 times as much). The only trouble is you might run into mana issues because you won't be leeching as much. |
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" So.. same math, just easier to read.. 1 + .5 + .76 = 2.26 damage range is (50 * 2.26) to (100 * 2.26), or 113 to 226. And this applies to only physical as you stated above. That makes sense. So really the answer to the question is first knowing your multipliers. And that physical will have a higher weight. " That's what I'm gathering from seeing the above math.. So mana leech is directly tied to physical damage done? Does elemental damage not play as much in that calculation? (Sorry I'm a noob - as I only played a little during beta). Last edited by McCloude#1075 on Oct 31, 2013, 1:35:11 PM
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" Only physical yes - there are things that leech mana and life based on all types of damage, but I'm not sure where/what they are. But for ease-of-use, just assume it's physical damage |
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