[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" I'd imagine the blood rain. Have to be inside his bubble to avoid it |
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I've been having a heap of fun using cyclone/curse on hit/warlords mark (got an enfeeble I want to try out as well and see if that gives me more bang for buck). Considering you get curse on hit after library normal (and cast on getting hit is act 3 merciless), it's a great lazy pally way to get the curse up while still doing damage (and on a showstring mana budget).
As I'm still really trying to get my gear up to snuff, I'm still using blood magic on my main attack (which get's in the way of an extra dmg) so things are a bit slow, but I'm pretty solid. 51/75/75 resists without purity. Side note, I'm pissed that my siege axe is locked at 3 sockets rather than 4, is that a hard limit for 1H mainhanders or just a ilevel thing? The other question was, when considering weapon dps, is that just a calc of average dmg by attacks per second (ie. manually worked out), or is there a tooltip or something else I'm missing? Current gear:
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Your weapon damage is just that. All the nodes you pick will multiply that damage.
And yes 3 sockets is max for any 1hand weapon and shield |
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Hmm I'm going to assume the standard league is not that domination league I was defaulted into now was it hehe.
That crest of perandus looks like it would be great at the stage I'm in now but alas, I've taken the 'first character is always going to suck' adage to heart. =) Lazily about to finish normal relying on Heavy Strike for most of the work, with infernal blow for the massed trash. I was saving Heavy Strike for the need to kill fast stuff at first but come act 3, I can spam heave strike without potion support all of a sudden. HS pretty much replaced the normal attack suddenly... wish I knew exactly why my mana is doing so well. LOL |
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Does anyone have any personal recommendations on which single target and which AoE to use and the success they've had with them? I can't really decide.. Thanks! :D
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" The OP gave a giant list: " But if you want personal recommendations, I'll list my thoughts on the ones I've used: Heavy Strike: Very good dps, no innate aoe. I also find the knockback annoying. I've only used it in extremely specific situations: map boss that does incredible dps that also has elemental reflect mod. That way I can hit and run and not die. Eventually I geared up and am practically unkillable (unless I make stupid mistakes!), so I dropped it. Reave: Okay dps, and has built-in-aoe so you can replace Melee Splash with another dps support gem. Limited to swords, claws, and daggers. I liked it a lot when I used it because of built in aoe, but I graduated to a better weapon and thus dropped it. Infernal Blow: Good dps, limited build-in-aoe. It has some built in aoe, but you still need Melee Splash for it. The one drawback is elemental reflect packs can literally kill you in one shot because one mob explodes, killing the whole pack, and the whole pack explodes reflecting all that damage onto you. I sometimes still use this when I'm bored, but the small risk of elemental reflect has led me to seek something else. Dominating Blow: Bad dps, no aoe, 100% need a Soul Taker for it (319 mana per cast!). Yup, hefty requirements just to think about using it. The upside is incredible though: no need to worry about any kind of reflect or mobs that raise undead. With Increased Duration I constantly have a pack of 50 mobs following me around, including the odd rare mob with incredible auras (6k ES hoooo). The pack of mobs act as a meat shield for other mobs so I'm rarely the center of attention. The one downside is if you run into an aoe boss (yeah, you Temple Piety), your pack of mobs are useless and you're stuck doing pitiful dps for basically no reason (which is why I still carry around Infernal Blow). P.S. Assuming everything is socketed with Multistrike, Faster Attacks, and Melee Physical, I socketed them with: Heavy Strike + Melee Splash + Added Fire Reave + Added Fire + Weapon Elemental Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Added Fire Dominating Blow + Melee Splash + Increased Duration |
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Hey Guys,
First of, kudos to Sovn for great guide and greetings from Poland - i'm following it and so far i'm satisfied altough i'm on normal 3rd act after piety but i'm sure on cruel will work fine as well. Got a question regarding single attack (as multihitter i'm using Reave), so what do you think about using some totally different strikes like viper strike and puncture? i'm just experimenting with it and i like dot's but i guess it won't be effective in higher levels? Would love to hear your opinions. D. Last edited by Dragosani#3964 on Oct 28, 2013, 11:24:25 AM
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duplicated, sorry. Last edited by Dragosani#3964 on Oct 28, 2013, 11:23:39 AM
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" Ive tried viper strike, mostly for boss fights (vaal) where you dont really want to just stand still and eat damage. but never got the hang of it really compaired to HS/IB. Or just rather keep on using reave even on single target fights. And with the current gem system there aint just not room for a 3rd attack where viper strike could fit in. Else i agree i like DoT's. But not in PoE, with the exception of bear/fire traps and poison arrows. Hmm thinking of DoT's made me almost want to start my warlock in wow again :-p Puncture, cant get it to work. If chance to flee did work on bosses it would be fun to see them run and die. |
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" The way weapon DPS is calculated is by adding all of the damage numbers together, then dividing by 2 to get the average, then multiplying by the attack speed. For example, your weapon is 216 DPS. Good idea for newer players on the curse on hit from normal. I'd say that for most, a damage support gem would be preferable, but it may be a good alternative if one is having trouble with survivability. Edit; one could put curse on hit on a secondary 'engage' type attack like leap slam or shield charge, then finish 'em off with the usual heavy strike or cyclone, etc. Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Oct 28, 2013, 1:24:26 PM
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