oh well, good luck with molten and 6l tempest shield. lol
👱♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘
Mirror Shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2512292
Posted bySisLovesMe#7061on Sep 18, 2014, 1:35:21 PM
Do lightning strike projectiles proc molten shell?
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo
Posted byBhai#0148on Sep 18, 2014, 4:09:07 PM
Bhai wrote:
Do lightning strike projectiles proc molten shell?
Only phys dmg.
IGN: @GreenDude
Posted byGreenDude#3233on Sep 18, 2014, 8:34:10 PMAlpha Member
GreenDude wrote:
Bhai wrote:
Do lightning strike projectiles proc molten shell?
Only phys dmg.
Which is 50% phys damage, so yes it does
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
GreenDude wrote:
Bhai wrote:
Do lightning strike projectiles proc molten shell?
Only phys dmg.
Which is 50% phys damage, so yes it does
lol thanks
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo
Posted byBhai#0148on Sep 19, 2014, 12:21:26 AM
My bad. I always thought the melee hit was half phys half ele and then the projectile bolts were lightning only for the same dmg.
IGN: @GreenDude
Posted byGreenDude#3233on Sep 19, 2014, 8:18:33 AMAlpha Member
With no cool down, Molten is instantly recast and instantly does damage to you when you try to capitalize on that opportunity you just created for yourself with LS projectiles. Not to mention you'll be gunned down by far stronger ranged attacks before you make the impact you hoped to. Bottom line is, casters even in their "weakest" state (zzz...) didn't need a defense this powerful. Now that casters have been heavily buffed in so many ways, all it did was augment Molten and make it even more powerful then it already was. Before people wanted a cool down on it so they could pretend they were at least playing smart pvp. I.e...shoot it down, capitalize on the cool down style. Well that never happened instead we got CWDT 20/20 set ups that took that proposed cool down idea and tossed it out the window. Even as a 1h/shield melee user you're rolling the dice versus this shit, you block it/dodge it or you're dead to it. Molten + Tempest is a compounding problem that keeps getting swept under the rug and with every patch gets better and better with the introduction of CWDT set ups, hp nerfs, caster buffs, echo support making casters main attacks even deadlier, block reduction nerfs,lack of + max resist on the tree, more - max resist on the tree yada yada yada. I've typed it before and I'll type it again, its fucking hilarious when casters on this game complain. I don't even want my text to project that I'm complaining, because its really just stating solid facts. It's not like I've quit over this shit or anything, I'll still be here tomorrow and the next day and the next day even the end of days when Molten Shell is still ignored and blows up your fucking computer when you touch it because it just needed to get buffed more and more indirectly.
IGN: MullaXul
Posted byMullaXul#2277on Sep 19, 2014, 5:51:33 PM
MullaXul wrote:
With no cool down, Molten is instantly recast and instantly does damage to you when you try to capitalize on that opportunity you just created for yourself with LS projectiles. Not to mention you'll be gunned down by far stronger ranged attacks before you make the impact you hoped to. Bottom line is, casters even in their "weakest" state (zzz...) didn't need a defense this powerful. Now that casters have been heavily buffed in so many ways, all it did was augment Molten and make it even more powerful then it already was. Before people wanted a cool down on it so they could pretend they were at least playing smart pvp. I.e...shoot it down, capitalize on the cool down style. Well that never happened instead we got CWDT 20/20 set ups that took that proposed cool down idea and tossed it out the window. Even as a 1h/shield melee user you're rolling the dice versus this shit, you block it/dodge it or you're dead to it. Molten + Tempest is a compounding problem that keeps getting swept under the rug and with every patch gets better and better with the introduction of CWDT set ups, hp nerfs, caster buffs, echo support making casters main attacks even deadlier, block reduction nerfs,lack of + max resist on the tree, more - max resist on the tree yada yada yada. I've typed it before and I'll type it again, its fucking hilarious when casters on this game complain. I don't even want my text to project that I'm complaining, because its really just stating solid facts. It's not like I've quit over this shit or anything, I'll still be here tomorrow and the next day and the next day even the end of days when Molten Shell is still ignored and blows up your fucking computer when you touch it because it just needed to get buffed more and more indirectly.
Your hate towards casters is pretty deep mullaxul, you probably said the same exact things a hundred times already on this forum. I think everyone knows molten and tempest is strong, and tbh good casters dont even use molten anymore ( like myself ). There are plenty other 1 shot bullshit skills/builds to complain about atm, if i'd ask myself what i think is broken atm is probably getting 1 shotted by a single arrow with the mirrored harbinger bow on a 8k+ es, including crit daggers like always but everyone knows that already... there's no point putting such effort in your texts mullaxul, just give up and let it go.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Sep 19, 2014, 8:12:53 PM
Posted byhauntworld1#6496on Sep 19, 2014, 8:10:47 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
With no cool down, Molten is instantly recast and instantly does damage to you when you try to capitalize on that opportunity you just created for yourself with LS projectiles. Not to mention you'll be gunned down by far stronger ranged attacks before you make the impact you hoped to. Bottom line is, casters even in their "weakest" state (zzz...) didn't need a defense this powerful. Now that casters have been heavily buffed in so many ways, all it did was augment Molten and make it even more powerful then it already was. Before people wanted a cool down on it so they could pretend they were at least playing smart pvp. I.e...shoot it down, capitalize on the cool down style. Well that never happened instead we got CWDT 20/20 set ups that took that proposed cool down idea and tossed it out the window. Even as a 1h/shield melee user you're rolling the dice versus this shit, you block it/dodge it or you're dead to it. Molten + Tempest is a compounding problem that keeps getting swept under the rug and with every patch gets better and better with the introduction of CWDT set ups, hp nerfs, caster buffs, echo support making casters main attacks even deadlier, block reduction nerfs,lack of + max resist on the tree, more - max resist on the tree yada yada yada. I've typed it before and I'll type it again, its fucking hilarious when casters on this game complain. I don't even want my text to project that I'm complaining, because its really just stating solid facts. It's not like I've quit over this shit or anything, I'll still be here tomorrow and the next day and the next day even the end of days when Molten Shell is still ignored and blows up your fucking computer when you touch it because it just needed to get buffed more and more indirectly.
Your hate towards casters is pretty deep mullaxul, you probably said the same exact things a hundred times already on this forum. I think everyone knows molten and tempest is strong, and tbh good casters dont even use molten anymore ( like myself ). There are plenty other 1 shot bullshit skills/builds to complain about atm, if i'd ask myself what i think is broken atm is probably getting 1 shotted by a single arrow with the mirrored harbinger bow on a 8k+ es, including crit daggers like always but everyone knows that already... there's no point putting such effort in your texts mullaxul, just give up and let it go.
You are one of the only "high spheres" casters that I manage to one shot actually. Same goes for me I can get one shot with fp through 7.7k life max res. Add to this the retarded cwdt\tempest dmg that stuns/shocks me and the insane cast speed that almost nullify my only defense (dodge) and you got yourself a well-rounded war machine.
The worst part in that is that I don't even bother maxing my res anymore since the damage output is about the same. Instead, I stack up my damage and pray that I will kill the opponent first. I'm glad to be a ranger in the current pvp state since I can attack from a certain distance, I feel for you, poor melee...
Omg hld so unbalanced and broken
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo
Posted byBhai#0148on Sep 20, 2014, 12:52:31 PM