[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
Are there recommended Enchants for this Build?
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" Those are pretty obvious, aren't they? Gloves - does not really matter, it is utilitym which has miserable dmg compared to your one tornado shot. But hey, that spiral-like on hit effect looks cool I guess :) (was 'fury' I think) Boots - went through wiki, nothing stunning, probably go for spell dodge when hit by a spell recently, that one would work well. Or move speed if you haven't been hit recently. So much for affordable and farmable enchants, now for helmet... Helmet - pick the one for your main skill, e.g. for tornado shot the best is imho 90% crit chance. Or the extra projectile it fires, whichever you like. Truth be told, do not even try to get it unless you have end-game helmet. The chances of getting it are soooo low that you might run lab 500 times and still not see any enchant for your skills. So my realistic advise, try and farm. Once you get anything boosting your most used skills, go for it and do not reroll it :D |
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What's the main difference between Herald of Ash, Ice, Thunder and what is better in a TS build with BR as a secondary skill?
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Hi fellow archers,
I am hoping to get an answer here to one precarious question which burdens me recently. Which flasks should I use when playing as Deadeye/Raider?
my current flasks
I do not yet have any Unique flask, but I am not sure I really need/want them - that is why I ask in the first place. With the introduction of Onslaught flasks as an offensinve option and Quartz as defensive option, that pretty much covers it right? Or am I wrong? Quartz seems like a perfect fit for this build and so does onslaught(e.g. silver). Besides you can keep them up very well if you roll either inc duration or recharge on crit. and secondly Which flasks should I use when playing as Pathfinder? I am not playing this class though I am thinking of switching to it. Nevertheless I am not sure which flasks to use here as it has a potential to refill even unique flasks. I am positive that changes things, not sure how though. Ideas welcome, thanks :) Siliarus |
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yeah. normal I got Word of "blades" on gloves.
it was pretty medicore. The mechanic is great/cool. spell on hit, fires 3 projectiles which chain 2times, of physical damage. (did cold as well, but I think that was hatred adding to it.) But.. 5s cooldown. 200 damage every 5s, when I was doing 1000dps or whatever. pointless. should scale with physical damage, but not phys attack damage, or phys damage with bow. if higher versions drop the cd alot, this one would be decent. if there was some way to curse on hit with it or something. That would have been nice. cruel I got edict of "frost" on kill, fires 4 frost projectiles in 4 directions. like, death spikes in hedge. very weak/pointless as well. also has a cd, so totally useless, and no giant deathballs on multikill. I had someone recommend "fury" to me as well. Checking the list. http://omegak2.net/poe/enchantments.html Force, light, fury and light say "ATTACK", not cast. so those 4 should be the ones you want, I suspect. Fury fires a projectles on hit I am told. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Mar 11, 2016, 8:32:30 AM
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" Early merc pathfinder here. I went natures adren first, then vet bowyer second. for reference. going to get master surgeon last. I was running 2 healing potions(both staunching), silverflask(+duration onslaught), Stibnite(+duration), and jade(3000 evade) for most of normal/cruel. I grabbed the mana nodes, which give +duration and +charges as well. And have a -charges belt. I love the stibnite. The blind effect, and massive uptime/use is fantastic for pathfinder. I have near 100% uptime, and only run out, while doing full clears, etc and have to go a solid 40seconds without a kill. Silver flasks use is not super efficient, but strong when needed to kill. Jade is garbage(a TON of evade, but dont need more evade.), but I was not having any luck with finding a granite, quartz or basalt. cruel was cake for that setup. Except izaro. I killed malachai, and ran up to forest camp in merc... Swapped out the jade. I gave a sulpur flask a shot in its place. Pleasantly surprised honestly. I thought the +40% damage would be mediocre as its only added damage. But I was undervaluing the high uptime (60full/20per), and the healing from consecrated ground. Got my hands on a granite now as well, Currently I have 1 healing, granite, silver, stibnite, sulphur. +duration on all the utility. I drink them nonstop. I feel like a chem addict in Fallout pulling hits on Pyscho jet constantly. my list dps on TS is 3500 ish iirc with full charges, goes up to 5500ish with silver and sulphur. Love stibnite, but that would likely be the first to go at this point. Sulphur's high uptime, does the job I was using it for mostly. While the blind is nice, a basalt, quartz or unique would probably be better. Uniques should be fairly obvious. Rumi's +pathfinder I am fairly sure is totally broken. Taste of hate I think is #2. high up time, extra cold with vet bowyer. Atziri's. slightly less uptime. still good/great. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Mar 11, 2016, 9:12:25 AM
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What is the tree for windripper build pls ?
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Would like to get some feedback from the community on my decision to go Deadeye-Ricochet with Sharp and Venomous. My thinking was that there would be some nice synergies between using Snakebite gloves with Sharp and Venomous.
Since we pretty much always have max frenzy charges up, everything is poisoned which gives the +40% crit chance vs anything that does not die instantly. The bleed chance is just a nice little bonus. I was even thinking about trying a puncture setup for single targets to get the guaranteed bleed/poison for guaranteed crit chance/crit multiplier vs single targets. It is like getting all of the benefits of a Maligaros Virtuosity without having to use the gloves. With 7 frenzy charges you also get 14% attack speed and 42% accuracy, the reduced frenzy charge duration is not even an issue since you are moving from pack to pack so quickly. Even with my mediocre gear it feels really strong, then again it is the only thing I have tried so far. Thoughts? |
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" seems fun. you are having fun... whats to comment? haha. my thoughts when considering poison, etc for my build was.. everything is dying instantly. called into doubt the value of dots. Then there is the "vs rare" question. you can get up to 16% attack speed as a suffix. And global added damage.. |
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" The initial TS does not, but the additional projectiles from the "explosions" do chain. " I'm not an expert on the mechanics, but from what it sounds like, I don't think you'll get any bonus from the additional 100% pierce chance. If the Drillneck bonus counts "overkill" percentage on pierce chance it would be really strong, but I don't think that's that case. If that's the case, you would only gain the increased crit chance based on pierce chance. Far Shot, on the other hand, is up to a 30% multiplicative damage modifier, and one of the strongest Ranger ascendancy skills, especially for a 2-point skill. " They all work differently. Herald of Ash is generally the strongest for DPS in this build. You get 15% physical conversion to fire damage, and since this build stacks so much physical, it's very strong. The overkill burning damage is fairly negligible, I believe. Thunder and Ice are similar in function. Both add a flat elemental damage to attacks (which is boosted nicely by WED if equipped). Ice will cause frozen enemies to shatter and explode for cold damage upon death. Thunder does similar with shocked enemies. Killing a shocked enemy will call down lightning bolts that do lightning damage to enemies. |
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