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[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

MortalKombat3 wrote:

It's worth spending 4 exalteds, actually - 2 for removing useless suffix, and another 2 for multimod. It's 6-link bow, after all, and 6-links are worth a lot.

That's true, 173% looks like 100$ and oter mods aren't anything good
Burn all the orbs!
What is the current best single target setup for a 6L? I've tried puncture on a 5L, the tooltip was high but the actual damage was low compared to tornado shot. Now that I have a 6L bow I'd like to know if any single target combo is better than tornado shot. Is trap/ puncture/ point blank still op?

My current gear:

Naimami wrote:
What is the current best single target setup for a 6L? I've tried puncture on a 5L, the tooltip was high but the actual damage was low compared to tornado shot. Now that I have a 6L bow I'd like to know if any single target combo is better than tornado shot. Is trap/ puncture/ point blank still op?

My current gear:

You still have to use Puncture (probably even with trap) against bosses where a lot of movement involved (like Atziri).
Personally, i wouldnt bother with single-target setup for Tornado Shot, even if you got second 6-L. Better use that 6-L for better cause, like some extra supports for auras/heralds (for example, Hatred+HoA+HoI+CoH+AM+Enlighten).
Also, why dont use Daresso's chest instead of yours?
Quick tip - Doryani belt sucks. Rare is much better.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Naimami wrote:
What is the current best single target setup for a 6L? I've tried puncture on a 5L, the tooltip was high but the actual damage was low compared to tornado shot. Now that I have a 6L bow I'd like to know if any single target combo is better than tornado shot. Is trap/ puncture/ point blank still op?

My current gear:

Apart of obligatory reminder there's no such thing as "best" (imo)
and we should speak of most prefered setup rather...

I really like this one:

but it has a lot of reasons behind it being it:

1. I use SA so I need some single anyway.
2. I use vaal pact so I can't use blood rage, I don't like blood dance boots and poacher mark isn't bis curse here. So I have already pretty strong reasons to use Frenzy

cons first:
1. You need pretty decent phys mitigation if you don't want to 1-shot yourself with accidental hit reflect mob.
2. If you decided to give it a shot you'd double number of rangers usings such setup. Ususaly people go between "ew" and "wtf" seeing this.
3. I'm yet to test it on super-heavy duty shit like atizirs, ubers etc, biggest badasses I killed were village double bosses for now..


1. I could reach ~140k dps without even trying, last 2 supporst are there becasue their low mana cost, not dps and I don't add HoA to my Hatred. Also you feel that you in fact have that 140k. You just crit, knocback, freeze stuff until it disapear (Which happens pretty fast)
2.It Can sustain itself from single 0,4% mana leech mod on ring alone. that's all I spent on mana leech/pool/regen at all, anywhere. That's pretty good as for 6L frenzy attack
3.Bosses, esspesialy these without good armor just die in blink of the eye.

Ofc If I had more mana leech on gear and spare nodes for some leech rate this setup would look different most likely (Slower Proj instead of Add. Acc to be specific). (That's just for clarify all which is behind this).Also, you could be casting Vaal Clarity on Icr Duration for 15 seconds of free spamming 6L Frenzy with all crazy damage supports there are like PtL, Slower Proj, Wed. Going phys with small exception for Hatred is my choice and bias, I don't insist that's "best", "only opotion" etc (ofc).

Burn all the orbs!
Last edited by skuadak#1891 on Sep 15, 2015, 3:43:54 PM
skuadak wrote:
last 2 supporst are there becasue their low mana cost

Why dont just support your Frenzy with Blood Magic then? You can spam it easily then (even without hitting anything), and you can use the best offensive supports, as you wont care about mana cost.
For example, you can use something like Frenzy + Blood Magic + PPAD + Slower Projectiles + ICD + Faster Attacks/ICS.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
MortalKombat3 wrote:
skuadak wrote:
Drahnier123 wrote:
Hey guys, bit of a question regarding Drillneck Tshot links,as to whats best

My Current links are Tshot, Faster attacks, GMP, pierce, PPAD, WED

However it seems to me that added fire adds more damage then WED

is this because of the existing T1 WED on my bow?(see spoiler)

Should I swap in added fire or should I switch up my links completely for something else?

for clarification, yes this is while running HOA and Hatred

I'm not familiar with TS, but that bow has just 3 mods, so once you get 2exalts, 1 scour and few chaoses bench-craft multimod from elrond, flat phys, and ias/crit chance (probably chance is better choice.) Also that would mean you've got new tier mod, nice :)

Unless there's some hybrid I don't know :S If there isn't it should be worth to spend this 2ex.

It's worth spending 4 exalteds, actually - 2 for removing useless suffix, and another 2 for multimod. It's 6-link bow, after all, and 6-links are worth a lot.

Added Fire damage is better DPS-wise than WED, if your only source of weapon elemental damage are Hatred+HoA. However, that doesnt mean Added fire is the best support - gems that increase physical damage (such as Slow proj., ICS or ICD) might show lower numbers, but their damage isnt subject to resistance and it improves your leech too.

And if you want to deal elemental damage, then you better use WED+PtL combination, and NOT added fire damage... It not just shows the best DPS tooltip, but also shocks enemies for +50% damage taken. However, that setup deal poor physical damage, and needs much more life/mana leech to sustain itself. Also, lightning resist drastically reduces DPS, and usually you cant shock bosses with it anyway.

Yeah, planning on spending the 4 exalts, crafted the bow from 2s white myself but ran out of funds, got 3ex atm and currency to trade for one(if I find someone who accepts GCP)

Thanks for the feedback on Support links guys
MortalKombat3 wrote:
skuadak wrote:
last 2 supporst are there becasue their low mana cost

Why dont just support your Frenzy with Blood Magic then? You can spam it easily then (even without hitting anything), and you can use the best offensive supports, as you wont care about mana cost.
For example, you can use something like Frenzy + Blood Magic + PPAD + Slower Projectiles + ICD + Faster Attacks/ICS.

Because I didn't need it yet, frankly speaking. Most likely I'll eventually grab like +0,8% mana leech on other gear and use all 5 links for damage. (This may take some time, I'm pretty lazy besides being rather casual %D)
Also one thing makes me thinking- I spot that I use Frenzy in two situations only - bosses (once per decade rare mob) and keeping Fr. charges up. So why not this V. Clarity? Well, besides mayby the fact that not every boss is so nice to stand still for 5 seconds until I kill him. You see, not even any issue yet, but so much thinking alread ;)

Ofc. I considere BM 100% viable and doable, I just simply didn't thought about it when I've been setting leech, sustaining etc.
Burn all the orbs!
Last edited by skuadak#1891 on Sep 15, 2015, 5:30:08 PM

is this bow worth exalting eventhough its not a harbinger or decimation bow?

What does the guide mean by ICM in the gem setup here?

Single targets/Curse on hit setups:

Basically pick between frenzy and puncture for single target:

Puncture - PPAD - SP - ICM - FA - WED
Puncture - PPAD - Trap - PointBlank - Trap Damage - SP

The goal is to maximize the single target damage

Frenzy - PPAD - FA - SP - ICM

Also are the gems ordered by priority (should I fit these: Puncture - PPAD - SP - ICM in a 4-link)?
Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
unlucky_child wrote:

btw, is there an updated version of gem links?

Is there in the guide.

Gem links also 100% dependent on whetr you farm, gear, passive tree & Jewel

i dont think reduced mana with auras are updated :)

anyway, why chain for and not GMP/GPL for split shots?
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Last edited by unlucky_child#3397 on Sep 15, 2015, 9:25:05 PM

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