[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

CepaX wrote:
What to do with nerfed Reduced mana? You can't now run multiple auras anymore...

You still have enough to use Hatred and a Herald. Enlighten is the new Reduced Mana, except it's way more expensive, takes forever to level, and isn't as good. If you're still running out of mana get more mana leech.
valarhexile wrote:

Darkith1546 wrote:
Currently level 78. If you guys are lazy like me I recommend checking out my gem set-up in my gloves. Saves me from casting assassin's mark and leeches mana.

I can't link my two jewels but they are 12% attack speed and 6% life. One having mana leech too. I picked attack speed jewels because I dropped faster attacks in my 5-link TS set up.


Current Tree

I would have rather taken the Eagle node, than the Hunted one as early choice :o

I'm going the defensive build, so I will never pick up the "Eagle" node.
Hey everyone I'm currently using this build. It's my second character above level 10.

I'm currently level 73, using the gear below:


I have some empty sockets. What would you recommend me to put in those? Immortal Cry?

Also, I'm leveling exactly what gems Neversink said in off-hand axe+shield.

My non-buffed tornado shit dps is only about 3600. If you were to suggest improvement on my gear, which piece would you say needs a replacement first? Currently I'm struggling to do 72 rare maps. Have only 2616 hp by the way.

Thanks for advice
Last edited by meltzie#0969 on Jul 25, 2015, 2:18:41 PM
PigButt wrote:

My gear are this and i can only use Herald of Ash and Ice, i cant use hatred though, any tips on how to let me use hatred ? Im lvl 63 currently

You need a lot more mana leech and pDPS. Your bow's on the weak side for your level and your tabula means you're using about 50% more mana per shot than the 4L that would be expected at your level. In the tree, the Essence Sap (duelist area) or Mind Drinker (shadow area) clusters are you best bet for more leech. The former offers a lot more leech than the latter (1.2 vs 0.4%); but if you haven't started into the duelist area yet; might take too long to get.

Edit: By converting 25% of your damage from physical to cold, your gloves are making it worse. I'd suggest swapping those out for rare gloves with mana leech master crafted on from Haku, and to get mana leech on at least one piece of rare jewelry.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Last edited by Summoner#6275 on Jul 25, 2015, 2:26:13 PM
Telrex wrote:

You still have enough to use Hatred and a Herald. Enlighten is the new Reduced Mana, except it's way more expensive, takes forever to level, and isn't as good. If you're still running out of mana get more mana leech.

Ye, thanks :<
But without reduced mana gem i have one free slot, and i have frenzy,blink arrow,ass.mark,golem already. What else i can throw in ?
i'm trying to understand the gear he showed as "1 week into the league " and "4 weeks "

there's no bloodrage , even if it is listed as mandatory in the guide and we are spending points for extra charges , how are you generating frenzy charges if running puncture ?

I'm trying to keep the gear he linked as a guideline but that seems to be a little bit different than what the guide says .. ( or i didn't understand , and that's def possible :)

what are the link setups i should aim for ?

- Tornado + support gems
- CWDT - enduring , immortal , ic
-frenzy/puncutre setup
- coh setup split+ass mark ? should i use this one or just skip ??
- hatred/vaal/herald

what about bloodrage ?

meltzie wrote:
Hey everyone I'm currently using this build. It's my second character above level 10.

I'm currently level 73, using the gear below:


I have some empty sockets. What would you recommend me to put in those? Immortal Cry?

Also, I'm leveling exactly what gems Neversink said in off-hand axe+shield.

My non-buffed tornado shit dps is only about 3600. If you were to suggest improvement on my gear, which piece would you say needs a replacement first? Currently I'm struggling to do 72 rare maps. Have only 2616 hp by the way.

Thanks for advice

Your gear is actually pretty ok as for level. Next improvement should be rare 5L eva chest with good +life and decent resis probably. In the future there's ofc quite a lot to change (diamond rings, maligaros, rat's nest and so on and so on) but let not go that far atm. Temporary solution - try to put Tornado Shot and GMP to off-hand for now and put SA from your curse setup together with any Physical to Lighting support in their place. In curse setup put some another lvl1 non-q SA.
As for 72 rare maps, that's nothing extraordinary that lvl 73 char struggle to do them in 2.0.

edit: Telrex has a point, at first get Starkonja's, esspesialy so it is so cheap now.
Burn all the orbs!
Last edited by skuadak#1891 on Jul 25, 2015, 8:09:27 PM
skuadak wrote:
meltzie wrote:
Hey everyone I'm currently using this build. It's my second character above level 10.

I'm currently level 73, using the gear below:


I have some empty sockets. What would you recommend me to put in those? Immortal Cry?

Also, I'm leveling exactly what gems Neversink said in off-hand axe+shield.

My non-buffed tornado shit dps is only about 3600. If you were to suggest improvement on my gear, which piece would you say needs a replacement first? Currently I'm struggling to do 72 rare maps. Have only 2616 hp by the way.

Thanks for advice

Your gear is actually pretty ok as for level. Next improvement should be rare 5L eva chest with good +life and decent resis probably. In the future there's ofc quite a lot to change (diamond rings, maligaros, rat's nest and so on and so on) but let not go that far atm. Temporary solution - try to put Tornado Shot and GMP to off-hand for now and put SA from your curse setup together with any Physical to Lighting support in their place. In curse setup put some another lvl1 non-q SA.
As for 72 rare maps, that's nothing extraordinary that lvl 73 char struggle to do them in 2.0.

Also I would get this helm:

I just bought it a couple hours ago for 1 alch. My unbuffed DPS went up almost 1k.
How is lioneyes glare now? Suicide vs reflect or not?
Good dps?
danmf wrote:
How is lioneyes glare now? Suicide vs reflect or not?
Good dps?

as an user and hudge fan of Lioneye's I feel obligated to answer:

1. Nope, not suicide. I can even do phys reflect maps, but I have: around 75-80% dmg converted to ele, I use LL gem and vaal pact too. Also I didn't and wouldn't do ele reflect map. Still, Im yet to die from reflect mobs, be it p or ele, so it's imo reflect viable.

2. For a price dps is great, but it won't ever get close to these crazy harbringers (not even mention mirrored ones). Also getting sufficient crit isn't easy. I've got almost all crit from tree that was in my range, I have only belt and boots that don't have crit in my gear, I use ice golem and still it's just around 40% of crit chance. I'm perfectly fine with it considering my attack speed (crit every 0,5s in average) but I dunno if u would.

To make picture more clear -this bow:
, when it's q20% gives me sligtly better toolpit.And that's without even investing anything in accuraccy (89% hit chance.). And it's average bow at best. On the other hand you'd never get even such 6L harbringer for around 15ex, which was price of 6L lioneye's last time I checked.

Summary: my opion may be biased but it's very good and worth considering option.

Edit: above applies to SC, I have no idea about HC, just saying.
Burn all the orbs!
Last edited by skuadak#1891 on Jul 25, 2015, 9:41:29 PM

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