[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
- It looks like your life is very low, 265 on gear only. Honnor Twirl can get some life from master crafting.
- If it takes many shots for you to kill a pack, you may want to try faster attack instead of increase crit damage. It will give you more dps (but less overkill damage). - And that bow deserves some links ;), so that you can at least put puncture, ppad, crit multi, crit chance (or faster attack). This is useful in hit and run scenarii. - You Rat's Nest is legacy. Now it can have 150% increase evasion, 15% increase attack speed and 60 to 75% increase crit chance. It deserves a divine orb. Or maybe you can find a collector willing to pay more than the current price of this helm in trade (around 1ex in std), and then get a new one. - Links: In your gloves: cwdt lvl 17, immortal call 16, increase duration lvl max, vaal haste or grace (won't be triggered by cwdt but will benefit from increase duration). In your helm: cwdt lvl 1, enduring cry lvl 3, Mirror Arrow, Proj. Weakness (blue curses are better: assassin's mark, enfeeble, vuln. You just need one blue sock (you could get it in your bow, and use anyone as needed). Ranger builds list: /917964 When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... Last edited by Panini_aux_olives#1967 on Jan 20, 2015, 1:39:15 AM
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" Thank you for the response! As for the life, I've been trying to find a better chest that has more maximum life, but I can definitely craft some onto Honour Twirl. The faster attack I'd put onto my chest if it weren't for the fact that if I color roll terribly, I could end up with the wrong colors completely. How can you tell an item is legacy? I had a friend give it to me for repayment of map grinding lol. |
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Hi all,this is my gear,I'm level 73 and I just copied the author's tree,my TS DPS is only 7.6K after buff,can anyone tell me which item to change to get to 10Kdps?Thank you very much! IGN:NUCKY_RANGER Last edited by zxwc#6867 on Jan 20, 2015, 2:48:58 AM
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" Don't just blindly copy things without a clue. The missing pierce gem CLEARLY gives you a lot more damage. You are using Drillneck, did you bought that expensive quiver without knowing what it actually does, seriously? The main reason for using Drillneck over a good rare quiver (which gives a lot Crit Chance and Multiplier and can still have high Life, Attack Speed and/or Leech) is the "Projectile Damage Increased By Arrow Pierce Chance". Pierce Chance is capped at 100%, so with a Pierce Gem, the 30% from the Tree (behind the two 10% Projectile Damage Nodes) and 10% from Drillneck itself you easily get 100% Pierce Chance. NOT ONLY you gain +100% increased Projectile Damage (= affects all damage, physical as elemental) BUT ... IN ADDITION do you gain a lot of clear speed (because projectiles not only hit the first/last row (depending on where the TS detonates) BUT ALL ENEMIES the arrows are traveling through!!! If you don't use a pierce gem ... your expensive Drillneck is WORTHLESS |
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" Thank you very much,but maybe you don't read carefully,I already linked a pierce gem to ts gem in the bow,it's only 7.6K DPS. IGN:NUCKY_RANGER Last edited by zxwc#6867 on Jan 20, 2015, 3:16:39 AM
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Seems I quoted the wrong part ...
You could take Maligaro's for more Crit and Multiplier and look for flat Physical Damage on Jewelry as well as increased Physical Damage from a Doryani's (but I would only get that belt if the rest of your gear has decent life). Herald's are very important as well as Hatred Aura, make sure you run as much as possible - but you need at least as much flat mana unreserved that you can shoot 2-3 times for the mana leech to kick in. Oh ... and if you don't play hardcore: Get all those Crit and (more important) Crit Multi nodes BEFORE everything else. Don't give a lot on your sheet DPS, but look at your clear speed in maps. 7k should be already decent at least (insane clear speed / one-shots for low to mid level maps?) Last edited by daish0#3486 on Jan 20, 2015, 5:01:30 AM
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" Thank you very much for your advice! IGN:NUCKY_RANGER
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"For Rat's Nest, I know the stats it has currently because I have one, so I went on wiki to check its changes historic and could figure out yours is legacy. Ranger builds list: /917964 When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... Last edited by Panini_aux_olives#1967 on Jan 20, 2015, 6:57:34 AM
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Hi! I'm using this build at Torment league and really like it. Lvl 85 now, doing almost any map, except tempchains, 50%regen and physreflect. Tried atziri 2 times and couldnt kill her (I think its possible with some practice, I just have a slow reaction to the flameblasts in split phase, vaals and trio are not very difficult)
I have near 10k TS and near 20K Puncture, 4500 hp Here's my tree:
And my gear: Core:
Jewelery1 (5 manacost TS with GMP, no manacost TS with LMP, but 3800+hp, using it for dominus split runs):
Jewelery2 (using it for maps and atziri):
What shall I upgrade next? And what you can tell about puncture + trap + point blank setup? Is it better for atziri farming in split-phaze? Last edited by Whitedondi#3742 on Jan 20, 2015, 8:30:07 AM
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Hello there!
I did watch alot of guides before i started playing and today i remebered hearing something about that crit chance/crit multi on jewlery not work in some way for a build like this. is it something i remeber wron or is it any truth in it. tyvm for a awesome guide // Orosmomentet |
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