GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
GreenDude wrote:
I don't know much about HLD* but in LLD i'd argue that: damage of players keeps increasing but our health pools and defenses don't. I don't want matches to get shorter and shorter because DPS outclasses the highest of HP. Temp chains helps slow down the game and add a skill level as well as add a layer of depth thru pot management thru the temp chains.
Mind you that we dont have cast when dmg taken but still.
agreed with greendude. IN LLD other curses are viable too but temporal chains really helps with everything, helps avoid the enemy or catch them, reduces their dps, allows for easier targeting, reduces their ability to cast (really helpful to reduce their ability to cast curses before you burst them down), and also allows you to push your enemy around in fear of losing warding charges before fight engagements which allows you to get to the best parts of the map easier.
You can just assume whatever damage to hp/es pool ratio discrepancies you guys experience in LLD. Are amplified greatly in HLD, haha. Though you seem to be on the same page I am, in regards to Temporal Chains being a good curse for a multitude of reasons.
IGN: MullaXul
Posted byMullaXul#2277on Sep 5, 2014, 2:07:02 PM
I honestly don't see a point to complain about TC, while there are so many other things that does not work right, imo. So in fact, every other curse is annoying because it makes you more vulnerable to opponent.
Moreover, I don't get it why are you Haunt bothered with TC while your damage just blows everything away.
So, this is definitely not something I would bother about.
IGN: RichMightyWitch
Posted byletmeknov#4178on Sep 8, 2014, 12:45:11 AM
letmeknov wrote:
I honestly don't see a point to complain about TC, while there are so many other things that does not work right, imo. So in fact, every other curse is annoying because it makes you more vulnerable to opponent.
Moreover, I don't get it why are you Haunt bothered with TC while your damage just blows everything away.
So, this is definitely not something I would bother about.
prbly kept getting rekt by someone using/spamming TC
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo
Posted byBhai#0148on Sep 8, 2014, 1:32:24 AM