Temporal chains in pvp
Almost every one that does PvP either runs Cast when damage taken with lvl 1 quality 20 temporal chains to slow people down, but why exactly do you feel like you need that shit ?
To me good pvping includes both players being able to fight the other at the same equal speed, i compare temporal chains in pvp to slowing someone's PC down by 30%. When i ask someone why do you use it, they always respond by saying because it's part of my build, because it's my only defense, etc... It's funny because a good build should certainly not rely on this to win a PvP match, in fact a good build should be able to kill his opponent by playing at the same equal speed for both players. The curse is so easy to use, it's just a lie that it's part of your build, anyone can just slot it whenever they want in 1,2,3 and it's probably the most annoying thing in PvP, equal to conversion traps... I could also spam it myself with my fast casting speed while having it on a trigger gem and it would be very annoying for others, but i dont even need it to kill and i want my opponents to be able to give me a good challenge, i wont feel good if i killed them because they are slowed down to sheet. Same thing goes for molten shell, it 1 shots people and it's broken so i dont use it in pvp because of it's bad mechanic and i dont wanna rely on it to kill. I have my hands down to having a fair fast paced PvP without temporal chains because i dont see how it's fun to PvP in slo-mo and having to spam hundreds of dispel flasks every time. I hope i'm not alone that wants an equal fair fast paced PvP for everyone, /Discuss. Discuss. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Sep 4, 2014, 6:54:18 AM
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well temporal chains is annoying when u come in not prepared for someone who uses is all too much - self cast + in CWDT setup.
But generally I am ok when someone uses it on me - in most cases it turns to my advantage (I will not share how xD). I personally don't use it, since I prefer speeding my self up to catch opponents, not slowing them down. I use curses very little in general in PVP to be honest since I have a slow cast speed and a pretty limited mana pool curse spamming is not my thing. items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. |
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With how name-locking/targeting works in PvP, it's a must-have against whirling flicker if you are a melee build that does not use flicker.
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo Last edited by Bhai#0148 on Sep 4, 2014, 9:17:33 AM
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Well , we had this discussion in game already but anyway. People like myself playing with a bow need time to travel around and aim. I don't use cwdt temp, but I do cast it manually and it does help a lot. I can't speak for other builds but for mine it is necessary.
New updates made block/eva, melee and casters much stronger and faster while nerfing some key part of my arsenal to reduce the defenses (projectile weakness and block reduce just to name a few). For my part I will hang to the little time that my temporal chain provides me to dodge your deadly fp or any crazy melee build with 200 millions attack per second, but if you have anything else to propose me feel free to tell them to me so I can use something else than tc ;P |
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This is same kind of discussion like: missuse talking about people cant counter flicker thats why they cant win / tommie is whining about his nerfed build, still cyclone desyncs u to death in one second / people in arena abusing flasks / etc.
,,I am pro I dont have to use this, this and this and its your fault you are not playing one of few broken pvp builds so stop whining" ...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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Probably the only reason you complain is that your build relies on fast attack/cast speed. Some builds are not even bothered much by it.
Why not use any curse in the game then. I'm sure someone casting conductivity for a lightning build benefits just as much in having an advantage on an opponent. The defense is the same as for any curse - bring warding flasks. "Hey theah, this is Chris WIlson from Grinding Geah Gaimes. This week Oih'd like to talk to you aboaut using a regal Ohb on youh Tyrannical Tornadoh wand af Destruction! Today is youh daaay and I am answering your prayahs!"
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Most ppl using temporal chains. Use it because its the one size fits all best curse in the game. It effectively lowers movement,attack and dps via less APS. In my honest opinion as a 2h melee or bow user you have no reason not to use it. Me using enfeeble, is a waste of time. I only use it to pseudo nullify the stupidity that is critical. I should be leaping around like a dick, spamming tc til you drain out all of your flasks. So the match is then on equal footing. Slam had the right idea with his play style.
People use tc because you have spell echo, because without you perma slowed its stupid. That's the best example anyone needs to give. Also take into account as a caster you're generally running away...another reason to tc. If you tell me you don't need to run, you're admitting casters are bullshit. That if you can stand there and echo cast, insta crit kill ppl and tank them at the same time.....there's a problem in the balance. If you already have a shield, a plethora of dodges and absurd crit DMG..yet still whore tc. Well, it is what it is. Welcome to poe PvP, where its easier to tolerate if you just don't care. You have casters bitching about tc when they have echo, molten shell,tempest shield and their main attack that down you while afk in .05secs. You have guys 1hit killing ppl with 1 button with 0 effort or even needing to play. You have guys whoring block,aegis,anvil...crying block sucks, get real. On the subject of echo, this gem shouldn't be this good. I've used it on a caster, it completely and easily replaces fcr support. Because let's be serious wtf is 10% less DMG. It should be 30% or slower. Any caster worth a shit is critical and 10% is a joke. Let's also discuss shock,chill,freeze while were at it. Or penetration gems, answers to these things? Ya that's right, flasks or irrelevant/shitty uniques that no one wants to use but has to to PvP BC of casters primarily. I've played a lot of different characters and builds. I know what's dumb and what isnt. Only people that should be bitching around here are 2h melee, totem users,summoners, staff casters,iron will casters, facebreakers and dual wielders. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Sep 4, 2014, 2:02:13 PM
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" I am 2h and ready to cry It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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I don't know much about HLD* but in LLD i'd argue that: damage of players keeps increasing but our health pools and defenses don't. I don't want matches to get shorter and shorter because DPS outclasses the highest of HP. Temp chains helps slow down the game and add a skill level as well as add a layer of depth thru pot management thru the temp chains.
Mind you that we dont have cast when dmg taken but still. IGN: @GreenDude Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Sep 4, 2014, 4:34:31 PM
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" agreed with greendude. IN LLD other curses are viable too but temporal chains really helps with everything, helps avoid the enemy or catch them, reduces their dps, allows for easier targeting, reduces their ability to cast (really helpful to reduce their ability to cast curses before you burst them down), and also allows you to push your enemy around in fear of losing warding charges before fight engagements which allows you to get to the best parts of the map easier. I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug |
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