[Open Merciless] Please fix bear trap for pvp

Yes, item swap is ok, but it forces archer/mage to use sword or other weapon to escape. That's kinda bad. I don't know if you can escape traps with lightning warp, but an archer has literally 0 ways to escape without switching to weapon (which, again, limits build variety, cause you are forced to use sword instead of a second bow, which is designed for diferent porpose than your first bow + it's kinda lame that there is no way to escape wihtout using weapon). If lightnign warp is good way to escape, then ya, even arhers can use it withotu switching to weap.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
just one reason to use second bow ?
1) A bow that gives +2 to skills for poison arrow, then normal damage bow.
2) Extremely fast bow (3+ APS) for explosive arrows, then another normal damage bow.
And i'm pretty sure there are many other ways.

Also, it is not good in a rpg sense that archer is forced to use sword. Why only melee chars should have privilege to escape traps without switching?
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
Last edited by Ramanuga#7754 on Feb 24, 2013, 11:25:58 AM
melee bad in pve but ranged good
melee can escape traps but ranged cant

those dagger witches broke all rules !
Last edited by kiersz#4644 on Feb 24, 2013, 11:28:12 AM
kiersz wrote:

those dagger witches broke all rules !

I'm playing a Poison Arrow / Viper strike switch gear ranger only focused at dot damage and bear trap. so far hp character have been quite easy to kill even +10 levels.

its a different thing vs CI though cause i can only use said bear trap.
and i got to say bear trap alone is not enough vs an opponent that pays attention to the traps.
i still win with bear trap only but only if the enemy has no clue how to dodge!

my conclusion is bear trap is not enough and doesnt win you pvp at higher level
they who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety
Last edited by Funcrusher#7336 on Feb 25, 2013, 7:15:56 AM
I suppose it's not intended that you can't leap or flicker across the trap, you get caught anyway.

Kiersz, Rectum sends you his warmest regards :P
long time not see him
maybe he on training learn how to deal with traps )))
kiersz wrote:
long time not see him
maybe he on training learn how to deal with traps )))

I suppose leap slam when trapped and multiple flicker gems then could be useful. I just didn't play last several weeks, a bit tired of this game, now only participating in races - 66th place in 3h solo the best result by far.
EpsiIon wrote:
lezeppelin wrote:

Hello, sorry to quote the whole speech of my partner.

1. You can actually defend from the trap with Armour, as it is physical dmg.
2. No, I don't use 24 traps. And will never do. And i don't anybody does.
3. I'm play as a Shadow (melee), I have seen marauders using flicker-leap, which is really awesome and killing combo (no complains).
4. I don't spam traps on pvp, I love the variety of skills and ways of using them. I buff myself, trap, whirl-the-guy, flick it, dead. But that's just me.
5. Ok you (not you really, but in general) spam totems firend 3 or 4 cold projectiles which on merciless is really hard to defend of, use a shield, you tempest-shield it, you got like 9k ES, but that's just right huh? no nerfing for that huh?
6. You don't count with that much mana on a pvp match.

Thanks guys :)

I'm always up for a match if you want to have fun. :)

1: You can try, but on crit a bear trap does enough damage to completely ignore any armor you have (I tested a while ago with 70k armor(last ladder), and bear trap did to the tune of 9k damage on crit)
2. Because 2 traps critting with a sufficient modifier, is instant death.
3: Melee is a supreme winner due to mobility, ranged characters unable to have said mobility are likely to never be seen, due to bear trap. Just a thought.
4:Doesn't mean its not broken
5: Show me someone at this moment with 9k ES
6: What?

Bear trap has been a repeat offender, as it cannot be blocked or dodged or evaded, its quite literally something that anyone who uses crit mod can level, and completely 1 shot people at random. The skill is broken because it does so much physical damage, at such a high modifier, that with sufficient crit, you are able to outright one shot most people.

Thank you jesus someone who has a brain!

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