[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [89/100]


its nice to see people are showing interest and wants to join our guild,

everyone who posted/reached out in game have been contacted and added if they still wanted to join :)

Hi can i be a part of your guild, i just came back to playing POE, and i would want to meet new friends to play with. Thanks! my IGN is Noobstomperino.
I am also interested in joining your guild. It sounds like a great close-knit community of players and I, being relatively new to PoE myself, would love to be a part of it. My IGN Achreon_von_DuElise. I look forward to hearing back!
"Eternals were the 'Selection' in "Natural Selection". Without Eternals, all we have is Natural. You're just waiting for a hurricane to blow through the junk yard and magically assemble a 747."
Hi, im interested in joining your guild if you still have spots open.
I have been playing since open beta on and off and am looking for people to play with :)
My ign is Cctrio, but I check my messages a couple times a day if thats easier.
Last edited by cctrio#2572 on Jun 10, 2015, 3:38:58 PM
Hi, my name's Robert and I'm from Poland.

I am looking for a guild and i think your is the best for people like me.
I've played Diablo 2 for almost 10 years. I've been playing Path of exile for a week, so I'm not playing too well :)

ign : MayweatherJr


Last edited by mayweather85#3324 on Jun 11, 2015, 3:11:11 PM
Nice to see you guys recruiting alot again :)
Ugh effort
I'm interested in joining. Been playing since beta. Just recently started working on HC.
IGN Buff__Bot
I'd be interested in joining if you're taking new members - this seems like a very nice, friendly way to play. I'm Deershanked ign most of the time.
I am a guild virgin and wish to try one out to test the waters.
I am a hoarder as well and would be able to help with gems and such.
I have been playing for couple years but still learning new stuff all the
time and remember what it was to get help from great people when still
brand new and figuring things out.
currently leveling gems and tweaking an ice witch.
Please let me know, thank you.

IGN: Fubar_Lifer

I'm just getting back into PoE for the expansion and I'm looking for a Guild for the new content. Please consider me for a spot or contact me if you have any questions.


IGN: Entharx
Last edited by Enthar#6273 on Jun 17, 2015, 9:40:26 AM

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