[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [89/100]

Congratulations to SeaAndSand who just won a little contest I put on for you guys. Prize will depend on what they need. I'll let them explain here if they want but they're gonna be happy. This contest is only applicable to accounts which show that a player is new to the game. You rich peeps can't win fer nothin' so nanananananana!
Quaesitor wrote:
Hi there,
My kind of people right there!
But do you guys have caracters on Rampage?

I know a couple of people in the guild who do, so you won't be alone. I've been focused on Standard since that's where most of my stuff is, but I plan on trying out Rampage soon also. i'll send you an invite!

FusionReactor wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm Fusion, or Mort is what my guildies call me. I run [FUSION] which is a guild like this and we had our start much like you guys did. Right now we're at 140/140 members and more resources than we need. I'm not here to poach members off your thread, as Piglet knows, but to help you guys. I just donated a bunch of stuff, from my guild, to yours, and now what you guys need are points for your guild. If you can afford to drop 5 bucks (50 points) or even less if you want, in your guild's account, you can do it under the "Shop" area to buy the points and then give them to this guild. You guys need tabs and this would be a great way to get them. I will help fill them, too. Good luck!
Yeah the stash is brimming with goods right now! We really need more tabs-- only four at the moment. If anyone could help out, that would be awesome. Also, a short url for that page: bit.do/pigplz
and in that moment, i swear we were desync
Last edited by SkyPiglet#6271 on Sep 2, 2014, 5:44:12 AM
You guys should most definitely promote playing Rampage too since it will help fund your Standard effort with each season end. Think about that. Set both your guild stashes up in both leagues right now, guys. Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood pirate.
AYO! I would love to join and take some advice, I can text and understand very well there is no problem but sometimes when we talk on ts something I'm confusing, so I need more practise at english. Please add me sir.

This is my ign : _TheSinSin

I'm from Turkey, 21 years old and playing mostly night times, it's your evening time to night time.

PS: I don't know if this topic still alive.
TheSinSin wrote:
PS: I don't know if this topic still alive.

Oh it's very much alive :)

I'll be logging on soon and will send you an invite (if you havent already been invited).

Speak soon!
Last edited by diminisher19#6880 on Sep 3, 2014, 11:27:35 AM
I would also love to join, fairly new to this game only have 1 geared character, but probably wanting to make another in the future and would love to get to know some more people in this game IGN- Bowitching
FusionReactor wrote:
You guys should most definitely promote playing Rampage too since it will help fund your Standard effort with each season end. Think about that. Set both your guild stashes up in both leagues right now, guys. Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood pirate.
Just started a Rampage char last night-- level 12 and in the middle of Act 1, if anyone is interested in joining up. Also, thanks whoever put stuff in the Rampage stash already! it's been helping me a lot.

OhAlmond wrote:
I would also love to join, fairly new to this game only have 1 geared character, but probably wanting to make another in the future and would love to get to know some more people in this game IGN- Bowitching
i'll be on to invite you in just a minute. :)
and in that moment, i swear we were desync
Last edited by SkyPiglet#6271 on Sep 3, 2014, 4:04:27 PM
This sounds like my kind of Guild, I'm always up for helping people out! Count me in!
Ingame name: Doctor_Floppylips
Hi, I would love to join your guild. Always looking for kind and friendly people to play with. I am not new to the game i have been playing since beta, but i took some time off and am back.

ingame name: white_midnight

I think you guys are about to inherit my best officer. He wants to help you guys and he comes well referred. He's gonna jam with ya'll and he's Cajun and they're always fun. You're gonna love this guy. His name is Cassielovescockroaches, after a song title. Cassie actually has a penis and he might go by Roach or his real name if he shares it with you. He doesn't seem to mind being called Cassie, either, but that just weirds me out a little.

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