[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [89/100]

Bumpity Bam Bam Boom. Cannons.

Hi guys. Hi Piglet. Looks like we're gonna be starting that PVP thing soon.
SkyPiglet wrote:
This guild is non-competitive at the moment, though league and race events might be a thing later.

SkyPiglet wrote:
The only requirement is that you want to be nice to other people. There are no rules about levels, playtime, or donations.

Aaaaaaand, I'm sold.

I've played PoE for a few months on-and-off, have gotten a couple characters to 70, and one to 84. Haven't played mcuh recently, but am looking to come back with the start of the new leagues. I have yet to do guild stuff or anything social in this game yet, playing solo most of the time. Thought I'd try out being in a guild this time.

In game name is BlackScienceGuy, not sure what it will be in the new league, though I do know I will be playing a marauder. I have TS3 and mic, though don't talk much.

I'm just looking for a laid-back guild with low drama and a happy-go-lucky atitude adn this seems to be it!
Ah well i am looking for a guild
hmm this one looks nice D.
IGM: CrazyWrym

Last edited by Puddle6k#7381 on Dec 7, 2014, 5:40:36 PM
I'd like to join your guild. I've been playing pretty casually for about 2 months, and I'm at the point where running maps by myself isn't fun anymore. My main char is a lvl 81 righteous fire marauder. IGN: Omalleeee
Sounds like just the type of guild for me! Count me in :D

IGN: ArdaraleOfBallaeter
Sorry, Gl with your clan :)
Last edited by LionsRawr19#2679 on Dec 9, 2014, 9:44:49 PM
I would be interested in joining. Feel free to send me a request: Ahldea.
Hy im a noob (newbye) player add me in .. Looking forward 2 learn this game :)
Hi, I'd like to join. I am a fairly experienced exile and would like to play torment once 1.3 hits.
IGN: GravelordNitosAcolyte
I would love to join :D
IGN: Zephrfletcher

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