Track Stats please...

Ok, so I know that this suggestion isn't going to fix a whole load of issues, but I'm also not sure how difficult it would be to implement (I'm by no means an expert but my imagination feels it shouldn't be the most complicated thing in the game)

Purpose: It will actually promote PvP

I really really want some sort of persistent stats. If I queue for a 28 PvP match and win.. somewhere, anywhere, I don't mind where really, but there should be some tracking of wins/losses. Just simply having this and allowing people to show off that they have a 12:1 KD/R or something will promote activity, PvPers love to show off... we're an arrogant group (even the humble ones).

You might be thinking "Oh this is pointless as you mostly meet lvl 18's and faceroll them in queues" And maybe this is true, but this would become less and less the case the more players wanted to prove they were better than others. More people would queue, more LLD players, there would be more activity, so then more people would queue, which would increase activity, which would encourage new players etc.... (you get the idea)

We're gamers after all and we really want some sort of digital gratification. Beating someone and seeing my 9-0 ratio tick up to 10-0 would be enough for a lot of us, (at least the realists who know that we're not going to get a huge PvP update sometime).

Thoughts people?

Thoughts GGG?

Thanks for reading!

JoSo LLD Scion - Record Infinite wins - 0 losses. ;)
well that shouldnt be to hard to get in as we already have the /pvp chat command displaying your 1v1 and 3v3 stats. All they would need to do is make it so those stats are a little more visible and allow you to see other stats. A problem with those stats though are that they are not for sarn arena (the only place I ever see ppl pvp atm (aside from my strat of challanging everyone in trade chat :) )
Last edited by Grildrak on Jun 24, 2014, 3:43:47 PM
PvP needs stats. Or ears. I don't care which, but I agree with you.
PVP'ed a lot in D2, don't really PVP here, but would if it didn't suck.

I agree it should have some scoreboard, be it permanent, or resetting every month or so.
IGN = Dellusions_Duelist
ya something to build a pvp profile around. They have tourney stats waiting to be imported on the forums profile view. Was hoping to see something like this.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
=Licht ist Leben=
PvP is not needed in the game at all.
LorewynGaming wrote:
PvP is not needed in the game at all.

Thanks for stating your opinion. However, whether PvP exists or not...why does it affect a PvE player? What I'm trying to say is, why are you even here in this subforum? Your post only derails the purpose of this thread.

Let's get back on topic now. Tracking stats or having a ladder would be amazing. I think it would make a lot more people interested in at least giving PvP a try. Players already compare themselves to others in PvE, whether it be gear, build, knowledge, etc., which I think is a testament to an interest in competition between players. PvP is just the next step and it hasn't been thoroughly explored yet. Having some sort of way to track "progress" (i.e. win/loss, number of games played, etc.) would be great for PvP growth.
Last edited by mimivirus on Jun 24, 2014, 6:10:33 PM
type /pvp in chat. what you're asking for already exists.
Team Omniscient


Tracking stats or having a ladder would be amazing. I think it would make a lot more people interested in at least giving PvP a try. Players already compare themselves to others in PvE, whether it be gear, build, knowledge, etc., which I think is a testament to an interest in competition between players. PvP is just the next step and it hasn't been thoroughly explored yet. Having some sort of way to track "progress" (i.e. win/loss, number of games played, etc.) would be great for PvP growth.

This is essentially my point yes.

I do now know about the '/pvp' which is news to me, so the stats are already there. Just making them showable/comparable/linkable or something. These are the things that really can help the PvP scene grow.

Of course anything more so being able to display things such as your rank on your server or things like that would be even better. But just something as a starting point really.
Last edited by JoSo_UK on Jun 24, 2014, 8:02:39 PM

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