State of PvP - LLD

We did it. We finally organized a guild to get together all the people who were interested in low level dueling. We finally were able to test out thoroughly in an organized manner to set up tons of fun games to play together, and test the tiers of LLD. And to what end? We have come to 2 very simple conclusions:

1. Ranged characters dominate 3v3's
2. Melee characters dominate 1v1's

This state of PvP is very well known to those who compete often among the LLD community. There is no argument. There is no exception. I was going to write up an explanation to try and make this problem more clear to people potentially reading this, but I came across another realization. There are no responses. There is no feedback or opinion. Not even ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ANY PROBLEMS.

So why am I writing this? Instead of addressing an in game problem, I feel there is a need to address the communication problem GGG seems to have with members of the community. Members of the balance team are not directly involved in testing or exposure to the environment. This would usually be fine, if there were some sort of communication and exchange of ideas between the balance team and the players. Except there isn't. Hell, I've seen Rory here a couple of times myself, and yet most, if not all of our ideas disappear into the bottomless pit of threads that is called the "PvP Feedback" thread. So what exactly is the problem here? To leave something alone when problems are being found means to leave the thing to rot, to let the problems compound. It doesn't take a genius to realize this isn't healthy for the community. There are so many other balance changes that could be made to the game, and yet not even the first step has been taken - communicating with the community. This is shameful, particularly for a company that is usually lauded for its openness and communication with the community. So after waiting over half a year and seeing nothing but the ability to duel being changed within PvP, I'm done. With all of it. That tournament you have coming up? Yeah, I'm backing out of that too. I don't see any effort, and I know I will be crushed with the build I have. So why bother? It's a 1v1 tournament after all. Maybe if there are changes and the scene becomes more dynamic, I'll rejoin. Assuming that happens within the next year.
Last edited by AleronDescends on Jun 3, 2014, 6:38:41 PM
This is basically why I'm leaving. The balance and accessibility are fixable problems, but PvP may as well be frozen in suspension since closed beta. Regardless of its other problems, we can't do anything about them if GGG continues to totally ignore us. Maybe someday they'll do something, but it's been what - 21 months since it came out of alpha? We've been nothing if not amazingly patient and understanding, for far too long, with nothing to show for it.
MrEnzyme wrote:
This is basically why I'm leaving. The balance and accessibility are fixable problems, but PvP may as well be frozen in suspension since closed beta. Regardless of its other problems, we can't do anything about them if GGG continues to totally ignore us. Maybe someday they'll do something, but it's been what - 21 months since it came out of alpha? We've been nothing if not amazingly patient and understanding, for far too long, with nothing to show for it.

Don't leave :(. If you do I hope you come back if they upgrade pvp (if it ever happens!).
IGN: Beardedwizzard
Sad news to see you two go.. I will bump the tvt topic when soem action is going on so anyone that reads this forum can log into the game and join if want. Also I hope they will listen to this community before it totally dies.. :/
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

Funny to see a few of the more recent posts from GGG. For the few that exist.

Last edited by AleronDescends on Jun 3, 2014, 9:33:43 PM
mrmagikboy wrote:
Don't leave :(. If you do I hope you come back if they upgrade pvp (if it ever happens!).

SirEdwards wrote:
Sad news to see you two go.. I will bump the tvt topic when soem action is going on so anyone that reads this forum can log into the game and join if want. Also I hope they will listen to this community before it totally dies.. :/

I don't want to stop playing, obviously I like PvP quite a bit. But it's so frustrating facing these glaring problems every time I want to play. One guy from their staff could alleviate all of this by spending a few minutes a day just talking to us here on this forum, but they don't even do that.
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Jun 3, 2014, 10:24:19 PM
MrEnzyme wrote:

I don't want to stop playing, obviously I like PvP quite a bit. But it's so frustrating facing these glaring problems every time I want to play. One guy from their staff could alleviate all of this by spending a few minutes a day just talking to us here on this forum, but they don't even do that.

I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
comunication and ggg are 2 words that cant exist in the same period
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
I announce the date for lld season 1 and you two leave? :O

@OP: the melee in 1v1 and ranged in 3v3 may be balanced when GGG starts working on pvp gem balance, however:
I dont think its an issue. I like the idea of having a strong 1v1 melee char and a strong team char. Its cool to have 2 llders with each their own role. Also in teams, having a melee + ranged supports is very nice so your ranged dpsers can safely do their work while the melee defends them from agressors closing in. Basicly whrn 3v3 tournaments come around: i expect teams to be top notch andwith builds that synchonize with one another and usually that will include one melee char.

Just dont give up on pvp until we see how the poearena stuff goes.
IGN: @GreenDude
True words, greendude. Nothing to add.
=Licht ist Leben=

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