VanguardsTV's Build List


Below are a list of the builds I've played to at least level 70+ with some to 90+.

HCSSF Juggernaut Earthquake Harvest



Pure Phys 2H-Sword Cyclone - IHC

Ascendant: Juggernaut

Bandits: Oak




Vaal Rain of Arrows - IHC

Ascendant: Deadeye for 50% AOE, Pathfinder for more deeps

Bandits: Alira




Doomfletch's Prism, Bow's Facebreaker Champion - PHC

This build uses the new Doomfletch's Prism bow in a way similar to facebreaker. By scaling the physical damage you get 330% of your phys damage added to elemental damage of all 3 types. It's very cheap to start this build, and also leaves a lot of room to buy OP accessories when you have currency.

Ascendant: Champion for Fortify. Can be played with many other ascendant classes.

Bandits: Oak, Kraityn, Kill




Ascendant Icestorm Scion - Flashback HC

Ascendant: Berserker (Life Leech) and Elementalist (Damage and 40int)

Bandits: Kill All




Armour Based Rainbownuke Mjolner - Talisman HC

Completed Atziri / most bosses on HC. Can kill most of the bosses available in the game, most difficult bosses being the less melee friendly ones such as Palace Dominus in Phase 1.

Leveling: Iron Will Firestorm / Arc or Facebreaker-> Mjolner asap. You can play double Arc or budget discharge with Romira's til you get Voll's.

Bandits: Oak / Kraityn / Oak

Budget Double Arc BM Passives:




Hybrid Shockwave Totems 90%IAOE - Talisman HC

Bandits: Oak / Oak / Kraityn




Dual Strike Crit Swords - Talisman HC

Can be played as Duelist or Marauder, build idea is similar to a Reave build I did in Tempest. More single target deeps than reave by far, but also much lower AoE coverage.

Level 84 Stats:

110k with full charges (solo). Defensives at around 6.7K HP + 4 Endurance Charges + Fortify. With optimal gear / crit swords should be over 7K HP / 150k+ DPS.

Bandits: Oak / Kraityn / Oak




Icestorm CI - Talisman HC

Ripped at Rank 1 (Level 95) :(.

Leveling: Level as firestorm or whatever spell you like, if you're able to get the whispering ice staff use it asap. It's op for leveling with just a 5 socket.

Go from the left side for the damage nodes. Pick up most of the life nodes nearby as you get the flask and life/resist nodes in the witch area. Head to the Templar area after.

When you transition to CI you should be able to get ~4K ES with Discipline included. I was around level 75 as a fresh character in a new league before going CI, most of the time if you have some items you can switch at ~60.

Bandits: Kill All

Jewels: Intelligence, ES, Spell Damage & Resists as priority.


Firestorm Leveling Passives:



2H Cyclone - 1MHC

Top 10 on 1 month HC.

Ripped at Rank 9 Level 98 -

Bandits: Oak / Kraityn / Oak

Can run pretty much any map mods in the game (other than extreme combinations of course).

For 6 Link replace WED with utility gems when needed.
For 5 Link replace Added Fire.
-60% Regen | Use Life Gain on Hit
No Regen | Use Life Leech
Physical Reflect | Use both Life Leech and Life Gain on Hit, keep END Charges up at all times.
Elemental Reflect | Replace Hatred with Haste, replace WED / Added Fire with other gems.
Blood Magic | Just turn off your auras, add an utility gem to replace blood magic.




Dual Wield Reave Crit Duelist - Tempest

Duelist has some pretty nice crit nodes for swords, with Reave being buffed and these new crit nodes your potential crit and damage is insanely good.
20K Reave DPS at level 63 using a level 53 weapon with 5K Health.
Currently not using Maligaro's / Rat's Nest for more survival but the items are definitely good for more damage and should be considered if you're willing to be a bit squishier.




Facebreaker - 1 Month Flashback HC


Hybrid Spectre / Zombie Summoner - 1 Month Flashback HC

Necromantic Aegis is something I swap on and off depending on what mods the league is going to give, and how tanky overall my minions feel with the content I'm on.

Defensives reach over 13K combined HP/ES. Roughly 11K with necromantic aegis.

Minion +2 Helm: Zombie, Melee Splash, Added Fire, Multistrike
Chest: Spectre, Spell Echo, Conc Effect, LMP, Minion Dmg



2H Cyclone - Awakening (HC) Beta

5L: Cyclone, Fortify, Blood Magic, Faster Attacks (Swapped with Added Fire at later levels), Melee Physical Damage

Level 76: 11K DPS with 330PDPS 2H and 5Link, 5402 Health
Level 84: 13K DPS (17K with Frenzy + Onslaught) with ~420PDPS 2H and 5Link, 6356 Health

Top 5 on HC Beta


Cast on Critical Ranger - Beyond


Successfully killed and cleared Atziri, Death & Taxes, Poorjoy Asylum, Olmec's Sanctum and Lvl 77 (Shipyard) Abaxoth on Beyond League.


Melee Cyclone Duelist - Beyond


Atziri Gear:

Spin to win. Successfully killed Atziri on Beyond! VOD:


CI Summoner - Beyond


Idea of the build is having high survivability from high ES, CI, and Zealot's Oath, while doing good damage with EE + Flame Sentinels. Easy to level, even as ES starting from level 1 due to the new expansion talents and gear.


CI Lightning Mines - Invasion


The defensive idea of this build is to have tons of ES and have Zealot's oath to regenerate it back with Vitality Aura. Currently at level 81 I have 13K ES with 77 Res. Armor and Evasion rating is close to nothing. I don't find armor to be very important in a CI build with the ease of flask spamming in most situations. If you want more Armor / Evasion I recommend taking the flask nodes near the witch area over getting actual armor on your gear.

Why Arc?
1.) The reason you use Arc in this build is to negate the clunky mechanics of using Remote Mines. Arc is pretty much auto-target if it's anywhere in range of the skill, and since it chains it can chain to targets outside of the mine range. This is extremely convenient for Remote Mines.

2.) Arc is a skill that doesn't have much good links for it. The prime gems for Arc are considered Cast Speed, Empower, and Lightning Penetration. By using Mine you increase the damage of Arc by a lot especially with Trap and Mine passives, while not needing any cast speed to cast at an incredible rate. It also allows you to launch all 6-7 Mines at once, enabling you to shock even bosses at a decent duration.


Iron Will Firestorm - Invasion


Atziri Gear Swap:

This build is extremely tanky by utilizing a lot of strength to get huge HP. With high enough strength Iron Will + Doon Cuebiyari lets you do high spell damage even without much damage nodes. EB is used to keep mana up for Firestorm and also the ability to run a high level'd Clarity with other auras. This allows you to use Purity of Fire / Lightning for Atziri while having an extra support gem for Firestorm for not using Blood Magic. Increased Duration can be used over Life Leech and using an Atziri Fire belt. However, with passive Inc. Duration nodes this isn't that beneficial over the survival you lose from losing leech.


Wings of Entropy Dual Strike - Invasion

Wings are fun.

Firestorm CI Witch - Invasion

Stats at ~85:
Roughly 11.5K ES, 1.1K "Average Damage" (not DPS) at .6Sec cast Speed. An extremely tanky build for invasion that allows you to play aggressively. Damage is good once you get a 20% Quality Firestorm Gem. 20%Q Gem is VERY important in this build. Very little invaders gives this build any trouble unless map mods changes them dramatically, even before all the invader nerfs. The Ground Slam exile can be tough due to how much he moves around with his Life Regen [pre-nerfs, no longer an issue at all]. Fire Trap could help with this.


Glacial Cascader - Invasion

Uses some of the concepts from Mors's build and unique for high HP and good damage. The Unique is not mandatory til extremely late game. I transitioned to the weapon at level 65, DPS difference from a rare Wand was around ~100 DPS only. This difference will be much larger late game when you have 1000+ Strength.

Aegis Cyclone - Nemesis


My nemesis build to level 90+. Slightly modified for 1.0 changes. Could solo almost anything on Nemesis even at 78 maps. Being obviously, an Aegis build, you don't really die to anything.
Last edited by VanguardsTTV on Jun 22, 2020, 5:26:55 PM
Last bumped on Jun 17, 2016, 9:34:20 AM
What bandit rewards did you choose for the Iron Will Firestorm build? Oak for normal I'm assuming, either kill all or Alira for Cruel, and either kill all or Oak for merciless? Also what gem would you suggest I take out if I only had a 5L chest?
Last edited by Mistletoes on May 10, 2014, 12:38:47 AM
I went for Oak on normal and kill on rest. Helping Oak on Merciless is definitely possible as well, I've recently taken the Endurance Charge nodes for a longer IC.

For 5L I would take off Faster Casting or Life Leech (depending if you want to keep survival or more damage).
Testing the CI Lightning Mines build - super fun :) Died twice tho, so im rerolling in ambush to test it out some more before new leagues. Started using arc mine as soon as I could (lvl 31 ?)
Vanguard, Could you perhaps log into the game quickly in a couple of days or so? I have so super fast questions that I would love to be answered. If not, then i'll just ask them really quickly here even though i'd like it better ingame. :P

Got like 730 average damage on my firestorm atm, L18 gem ( 6-link ), 800 str or so and it's just not enough to do maps. Talking ofcourse of your iron will firestorm char. How do you fix this and what was/is your current average damage on your firestorm? I know that also skill duration helps alot for higher level maps with groups, but does it really matter that much for solo low level maps? cause I actually have 0 skill duration atm. TY!
Ingame Name: Cooderix
On ur Beyond Melee Cyclone

What bandits did u help?




i asked the same on twitch message cause i want as fast reply as possible

Also keep up the good work
enjoy ur stream and that ur helping out on us lesser players :)
For my Beyond Cyclone guy I did:

Normal: Oak
Cruel: Kraityn
Merciless: Oak
What level did you start using Cyclone? What would you do for a 5L? Cyclone/Melee phys/Faster Attacks/Conc Effect/Blood Magic?
IGN = pibDeath
I started using Cyclone with Facebreaker as soon I could, at around level 31. I used the blood magic keystone to level for quite a while.

With 5L I would take out Added Fire.
I started using Cyclone with Facebreaker as soon I could, at around level 31. I used the blood magic keystone to level for quite a while.

With 5L I would take out Added Fire.

At what level did you switch from FB to 1h sword.
IGN = pibDeath

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