GGG please fix "slain by "name"

hi need up date for pvp arena "tester1 has been slain by "teest2good"

as of now it just show you got "slain" it be cool if we can see who kills who

also yes the map is too bright we need darker maps thanks!
Was mentioning this myself, just makes sense. When you kill 10+ people in a row you want it to be known and when you die you want to know by who. Makes no sense to not personalize this like Diablo did.

+1 with the brightness. Sarn in general is so bright, maybe make the arena corrupted.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Mar 6, 2014, 3:53:01 PM
Nothing better than Suiciding a Paladin in Diablo 2 HC with Sacrifice in a public game.

"Player x Has been slayed by Player x"

People assumed it was bug.

I like that they added "Player x has commited suicide though." But it just sounds even more funny if I "slayed" myself.
Oh there was a much easier way to suicide. Just equip the ith el eth RW and go afk out of town.
Totally agree about that the killers name needs to be listed for the kill.

Also some kind of score screen would make it a lot more fun. Just some with the kills and deaths of the players in the instance since they joined. Some small orb rewards wouldnt hurt either (some really small so that PvE farming is still more efficient but still something so that you atleast get something out of it).

And about the light in the arena I personally like it as almost all of the game is so dull dark. I think it is nice with some sunny areas. Don't really understand how ppl are ok with the grass 3v3 map and not this (the red x that marks your enemy on the map is for me almost totally impossible to spot on the green/brown grass background and I am not even colour blind).

Edit: we need loud multi kill (example: double kill, hat trick, quad kill) and killing streak announcement and stuff for ffa pvp.
Last edited by Grildrak on Mar 6, 2014, 5:54:00 PM
Grildrak wrote:
Totally agree about that the killers name needs to be listed for the kill.

Also some kind of score screen would make it a lot more fun. Just some with the kills and deaths of the players in the instance since they joined. Some small orb rewards wouldnt hurt either (some really small so that PvE farming is still more efficient but still something so that you atleast get something out of it).

And about the light in the arena I personally like it as almost all of the game is so dull dark. I think it is nice with some sunny areas. Don't really understand how ppl are ok with the grass 3v3 map and not this (the red x that marks your enemy on the map is for me almost totally impossible to spot on the green/brown grass background and I am not even colour blind).

That grass map sucks too haha. Maybe some rain would fix the arena up a bit.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul

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