Come home from work on a Friday, next race in 6 hours...

why GGG why ?!?
Nackt wrote:
why GGG why ?!?

1 Week Dom race.. This week has been empty and now next week has so many races jammed into it.. :O
hope for consistent races with only best results counts...
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Just sucks that the 1 full weekend before the season ends theres like 2 races... Pretty stupid if you ask me. I wish they had more races on the WEEKEND and less during the WEEKDAYS.
Rithz wrote:
Just sucks that the 1 full weekend before the season ends theres like 2 races... Pretty stupid if you ask me. I wish they had more races on the WEEKEND and less during the WEEKDAYS.

+100. People can -generally- make free time on weekends if they really want to, week days are a different ball game.
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Yeah, pretty much this. Watching race vods of good races ;o
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Spot on! I look up the forums today, because I have a free weekend and see... nothing. Next race in 11 hours, tomorrow only two races in the middle of the night (for me). Most likely I will not race anything this weekend - and therefore will not play PoE, because the races are the most interesting part for me.

It's rather frustrating to see this and see a "stupid" (aka "I am not the player for that type of race") 1 Week race where I have no time for anyway and just 3 days left (plus the rather uninsteresting reward of 5 points that I could maybe reach).

I would like to play more PoE, but the race schedule is perhaps the worst for me personally. I don't know, maybe I just have such an unusual daily routine and you cannot adjust for every person individually und it just is the way it is, but I sincerely doubt that I am the only European player coming home at about 8 PM and finding that 12 PM is too late to start a race that's at least 1 hour long.
the thing is the dearth of races during 1 weeks, and the schedule of the few races during those periods are horribly planned.
What I don't understand is why they lessen the schedule during 1 week races. People who aren't able to (or don't want to) do the 1 week race are being punished.
IGN: thejarmo
now its saturday 18:00 here (begin of prime time) next race starts in 5 hours

this schedule is a joke! GGG plz react :(

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