28 LLD Duels For Currency

I am bored and have the day off. LMK if anyone wants to duel for currency

"these are the currencies I have to gamble with"
just challenge me and wager up

IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
I dont wanna wager, but I'll practice with you if you want.
ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
wager for my claw and then my other items you currently possess

exmse wrote:
wager for my claw and then my other items you currently possess


You need to back off. I have people who can vouch that I've had that claw since open beta started.
What makes you think that any of my stuff is yours?
I'm sure you got screwed but it wasn't by me. So go cry about it somewhere else and stop flaming me before I report you for harassment.

IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist

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