i really want to start pvp - aimlessgun & co pls help!

hi all. as u can read in title, i really want to start pvp, but i dont know from where.
obviously ppl will keep their build secrets, and since im not a scrub i dont wanna just read a guide and have all served, i just want some basic guidelines on how that particular build works (for example use this skill with those supports, aim for high armor etc)
but i really dont know how to start. i just want to make an overall build with which i can start pvp and figure out how matchups works.
so ill give more info about what i know if some1 wants to give me some help.

i know the most played templates, and since im not so rich i excluded some of them.
i cant afford shavronne, so no rf or low life ek crit.
i cant afford neither crit daggers.
i've a bringer of rain, so maybe i can build a sword/bor like aimlessgun, but i dont know how it works and even which skill he use mainly.
i got a nice 6l chest too that i can trade for the new kaoms if necessary.
a nice guy ive met in game told me that Explosive arrow work in pvp, but once again, i dont even know which supports are best, and how to move in passive tree.
also i've a full respec on a 86 templar, so if i can do it with templar would be nice.

so if u elite pvpers can steer me in some direction, i will be very happy and thankful, and u'll have a new person that will queue with you, so you can pvp more.

PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Dec 16, 2013, 5:53:07 AM
A sword/shield build is relatively inexpensive yeah. All the non-BoR, non-weapon stuff can cost you as little as 5 ex and the character will be pretty functional. 1h swords aren't cheap though.

Main attack skill is cyclone, it does surprisingly good single target DPS compared to true single target attacks like doublestrike, and it being a moving AoE is helpful in a number of situations. Puncture for people that run from you. Flicker and leapslam for movement/gap closing. Those are pretty much the core skills, fiddle with the rest as you see fit :) You can try a lot of different stuff for cyclone supports as well, they all have their pros and cons (for example Increased Area is good for hitting Explosive Arrow guys camping a wall but doesn't add DPS in a melee slugfest, etc). You'll almost certainly have to use Blood Magic though, relying on mana leech in PvP is pretty sketchy.

Passives, well, you want to get capped block, and you want the block reduction passives which give swords the best DPS against the current block heavy meta (if you look at the tree, templar isn't the greatest starting location for this). Then some balance of DPS and HP that you like.

You can try CI EK to avoid the cost of Shavs, though you'll lose the 1-shotting ability which is a big part of EK's power. High ES gear in general is pretty expensive though.

If you get a new Kaoms, HP RF and Explosive Arrow are options, since the fire damage bonus synergizes nicely. Without block, EA characters run a lot (get good movespeed) and use arrows exploding off walls to keep people at bay, as well as Bear Traps. I'm not very familiar with the gear other than Quillrain for EA and a high phys dmg bow for puncture (puncture is situationally good, mostly vs 2h or other archers). For supports/passives, keep in mind that this is not like PvE EA that focuses on proliferating a huge burn DoT. In PvP the explosion damage is far more important, and if multiple crit explosions hit someone they can die instantly.

Another build that could be pretty inexpensive is a trap/mine build, getting a lot of the trap passives, crit passives for huge crit bear traps, and some spell damage for hard hitting EK mines.
Last edited by aimlessgun on Dec 16, 2013, 8:22:27 AM
first of all i want to thank you for all info's.
I think i will try to make a cyclone with 1h shield and bor. Ill start work on passives as soon as i get home, i have an 80 duelist unspecced too, so ill lopk ifits viable.
I can use all kind of swords i guess, as long they have high as and high physical dmg right?
i got this:

i know it miss flat phys roll, but maybe for start can be ok.
How many auras should i use? So i can understand if i must get mana reserv nodes too.
Ty very much again for ur time man, u are really helpful.
edit: which keystones i must take? since the build doesnt rely on crit i should take res. tech. righ? also unwavering stance?
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Dec 16, 2013, 10:23:22 AM
roffl aimless u are famos :DDD

on topic: auras use hatred and temptest shield + what u need

your sword isnt optimal since its with the most sword bor builds only phys dmg is useable.

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trashs1 wrote:
roffl aimless u are famos :DDD

on topic: auras use hatred and temptest shield + what u need

your sword isnt optimal since its with the most sword bor builds only phys dmg is useable.

thank you for ur opinion.
for the sword, well im trying to buy one on the forum.
for the aura's u'r right, but i've a doubt on the passives.
i saw this build posted by aimlessgun in a thread:

and my build now is this:

basically he didnt go in marauder area and dont take IR and RT.
my passives are wrong? should i respec like the build of aimlessgun? need advices pls.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
bump, can some1 help me about the passive tree?
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
well ur build have to less live (18x%) and my really last advice... who says u really need resolute Tech? :)

u also lack a bit on attackspeed ... u have to go away from the usual blender builds...

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trashs1 wrote:
well ur build have to less live (18x%) and my really last advice... who says u really need resolute Tech? :)

u also lack a bit on attackspeed ... u have to go away from the usual blender builds...

thank you for ur help man. i made some changes (ty bigdaddy) since that post and atm my build is this:

yesterday i duelled vs a sword duelist similar to mine, but he was using dual strike (dual wielder). i could kill him with 2-3 cyclone, but by the time i do 1 cyclone he did like 4-5 attacks with multistrike, and he just killed me.
my problem is that without granite flask i have only 24% dmg reduction with perandus shield, hatred, vitality and tempest shield. i tried to switch to lioneye shield, hatred and grace/determination and i go to around 44% dmg reduction. duels went more close, but he could still shot me in 1-2 seconds with dual strike. he told me he got 30k dps with dual strike, and around 40% dmg reduction, 45 block and 4k hp.
what should i do? i dont know hot to obtain more armor / ev (if this is my problem), i can only from gloves and boots.
oh and i got 5k hp with 75 block.
you guys sees something wrong that is eluding me? why i die so fast and dont do enaugh dmg to kill him before he kills me? aimless told that cyclone do more dmg, but dunno...should i try double strike?

edit: i do 12k with cyclone, and i changed my sword, it has 300 dps

PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Dec 20, 2013, 5:21:13 AM
aimlessgun wrote:
You can try CI EK to avoid the cost of Shavs, though you'll lose the 1-shotting ability which is a big part of EK's power.

someone explain this to me pls

because of RF?
ancalagon3000 wrote:
aimlessgun wrote:
You can try CI EK to avoid the cost of Shavs, though you'll lose the 1-shotting ability which is a big part of EK's power.

someone explain this to me pls

because of RF?

with shav you can go low life -> pain attunement
30% more spell dmg is huge
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless

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