no pvp patch??

no pvp patch??
"The final touches on the rapid-fire PvP Tournaments for PvP Season One"
Sad Face
Last edited by Lordsidro on Nov 29, 2013, 1:05:34 AM
Kinda disappointed about this and also no words for the right click -> duel player option.
sad face indeed.
No PvP :(((((((

I'm very disappointed how GGG treats their PvP playerbase (which is already almost dead).

Chris wrote:

The final touches on the rapid-fire PvP Tournaments for PvP Season One. We'll post more in the news about this in the near future.

In the last 2 weeks there was not a single word on the tournaments which were supposed to come with the patch a few days ago. Yet almost everyday there was an "update" on the "news" for upcoming microtransactions and now we even have unanounced supporter packs. Tells you much about the priorities these days :/
Last edited by Xorim on Nov 29, 2013, 7:37:07 AM
Would love to have a option for duels.
Would love to have a bit of balancing(block).
Would love to have a pvp race/tournament/part of season! :)
Thank you for nothing.
Starting to get a Little annoyed as well. I can understand the lack of cutthroat, which I have waited for since closed beta, but now THIS ASWELL...

GGG plz dont forget too much about your PvP before it is too late.
GGG plz remmember that the Cutthroat League has been posted FOREVER as a teaser in the League overview list. If you dont want to make a cutthroat League because of the problems, then u should delete that text because it is starting to feel a bit misleading since we are at full release now, yet we are missing something that was meant to be a huge part of the full release game.

This game is full release now, and season 5 is also out. The only thing MISSING RIGHT NOW is the PvP and cutthroat League. (Which are HUGE Things.) No need more skills. (Skills are small Things compared to PvP.) Even act 4 should be a smaller priority than PvP right now imo.

The "coming soon!" PvP box in the account profile page is taunting me :(
POE is a great PVE game for the people that love PVE. But please GGG, stop luring hardcore PVP players in here by giving them false hope on D2 like full loot hardcore world pvp.

The final version of the game is released, and there isnt any sign of hardcore pvp. I think its pretty safe to say that there wont be any mentionable PVP in this game.

This game is build around PVE balance. Open PVP would require HUGE balance changes. I dont think they are willing to take that gamble.

I know GGG will always be skeptical about making a full length cutthroat league when even 2hr + cutthroat events become unfair for low levels much too fast.

To solve this, an idea would be to try something similar to a wilderness. Where the farther you got into an act, the greater difference level of characters you could attack. This would solve the unbalance of high levels one hitting people at mud flats but this would also incorporate being able to party up with people that vary in level so you can kill a greater range of characters.

Does anyone else think something like this would be great for the pvp fan base?

On another note, I am also very disappointed about the lack of cutthroat events and still no pvp tournaments. =(

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