Scion or Shadow 2.0? Descent Champion Chests.Where are Meleegems?

I was horrified by the gems for the Scion on Descent Champions.

There 2 options and both of them suck!

1. Caster Gems-->You receive gems between Witch and Templar but casters are the weakest form of builds because they require wands like +1 cold gems.

2. Bow Gems-->Those Gems are like copy pasted from ranger rewards. RoA, Pa, LA.....
If I want to play a Bow I would play ranger.

So what if we want to take the Melee Weapon Part?
What do we get?

Spectral Throw->OK
Viper Strike->A shadow/ranger Gem nobody takes-->Why not sweep or Infernal Blow?
Lightning Strike->While I understand it fits into the spirit of the Scion having a Melee+Projetile+Spell Hybrid there are major issues with this skill such as having a high mana cost. The lightings being unable to travel upwards. Projectiles aren't piercing. I would rather see something like Leap Slam or Flicker Strike.(Flicker multistrike is a nice combo and it should interact quiet well is spectral Throw)

Also a Trapper Part might be possible but we don't get Beartrap for Bosses.
We receive Flame Trap and much later Lightning Trap.
I think some gems such as Split Arrow, Lighting Strike and Viper Strike should be replaced to create a different Red Gem/Trapper build.
All you really need is spectral throw as a scion anyway. Why do you care so much.
Just because you can play a 1 skill no brainer it doesn't mean the gems should motivate you to to do so.

I prefer switches between skills such as throw ST on a mob, leap into another and use cleave.
Or use GS to stun mobs and throw a ST.

I would prefer it if the chests would work like the first starter chests when choose 1-2 gems instead of receiving 4 gems and 3 of the gems being useless.

I want my builds to be versaistile as possible. In terms of melee it means if I find a good mace and used an axe before I want to be able to have some close range skills. I don't want to crowd monsters behind me and throw 1-2 Sts if they are at the best range for it.

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