Global PvP

Just a thought, when you que up for PvP can you make it global, match making instead of having to be in the same instance? And able to leave town as well. So you can farm, and que for PvP?
instance doesn't matter only gateway matters
they who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety
Right now PvP takes forever to find a match because nobody wants to wait for the queue. Nobody wants to queue up for PvP because even if they did they invariable get a 1-sided match. Matches are 1-sided because PvP isn't all that deep and you can't self organize even teams.

We need Open PvP so players can suggest PvP in the gamelist and then self organize fair-ish match ups. Then the PvP population will grow and there will be a reason to queue up for a ranked match.

All the other suggestions for fixing PvP: rewards, queuing outside of town, duel challenging, etc., are fine but they neglect the underlying problem that is the custom-social component.
Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP?
Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value
Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward
Main way to attract people doing PVP
Create an instance with level restriction (+-10 levels from monster level) with much more IIR or IIQ or other special benefits.
Such instance works like cutthroat - everyone can join it, penalty for dying to other player be discussed but imo should be none (not to discourage to attack stronger players)
So if youre strong enough to keep the instance for yourself - good for you.
ign Krynix / if offline try GlupiChuj / if offline try FappingStrike
im usually on 5PM-11PM GMT+1
Just realize what you get if they add this. I'm in US but I play late night/early morning everyday. Usually I pvp when I get home from work and there's no one wanting to PVP at 7-10am on US servers so I end up playing on EU where's there's a good amount of activity. Doing so I'm left with 100-200 ping most matches.

If you want global pvp, just understand the lag/desync that comes with it.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -

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