spectral throw vaible? (merci pvp)

hi guys

i had today an rouge exile with my lvl 40 dagger spectral throw / dualstrike scion and he was really hard to kill.

this throw me to this question. What does u guys think about spectral throw and pvp?=

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I think it would be pretty difficult to use. And people could dodge the backswing which would really run into your DPS.

Could be very interesting in group pvp tho.
yes but im crit dagger spectral throw and the dmg is so high and im so fast that the usage is almost like ek. (only more dmg^^^)

my plan imo is range spectral throw and meleh doble strike

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I'd be interested in a spectral throw with high attack speed + GMP + slower projectiles. Designed to flood the area.
Analyze, Adapt, and Ask the devs to change it.

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