1.0 Traps can't be killed for 5 seconds after being thrown

There's a new node in the passive tree that makes it so traps can't be destroyed right after casting them. Quality of life change for PVE but what will happen in PVP? Positive or negative?

I'm kind of upset because my Cyclone will no longer be able to destroy bear traps.

Please discuss!
I'm kinda happy. Now my EA dude won't get rolled over by cyclone and leap slam. :D
IGN: _Firebitch
im kinda frustrated with this node, i think this will make pvp into even more of a trap battle than it already is. it was fun knowing that i could destroy bear traps with cyclone, now my entire offence is gonna be halted if i run into one (when using cyclone).
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
oowarpigoo wrote:
im kinda frustrated with this node, i think this will make pvp into even more of a trap battle than it already is. it was fun knowing that i could destroy bear traps with cyclone, now my entire offence is gonna be halted if i run into one (when using cyclone).

Well... looking at the tree, the trap nodes aren't really attainable by marauders and dualists for sure, if that helps any. For example they're too far for my marauder EA dude to get. I'm not sure if a many people will bother for the investment.
IGN: _Firebitch
Firebrand76 wrote:
oowarpigoo wrote:
im kinda frustrated with this node, i think this will make pvp into even more of a trap battle than it already is. it was fun knowing that i could destroy bear traps with cyclone, now my entire offence is gonna be halted if i run into one (when using cyclone).

Well... looking at the tree, the trap nodes aren't really attainable by marauders and dualists for sure, if that helps any. For example they're too far for my marauder EA dude to get. I'm not sure if a many people will bother for the investment.

I view shadows as the most dangerous for traps, although I can see them being viable with every build due to their power and utility.
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