Level 28 pvp > merci pvp?

Will this be the case in 1.0? Is it better because its more lulzy and provides a more even playing field?

havent played recently and want to get in the pvp scene in 1.0!
ign = ultrahiangle
I don't know if I would call lvl 28 pvp fair, considering facebreaker builds typically 1-shot anyone with 1k life and 50% phys dmg mitigation or less.
IGN: Beardedwizzard
I think HC merc PVP will probably have the best balance.
Last edited by Lordsidro on Oct 18, 2013, 7:48:26 AM
mrmagikboy wrote:
I don't know if I would call lvl 28 pvp fair, considering facebreaker builds typically 1-shot anyone with 1k life and 50% phys dmg mitigation or less.

ya i wasn't too sure, i knew facebreaker would be strong but not sure how strong.
ign = ultrahiangle
ultrahiangle wrote:
mrmagikboy wrote:
I don't know if I would call lvl 28 pvp fair, considering facebreaker builds typically 1-shot anyone with 1k life and 50% phys dmg mitigation or less.

ya i wasn't too sure, i knew facebreaker would be strong but not sure how strong.

Imo he's greatly exaggerating the power of facebreaker's. It's good.
ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
Varanice wrote:
ultrahiangle wrote:
mrmagikboy wrote:
I don't know if I would call lvl 28 pvp fair, considering facebreaker builds typically 1-shot anyone with 1k life and 50% phys dmg mitigation or less.

ya i wasn't too sure, i knew facebreaker would be strong but not sure how strong.

Imo he's greatly exaggerating the power of facebreaker's. It's good.

You probably have not pushed characters to maximum potential then. Facebreakers > all.

Before the physical buff, facebreakers were not the best and many other builds were on par.

The unintentional physical buff to lv28 pvp pretty much killed LLD enthusiasm (imo).
Last edited by exmse on Oct 17, 2013, 11:13:07 PM
exmse wrote:

You probably have not pushed characters to maximum potential then. Facebreakers > all.

Before the physical buff, facebreakers were not the best and many other builds were on par.

The unintentional physical buff to lv28 pvp pretty much killed LLD enthusiasm (imo).

exmse is largely right. Although I think phys swordsman have quite a bit of power if played intelligently as well as ele swordsman. It just takes so much work its literally insane.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug

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