2 race ideas

Well have not doing too many races yet (2 or 3?!) and all just for fun without any real intention to win. But was very happy when I survived my first race! ;)

I have one suggestion more concerning the "infrastructure" or "logistics":
Since I often to not have have time at a given race time what about having 24h time to complete a 1h race? So the race is open for 24h but the play-time is limited to 1h? This would allow all people from all timezones to compete in the same races. Probably more useful for solo-races but actually also team-races should work (though not all races would be possible that way).

What about a qualifying+main race system?
Like 1-2h endless ledge as "quali"
and this character than goes to for example a descent race (or any other... cut-throat would be interesting...) on the next day for x hours?
Depending on the involved race-types one could make some pretty fancy combinations!

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